Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1057

When the nine stone tablets filled the loopholes, the defensive ability of the Longcheng array improved greatly, and the experts lurking in the Longcheng felt something was wrong.

It was still the old house. Ke Yidao pushed open the front yard door and looked at the sky. There were more cracks on his wrinkled face, but his yellow eyes were full of endless killing opportunities.

It\'s not good for them to activate the Dragon City array. Originally, the great sage came in to drill the loopholes of the Dragon City array. Now once the loopholes are filled, they will be excluded. It\'s definitely not a good thing.

"Old lady, what are you doing?" Ke Yidao shouted at the other side, but he coughed violently because he was too hard.

An old woman appeared on the opposite fence and said coldly, "don\'t shout. If the fisherman hadn\'t been merciful, you would have died."

When Ke Yidao heard the old woman mention the name of the old fisherman in the South China Sea, he couldn\'t help getting angry and sneered, "why, your old face is so good, your strength is so strong, so happy in your heart."

"At least it\'s better than you waste." the old woman said coldly.

Ke Yidao gnashed his teeth and said in a cold voice, "wait, I think the fisherman can be proud for how long. Don\'t you just rely on a fishing rod? If it\'s not that fishing rod, how much do you think he is better than me? You don\'t know the inheritance of the fisherman. You can have a general relationship with the former Wu Jialing? I think you like him just because you like the identity and status of others."

The tone hides a strong smell of vinegar.

The old woman ignored it, put her eyes on the sky, said softly, "who is repairing the loophole?"

Ke Yidao sneered: "who else is there besides the treasure pavilion? I guess when the loophole is repaired, it will be our death. The treasure Pavilion is not a kind person."

The old woman said indifferently, "I\'m not in charge of this kind of thing. However, as an elder of the demon gate, you are not in the same way with the princess. It seems that you have taken refuge in the son of the demon king."

Ke Yidao was silent.

When it comes to the question of the heir of the devil\'s gate, no one can calm down. Even Ke Yidao, as the most loyal follower of the devil, can\'t just join the team. But he was invisible.

Because the prince of the magic gate agreed to kill Yang Ping.

The princess not only did not allow it, but also helped Yang Ping escape. When he shot, Ke Yidao saw that Yang Ping used the heavenly devil\'s hand and the heavenly devil scattered flowers, so he knew that the princess came to Longcheng.

That\'s not good news.

Ke Yidao felt that he should kill Yang Ping as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the Longcheng array is restored, he will not only be suppressed, but also be plotted to death. The struggle of the devil gate has always been extremely bloody. Although the princess has a good reputation, she will be merciless once she starts.

Standing on the prince\'s side is tantamount to working against the princess.

The old woman hummed, "you don\'t know the horror of the son of destiny. Do you think the son of the devil will be the opponent of your sister?"


Ke Yidao sighed, but he didn\'t show regret. He said in a deep voice, "for the sake of his son\'s revenge, this is the only way. Moreover, it\'s hard to say whether it will win or lose. Who can guess the devil\'s mind."

When it comes to the devil, no matter how arrogant the old woman is, she doesn\'t dare to do it again.

Because the devil represents the ultimate of martial arts. That\'s the great man they need to look up to.

Ke Yidao wants to recover from his injury and kill Yang Ping. He can\'t delay time, but what he lacks most is time. The old woman turned to leave, but suddenly stopped, looked at the void somewhere and shouted, "sneaky, come out."

A light laugh came from the void, followed by a middle-aged man appeared in front of the two old men.

"Master magic knife, Helian mountain master, younger generation he hang, meet the two younger generations." the visitor is a mysterious boss. Now he has become a real saint and can be on an equal footing with Ke Yidao.

The magic knife, of course, is Ke Yidao, known as the magic knife. At that time, the fastest knife killed many experts with a magic knife. Its road to fame was full of blood and white bones.

Mountain leader Helian is naturally an old woman. He has a great heritage. Unfortunately, the decline of the mountain gate can only lead to a single seedling. However, mountain leader Helian is a famous expert and is more famous than magic knife. The mountain doctor orders divination. The immortal medicine sect inherits the medical skills of wujialing, while the Lord Helian inherits the divination of wujialing. Both are high and low, but Lord Helian is far from Xuanji\'s opponent.

However, being able to occupy a divination already represents the height of his status. You don\'t have to kneel down when you see the devil.

Because the Lord of Helian mountain represents wujialing, a detached holy land that once overwhelmed one Zhai and two gates, wujialing was so brilliant that it declined too fast.

It is said that wujialing disappeared as a whole, and no one knows where to go.

This is the first mystery in the world.

Lord Helian is good at divination and can also see the appearance. When he hang saw him, he didn\'t like it, because he hang\'s face is not only short-lived, but also deep-seated.

"What\'s the matter?" Ke Yidao saw that the old woman didn\'t like he hang, and knew that he was not a kind person. He said coldly, "you are a newly promoted saint, so it means someone has died."

He hang said with a smile: "naturally, my master killed a great saint and passed on his power to me."

The two old men were shocked.

It\'s not difficult for some super characters to kill a great saint, but it\'s unheard of to be able to pass on the power of a great saint to others. The two elders know the difficulty of cultivating to the realm of Mahatma.

The Lord of Helian mountain calculated slightly that the face full of cracks changed one after another, and even the pupils were frightened. Obviously, she guessed a clue, although not all, but enough.

"Get out!"

Helian mountain Lord shouted at he hang, and made no secret of his strong killing. He said in a cold voice: "you sold your soul to the dark place. Do you know what you\'re doing!"

He hang shrugged and said, "I\'m here on behalf of Taoist reverence."

The second old man was even more surprised.

The word "Taoist reverence" makes the two elders extremely afraid, especially the Lord Helian. He has the strongest vigilance against the mysterious Taoist reverence.

"Why did you come?" asked Ke Yidao.

Tao Zun is the supreme realm of heaven, but Ke Yidao is not very afraid, because the master he follows is more terrible than Tao Zun, the Lord of darkness.

"I heard that elder magic knife was injured, so I specially sent the healing medicine." with a flick of my finger, a golden light shot at Ke Yidao, and the air immediately filled with amazing aroma.

The main color of Helian mountain changed and said, "jiuzhuan Danshen Pill."

He hang said with a smile, "master Helian is really powerful. This is the pill given by Taoist priest, which can make master magic knife heal instantly."

Ke took the pill with a knife and his face changed.

"What does daozun want?" Ke Yidao knew very well that daozun was not a good man and would not give people such rebellious pills. He must have something to ask for.

"Kill Yang Ping." he hang smiled, his pupils flashed a strange light and said.


Unexpectedly, Ke Yidao took it directly without any scruples. Before long, his body recovered and recovered to its peak. Holding the magic knife, he had the spirit of crossing the world.

"Master magic knife, I have bad news here." he hang said with a positive face, "Yang Ping has found a way to repair the loopholes in Longcheng. So far, he has repaired half, and there are still half. If the repair is completed, it is almost impossible for the master to kill him."

The magic knife sneered and hummed, "I\'ll go now."

With that, Ke left step by step and went to kill.

The Lord of Helian mountain stared at he hang and made no secret of killing him. He said in a cold voice, "besides the Taoist priest, you have other secrets. Let me see who you are."