Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1054

The mysterious boss felt the infinite expansion of power in his body, and his strength level was rapidly improved. He was very excited and couldn\'t help shouting excitedly. It\'s like the struggle of the monkey king, watering the road of power with blood.

With the improvement of strength, the mysterious boss sees a road, which is the road of the great saint. Far beyond the realm of saints. There are two different levels of power. If the sage is the fruit of the Tao, and the great sage is the second rebirth based on the fruit.

When the bronze mask disappeared, the mysterious boss knew he was further away from revenge.

Killing Yang Ping and xuanjizi is the dream of the mysterious boss. Every day, he will play the spirit of master in heaven, bless him to obtain the ultimate strength and avenge him.

Now it is finally realized that he has reached the great sage realm. It is impossible with his qualification, but he has succeeded.

The realm is stable, and the strength is in the great saint realm.

The mysterious boss breathes a sigh of relief, opens his arms, and feels the relentless and endless power, such as the body, which is the vitality evolved by the sublimation of Qi strength combined with the power of emptiness.

Vitality is more advanced and powerful than Qi strength. To achieve the great sage means to have a steady stream of vitality. How can the sage realm be an opponent. The great saint can crush the saint at will. Unless it is the kind of sage who goes against the heaven to the extreme, such as the son of destiny such as Princess Mormon.

The talent of the son of destiny is not common sense. It can be inferred that the whole of China may be a son of destiny.

"Yang Ping, I can kill you myself soon!"

Ferocious laughter echoed in the valley.

Returning to the ancestral hall in the village, the mysterious old man silently swept a group of his men. Before they could react, they suddenly screamed. A wisp of white fog came out of their heads and rushed to the mysterious boss.

When the mysterious boss left the villa, the ancestral hall turned into a pile of ashes.

The whole village was silent.

The mysterious boss goes out of the mountain village, stands on the top of a mountain, looks at the continuous peaks, and crosses 100000 mountains to reach Longcheng. That is the prosperity of the city. Different from the isolation here, it is the real paradise.

What he wants is not only revenge, but the whole dragon city.

The eyes were cold. The mysterious boss stood on the top of the mountain. He didn\'t move for a few hours. Finally, a cold wind blew, the temperature dropped sharply, and the wild flowers on the side of the road bent their bodies, just like the subjects under the king.

"It seems that they value you very much."

A cold voice came from the void. The mysterious boss immediately knelt on the ground and said piously, "see Taoist priest."

Tao Zun appeared on the top of the mountain and looked at the mysterious boss shivering on his knees indifferently, just like the ruthless way of heaven, without any movement.

The mysterious boss knelt on the ground, feeling uneasy. He didn\'t know how to deal with such a scene. Before he came, he thought about many situations and could compile many lies. However, after he really saw Taoist Zun, he found that he couldn\'t hide anything from Taoist Zun, and the other party could see through him.

"Darkness gives me the power of darkness. I have been promoted to the realm of Mahatma. Please clarify the next thing." the mysterious boss trembled.

"You continue to do things for them." daozun nodded and felt that the mysterious boss had no other thoughts. He took back his nihilistic momentum, looked into the distance and saw the essence of the world. He sighed, "when your master was killed by Xuanji, he was the last person who wanted to impact the realm of Tianzun, but he went the wrong way."

The mysterious boss dared not answer.

"Do you know why your master was killed by Xuanji?" the Taoist priest asked.

The mysterious boss was shocked, then calmed down and said, "because there is no double artifact."

Taoist Zun shook his head and said coldly, "because your master was about to enter the realm of heaven, xuanjizi killed him. Twenty years ago, your master suffered a reckless disaster. He could not have come to the Dragon City, but he came for your martial mother."

The mysterious boss\'s shoulders trembled and he was very sad to think of his dead Master and teacher\'s mother.

