Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1056

Zhu Yan thought that the world was invincible, but he was punched back by Yang Ping. Therefore, the stone tablet without death lost its value. Zhu Yan directly abandoned it and placed it at home.

But here\'s only nine dollars. The other half is missing.

Yang Ping found nine stone tablets in a secret room. He also saw a lot of white bones with the smell of Zhu\'s blood on them, and his back was cold. It is certain that these people were killed by Zhu Yan, and they were killed in an extremely cruel way, swallowed up all the blood essence and died miserably.

These people belong to the same family as Zhu Yan, but he is still cruel, which shows that this person has reached the point of madness. Is it dangerous for Zhu Xi to follow him?

Yang Ping sneered at the thought. What does the Zhu family have to do with me.

Zhu Xi was ruthless first. Why should she be sentimental.

After taking the nine stone tablets, Yang Ping is ready to leave. Although she still has an impression of Zhu Xi, she is already discouraged. He hates the relationship between them. He is always on and off, and there is no trust. Where Zhu Xi trusted him in some things, it would not be what it is now.

As soon as she reached the gate, Yang Ping didn\'t leave immediately.

A red Ferrari came from a distance with a wisp of smoke. Yang Ping saw Zhu Xi\'s car all the way. He didn\'t know why. He stayed by magic and wanted to see the purpose of Zhu Xi\'s home.

There is another person in the car, Zhu Yan.

Zhu Yan\'s strength recovered well, but he still didn\'t reach the peak. A father and daughter talked and laughed in the car. Zhu Yan was a speaker. He inserted interesting stories from his childhood, and then talked about his life feelings. Zhu Xi was not fortified, and her family affection for Zhu Yan became stronger and stronger. The injuries he had suffered were slowly healed.

The car stopped at the gate.

Zhu Yan got out of the car and looked at a pair of fierce stone lions in front of the Zhu family. He sighed: "I\'ve been away from home for more than a month, but I feel like I\'ve been away for a lifetime."

His sad tone seemed to really miss the Zhu family mansion.

Zhu Xi comforted: "Dad, don\'t you go home now? As long as you start over, it\'s not a good thing. Blessing and misfortune depend on each other. Dad knows the value of his family after experiencing it."

Zhu Yan nodded and said, "daughter, dad knows he\'s wrong. He doesn\'t care about things in the Jianghu anymore."

Zhu Yan smiled sweetly and hurriedly said, "Dad, just open it."

As soon as Zhu Yan\'s tone changed, he looked worried and seemed to be complaining. He said helplessly, "Dad has done a lot of wrong things. Sometimes he wants to leave the Jianghu, but people in the Jianghu will not let dad go."

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn\'t stop, and the son wants to raise but the kiss is not here." Zhu Yan then shows his nostalgic color and says faintly, "now I miss my family very much. I don\'t know how they are living in the United States."

Zhu Xi was happy and felt a sincere love for home from her father. If her father really abandoned evil and followed good, it would be a great good thing for the Zhu family.

It\'s a pity that Zhu Xi\'s thought is too simple.

She didn\'t know that Zhu Yan didn\'t tell the truth from beginning to end, because she didn\'t dare to say that once Zhu Xi found a pile of white bones in the basement, she would understand that the so-called family members who went to America had already been brutally killed by Zhu Yan.

But Zhu Yan would rather believe Zhu Yan now.

Yang Ping stood not far away and looked at the scene coldly. Her father and daughter loved each other. What a beautiful picture. Zhu Yan\'s acting skills were so good that Zhu Xi was completely in the dark.

But these junk things have nothing to do with yourself.

Yang Ping is leaving.

"Zhu Xi, are you in touch with Yang Ping these two days?" Zhu Yan suddenly asked. A wisp of cold eyes flashed through his pupils, which was well hidden.

"No." Zhu Xi\'s eyes were dim and smiled bitterly. He thought of the collapsed hospital and the suit hanging on the tree. His chest had a faint effect and said, "Yang Ping, where are you?"

Zhu Xi still doesn\'t understand why Yang Ping left the hospital quietly and disappeared.

She felt that as usual, it was just a disagreement. Which couple didn\'t quarrel?

But Zhu Xi underestimated the seriousness of the problem. Yang Ping seemed to disappear from the world and could no longer find any breath. She visited many places where Yang Ping once loved to go, but there was no voice from him.

Overnight, Yang Ping seemed to evaporate.

"What happened between you that led to Yang Ping\'s departure? If it was because of me, my father could sacrifice himself to help you." Zhu Yan said tentatively, staring into his daughter\'s eyes.

Zhu Xi shook her head and said, "Dad, go in. Yang Ping and I actually have no feelings. Just go. It\'s no big deal."

She said in a flat tone, as calm as possible, but deeply hurt Yang Ping\'s heart. He looked at them from a distance, smiled bitterly and said secretly that I was just a passer-by in her heart.

That\'s it.

Yang Ping sighed and left with regret.

Zhu Yan enters the villa and is busy destroying the evidence, while Zhu Xi stays in the front yard of the Linhai villa and looks at the garden like the sea, full of the fragrance of the four seasons. The delicate flowers are in full bloom, as if telling the beauty of the world.

When flowers bloom, life is easy to grow old.

Zhu Xi was obsessed with looking at flowers and couldn\'t help thinking of the days with Yang Ping. Although he wanted to beat people every time, in retrospect, he was not happy.

But what about Yang Ping?

Zhu Xi\'s chest plays a subtle role. Before, she was very indifferent in front of Zhu Yan. It seems to tell him that the relationship between the two people is actually very cold. Unexpectedly, Zhu Xi realized that Yang Ping is the most important person she can\'t lose in her life.

But he left.

Her eyes were red. Zhu Xi clenched her fist tightly, prayed and looked forward to it, and then looked at the world with a sad mood. Without Yang Ping, the world was really gray.

Is this love?


Find the loophole of Longcheng array. The location is sister Mei\'s tomorrow middle school and Longcheng\'s first noble school. The school is full of all kinds of sports cars. In addition to the richest, those who study are the best.

Of course, the best students are free of tuition and fees, and there are high subsidies. As for those who spend money to study, they have a lot of money unless they rely on relationships.

Come to the basketball court.

There was once a stone monument to avoid death. On the basketball court, the students were playing. Yang Ping opened his perspective and saw a lot of black fog on the ground, eroding the students\' lives.

But when Yang Ping put the stone tablet into the pit, the black fog disappeared.

The geomantic magnetic field in the campus changes instantaneously.

Yang Ping felt a cool wind blowing, which was much cleaner than before. A school without evil is the real school.

After finding nine places in a row, Yang Ping put the death free stone tablet in.

At that time, the array of Longcheng seemed to be strengthened. Yang Ping felt that the power of all sentient beings had become much stronger, at least doubling its power.

The next step is to find another nine death free stone tablets, and then fill all the loopholes to completely plug the defects of the Dragon City array.

Yang Ping didn\'t go to sister Mei because she didn\'t want to involve her.

There are too many disputes in the Jianghu. Sister Mei is just an ordinary person and needs to live a peaceful life. But at the moment when Yang Ping left tomorrow\'s middle school, sister Mei in the principal\'s office suddenly looked up, sensed something, and stared at the direction of the basketball court.


Sister Mei sighed and looked sad.

She missed a man very much recently, but she didn\'t dare to contact him by phone because she was afraid that once the relationship was broken, they didn\'t even make friends.

At least now, that person will call occasionally, maybe thinking about himself.

Is this love?