Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1055

In those years, I was excited to reach such a state of Shenyi. Perhaps it was because after I lost it, I realized that it was so difficult to be promoted again, and I could not see hope at countless costs.

God easily regained his composure and said indifferently, "you should know that there is still a realm above the Buddha, but now there is no way to get rid of it. Back then..."

The spirit tablet shook and radiated golden light. God Yi sighed and said, "if you know how I feel now, you should know my determination to ensure Yang Ping."

The Taoist priest said lightly, "I want to know how determined you are."

God Yi Leng said, "I was cut and fell into the realm of heaven. I can hardly see hope."

Taoist Zun was shocked.

I have never heard that Shenyi was stabbed by someone, which hides too much information. What was the state of Shenyi in those days? What was more important was being cut off by others?

Do you still have people above the God?

Taoist Zun thought for a long time, but he still didn\'t promise. He said, "I can stop temporarily, but after the emergence of life and death, Yang Ping dares to stop me. Don\'t blame me for being impolite."

God Yi said, "yes."

"But what do you take in exchange?" Taoist Zun is not a vegetarian. Since he promised not to kill Yang Ping, he must be compensated. Even if the origin of God is mysterious, he is not afraid. Daozu has his own cards.

"Here you are." God Yi shoots a curtain of light.

Taoist Zun looked at it, his eyes showed their fine awn, and shouted, "well, with your mental skill, it\'s much easier for me to control life and death. Shenyi, who are you?"

"You are not qualified to know." God Yi [email protected] ^^$

Tao Zun\'s eyes flashed, but he didn\'t do it in the end. He was very clear about Shenyi\'s character. If he didn\'t encounter big trouble, he wouldn\'t bow his head. Heaven Zun was high and overlooking all sentient beings.

Shenyi must have encountered a lot of trouble, and it is definitely not just using Yang Ping. Although it is not clear for the time being, it is speculated about the state of daozun.

God Yi is not far from disappearing forever. He urgently needs to maintain the power of existence, and only Yang Ping can give this energy.

"I said not to do it, but it doesn\'t mean that others can\'t do it." Taoist priest showed a strange smile, turned and disappeared into the darkness, he was like a corner of the darkness, but different from the darkness of the magic door, he took a kind of detachment. If God was easy to see, he wouldn\'t talk to him about conditions, because Taoist priest touched the threshold and almost entered heaven.


The night passed.

When the sun fell on the window lattice and shone on Yang Ping\'s face, he looked out of the window. It was already dawn. Spent a night, Yang Ping combined with the U disk program, and finally figured out where the loophole in Longcheng was. If you give those people a little more time, you can certainly find more loopholes, which is a very bad thing.

Now that he knows, Yang Ping can be said to have completely understood the loophole. What he lacks is 18 stone monuments to avoid death. Longcheng is like a human body. There are many orifices. Once the orifices leak, there will be flaws. If Yang Ping fills the loopholes, it can delay the chaos in Longcheng.

Breakfast is already ready.

Yang Ping lives in the cherry blossom club and is not used to being served by others. The manager of the club is the confidant of Mingzhu and stays outside all night for fear that Yang Ping needs something.

When he knew that Yang Ping got up, he immediately sent someone to prepare breakfast.

The club manager was going to deliver it in person, but he felt it was inappropriate, so he looked for the most beautiful woman in the club to make Yang Ping feel good in the morning. Anyone who sees a beautiful woman in the morning will be happy.

The club manager did not expect that the most beautiful and popular women\'s poems in the club were willing to send them, and there was no resistance. He was shocked.

Poetry is famous in clubs and even in Longcheng. One is that she is versatile and the other is that she is a top beauty in Longcheng. With the packaging of the club, there are long queues waiting at the door of the club every night. Poetry chooses only one guest every week, and he is still a person of status.

It is precisely because of the arrogant character of poetry that men are more active.

It is said that whoever can get poetry to bed is the first girl picking expert in Longcheng. It can be seen how popular poetry is in the circle of Longcheng.

The club manager wanted to have a try, because poetry is a big brand and may not be willing, but the manager thought it was careless. Poetry seems very willing.

"Strange, poetry doesn\'t know the details of Yang Shao," whispered the manager. "It doesn\'t look like poetry at all. But if poetry can go alongside Yang Shao\'s aircraft carrier, Longcheng can almost walk sideways."

Yang Ping was about to go out when he met a beautiful woman coming in with a delicate breakfast and almost bumped into each other. Yang Ping looked surprised at the poem and said, "it\'s you."

The poem was delighted and asked, "Yang shaoke still remembers poetry."

Yang Ping smiled, shrugged and said, "of course."

Shi Shi put down her breakfast and respectfully said, "Yang Shao, please have a meal."

Yang Ping waved his hand and said, "forget it. I have something to leave. Please bother." after saying that, he was about to leave, but he was held by poetry.

Poetry shows a color of resentment. Even Yang Ping, who is used to beauty, doesn\'t have the heart to hurt her. Poetry is naturally coquettish, smiling and charming, which is difficult for men to resist.

"Health matters. How can Yang Shao not eat breakfast?" Shishi couldn\'t help saying. He pulled Yang Ping down to the table and complained, "is it because he dislikes the breakfast made by Shishi?"

"What did you do?"

Yang Ping looked at the exquisite breakfast on the table and looked at poetry with new eyes. Unexpectedly, each other\'s cooking is also good. There are few such girls now.

Unable to bear to go against the heart of the poem, Yang Ping began to do it with a calm expression.

Shi Shi sat beside her, dragging her delicate chin, looking at Yang Ping with infatuation, revealing her infatuated eyes. After eating, Yang Ping felt the hot eyes of poetry and said, "thank you. It\'s delicious."

Shi Shi said happily, "I\'ll continue to do it for you tomorrow morning?"

Yang Ping hurriedly said, "you are usually very busy. Forget it. I\'m a rough man. Just eat."

The poem smiled bitterly, and I felt sorry.

Yang Ping became more and more confused.

He always felt that poetry looked at him a little differently. That feeling was very direct, but he didn\'t know why. In fact, Yang Ping doesn\'t know that his attraction to girls is absolutely first-class.

I just don\'t know.

"I\'m leaving."

Yang Ping did not continue to think much and got up and left the cherry blossom club. Poetry sent him to the door, looked at his back and sighed helplessly.

The manager frowned, looked at Shi Shi\'s expression in his eyes and said, "Shi Shi, do you like Yang Shao?"

Shishi was surprised, his pretty face showed a panic, shook his head and said, "no, how can I like Yang Shao? I\'m just a dusty woman and don\'t deserve him at all."

The manager is from the past. I can\'t see the idea of poetry. A girl will like a charming man like Yang Ping, but will there be results if she likes it?

"Don\'t forget, Yang Shao is the boss\'s man," the manager warned with emphasis.

Sure enough, when Shishi heard the boss, her pretty face was pale, and a painful color flashed in her eyes, but she soon recovered her calm and pretended to be relaxed. She smiled and said, "there are more Sutra ideals, I just play on the occasion. I want more backers."

With that, the poem turned and left.

The manager shook his head and sighed, "you can deceive others, but can you deceive yourself? Why bother?"

Yang Ping didn\'t know that there was a beautiful woman secretly in love with him in the club. He came to the Linhai villa, which is the territory of the Zhu family. In the villa, he felt the breath of the stone tablet of life-saving.