Tao Zun said again: "the realm of heavenly being is a taboo. You can see another scenery in the past, which is completely different from the great sage. It is equivalent to jumping out of the shackles of the world and destroying the balance of the world. Without one more heavenly being, there will be many natural and man-made disasters."

The mysterious boss suddenly raised his head, showing a look of horror.

He didn\'t expect that Wudao still had this theory, but from the mouth of Taoist Zun, he must be right. As a Taoist priest, I absolutely disdain to deceive him.

"Taoist Zun, as long as I can avenge my master, what am I willing to do?" the mysterious boss shouted.

Tao Zun did not immediately arrange the task, but looked at the mysterious boss with great interest, his eyes penetrated into the flesh and saw the core power in the body. At the Dantian, there is a dark energy hidden in the balance space, which is invisible to ordinary people, but the Taoist priest can see it clearly.

With a grab, the dark force at the mysterious boss Dantian was forcibly caught and turned into a bronze mask. The empty eyes of the bronze mask burst out scarlet eyes, looked at the Taoist priest and wanted to curse.

Taoist Zun sneered and hummed: "just one avatar wants to deal with me. Even if you try your best, it may not be my opponent. Let you go at that time. Don\'t think I\'m afraid of you."


The bronze mask was entangled by a white air and turned into smoke.

The mysterious boss was terrified. When he saw Taoist Zun, he flattened the power of bronze adults, making him have a deeper understanding of Taoist Zun\'s strength.

The bronze Lord is absolutely in the realm of heaven, but he has no power to resist the Taoist statue.


The tempered power went back into the mysterious boss. Taoist Zun said, "you can go to the dragon city. I have set up the art of hiding heaven in your body, and you can go in and out of the Dragon City freely."

The mysterious boss is very happy. If you don\'t need to be afraid of the array to enter Longcheng, killing Yang Ping is a very simple thing.

He left with a thousand thanks.

Taoist Zun didn\'t leave, but looked at the stars in the night sky. One was so bright that it almost overtook other stars. Dark way, senior brother, the battle between you and me has not been decided yet. I don\'t believe you can hide all the time and don\'t do it yourself.

"Take back all the things I lost back then."

The only time Taoist Zun failed was when he competed for the position of sect leader in Xianyi sect and lost to his elder martial brother xuanjizi. Then he left Xianyi sect and set up another portal. As a result, the strength of Xianyi sect was greatly damaged and the inheritance was almost broken.

Over the years, one of the things Taoist Zun wanted to do was to prove that he was stronger than Xuanji.

"You are not Xuanji\'s opponent at all."

A sarcastic laugh came out of the night sky, and then a dark light came and turned into a golden sign, on which the word "Shenyi" was impressively written.

Taoist Zun said with an expressionless face, "come and join the fun?"

God Yi Lingwei said coldly, "I\'m not interested in the struggle between your teachers and brothers. But this time you\'ve gone a little too far. If you release the dark king, you should know the consequences. Let me remind you, don\'t be complacent. There is no existence that can kill you. Cihang Jingzhai can kill you."

The Taoist priest stared at God Yi\'s spiritual position, with birth and death flashing in his pupils.

"What do you want?"

The Taoist priest frowned.

God Yi\'s holy position is very special. No one knows what he exists. He has existed for a long time, but no one has seen the real body.

"I want to protect one person," said Shenyi.

Taoist Zun snorted coldly, "with your strength, can\'t you protect a person?"

God changed his way: "the person I protect is the one you want to kill."

Tao Zun narrowed his eyes and stared at God Yi Lingwei. After a long time, he asked, "why?"

"He is the hope of my complete resurrection," God said in a deep voice.

Taoist Zun laughed and said in a cold voice, "your hope of resurrection, others don\'t know your identity. I may guess that you don\'t need Yang Ping at all, but want to use him to get the five element gold needle."

"You don\'t know the realm of this place in those years. Do you think the heaven is the highest?" God Yi shouted.

Tao Zun was silent.