Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1058

He hang\'s face was calm in the face of the threat from mountain leader Helian. He was not frightened by the identity of the other party. You know, the strength of mountain leader Helian may still be above fishing for old people, because she is a branch of wujialing. The immortal medicine sect inherits the medical skills of wujialing and has two heavenly masters. Although the other branches are weaker, their strength is not small.

Helian mountain Lord has no good feelings for he hang, but he also has little feelings for Ke Yidao, even if the two children were killed by Yang Ping.

"It doesn\'t matter who I am. The important thing is that I let master magic knife recover his strength. Shouldn\'t you thank me, master Helian?"

He hang felt that the surrounding void was imprisoned, smiled and said casually: "mountain Lord, we are not good for both sides. The array of Longcheng is not vegetarian."

Helian mountain leader said coldly, "do you think you can force me to do my best?"

He hang narrowed his eyes and said seriously, "if you are not talented, you can at least force the mountain Lord to do your best. The mountain Lord must not challenge the patience of Taoist Zun, especially the current Taoist Zun. In fact, your strength is far from what you can imagine."

Taoist Zun, strictly speaking, can be regarded as the elder martial brother of Helian mountain master. Helian mountain master knows the horror of Taoist Zun better than he hang. In those years, if xuanjizi didn\'t participate in creation and use great magic power to imprison the Dragon City, it is estimated that the world is still another situation. Moreover, Tao Zun lost in losing virtue and little help, which does not mean that his strength realm is much worse than Xuanji Zi.

Now daozun has made a comeback and arranged means for 20 years. No one knows how much trouble he will cause. Lord Helian is afraid of the Taoist priest.

"The mountain master is wise."

He hang turned and walked away, revealing the empty door on his back. He didn\'t seem to be afraid of the mountain Lord\'s sneak attack.

However, as the leader of Helian mountain, he disdained the sneak attack. He coldly watched he hang leave. Just when he hang disappeared into the darkness, a huge gossip suddenly appeared in the sky.

There are faint signs of thunder rolling in the eight trigrams, as if the way of heaven is clear and the fate is reincarnated.

When the eight trigrams fell from the sky, they glittered with infinite golden light, illuminating the whole dragon city. All experts in the dragon city felt their inner fear.


He hang raised his head, frowned, then took out a mask, the size of a palm, turned into a shield and greeted him. Tianlei Bagua collides with the shield and disappears together.

"Mountain Lord, I said you couldn\'t kill me." he hang turned around, smiled strangely, pretended to be helpless and said, "I have to thank mountain Lord for his strength and help me fill up with energy."

The shield shrinks into the palm, and he hang disappears.

After seeing the shield, the Lord of Helian mountain knew that it was difficult to kill each other, because the shield was very famous. It was called TianDun. It was a famous weapon of Taoism and could resist the attack of Tiandao. We can see the strength of the shield.

Taoist priest seems to value this person very much, otherwise he won\'t give he hang the shield.

But who is he hang?

Lord Helian began to calculate. At last, he was shocked and whispered, "it\'s him. No wonder Taoist Zun valued this person so much. His master was known as the first person under heaven. It\'s a pity that he went against the sky and was finally punished by heaven."

He hang was far away from Helian mountain master, and his pupils flashed with ecstasy. In fact, he was very nervous. He fought with the legendary master, but he was unscathed, giving him strong self-confidence.

If Helian mountain master can\'t kill him, who else is his opponent in Longcheng?

I\'m afraid it\'s impossible to catch an old man in the South China Sea.

He hang came to the cherry blossom club and looked at it from a distance, but he saw a powerful array over the cherry blossom club, which was frightening. Of course, this is the array arranged by Yang Ping to resist the enemy\'s attack.

But he hang was not afraid, but showed a disdainful smile, shook his head and said, "before, I admitted that I was not your opponent, but you were outside. When you come back, I will let you know the pain of loss. Start with the cherry blossom club."

He is going to kill everyone in the cherry blossom club. There should always be people Yang Ping cares about.

Taking advantage of Ke Yidao\'s trouble to find Yang Ping, he hang also knew that Ke Yidao would not kill Yang Ping, so he came in advance to let Yang Ping know the sadness and pain of loss.

"Master was killed by Xuanji Zi. I won\'t let Yang Ping die easily. I will torture him slowly until his spiritual world collapses and becomes a complete madman."

He hang thought it over. It would be more difficult for Yang Ping to die than to die.

He came to the door of the club and was ready to go in and kill. With his realm and strength, killing Yasheng was as simple as stepping on an ant.

Yang Ping is only the second sage realm. He hang has achieved the great sage realm. Compared with the two, he hang has absolute confidence, but he wants to kill Yang Ping slowly.

A girl stood on the third floor, lying on the windowsill and looking out, revealing a touch of sadness and missing.

He hang\'s eyes flashed and said in secret that he would start with the girl, control her, then kill everyone in the club, and finally ravage her.

"I don\'t know when Yang Ping will come back." Shi Shi, wearing Tulle pajamas, outlined the perfect curve. Originally, the third floor was not for outsiders, but Shi Shi was an exception.

She is the most popular girl in the club. She does not sell herself. The club also depends on poetry to make money, and the manager knows that poetry admires Yang Ping. Maybe some interesting things will happen when Yang Ping lives on the third floor.

The manager is also selfish.

He hang\'s eyes flashed, a wisp of black fog came out from the top of his head, suspended in front of the window, turned into a ferocious devil, and showed his green eyes.

"Five ghosts hypnosis."

He hang said in a deep voice.

Five ghost hypnosis is a very clever dark hypnosis, which can control the powerful hypnosis of Yasheng, but it will cause terrible sequelae. He hang is directly used to deal with poetry.


The ferocious evil ghost made a sad cry, and he hang\'s face changed dramatically. At the moment of using hypnosis, he only felt the oppression of the whole dragon city.


He hang covered his head, and a golden force appeared in the spiritual world. He came in from the outside and wreaked havoc, setting off strong winds and waves.

"How is that possible?"

He hang quickly left and fell at a safe distance. Looking at the cherry club, he set off a storm in his heart.

The array of the club is far beyond his estimation.

Once touched, it gathered the strength of the whole dragon city to fight back.

He hang was terrified. If TianDun hadn\'t resisted most of the counterattack forces, he would have been seriously injured. But it\'s scary enough.

He looked more at the girl on the third floor and was about to leave.

"I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time."

He hang turned around fiercely and saw Yang Ping standing in the dark. A strong killing machine rushed to explore around. After finding that he was alone, he sneered and disdained to say, "it\'s just a middle stage of Yasheng. He dared to talk big to me."

"Forget it, I wanted to torture you, but I can\'t blame you for sending it to the door. Go to hell."

He hang looked ferocious in an instant, took out his sky shield and jumped at Yang Ping.

"Are you sure it\'s just me?"

Yang Ping showed a mysterious smile and looked at the rear of he hang. He hang was surprised and instinctively turned around. A fishing rod appeared in the sky and stabbed him in the head.