Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1053

In front of the window on the third floor of the cherry blossom club, Yang Ping\'s mind moved and her eyes immediately focused on this side, but here, except for the cherry blossoms falling by the wind, there was only a strong night.

Yang Ping appeared where the cherry blossoms fell to the ground. He closed his eyes and felt the sad smell of the crushed cherry blossoms into mud. Suddenly, he suddenly opened his eyes. The tiger body trembled slightly and murmured, "is it you, pearl."

No one responded.

In addition to the faint sadness in the air and the smell that turns into ash on the Pearl.

With a slight sigh, Yang Ping knew that the Pearl would not appear. Although she did not know why she stubbornly avoided the darkness, she knew that it was a thing that made him very distressed.

The Pearl lurked in the dark and silently sheltered him from the wind and rain.

Back to the cherry blossom club, the guard at the door showed a grateful look. If Yang Pinggang scolded, he would not be able to keep the job. But Yang Ping doesn\'t care. Other big people may get angry directly.

Yang Ping patted the guard on the shoulder and said, "do a good job."

Guards stand at attention, standard salute.

At the exit of the stairs where Yang Ping disappeared, the guard suddenly became confused and said in a secret way, hasn\'t Yang Shao gone out?

Lying on the big bed, tossing and turning, I couldn\'t sleep. The relationship between Princess magic gate and Ke Yidao was very strange. Princess Mormon seems to want to kill him, but it\'s actually helping him. Without Tianmo hand and Tianmo scattered flowers, Yang Ping might die under that knife.

But Ke Yidao is still an elder of the magic gate. Yang Ping can\'t figure out why the princess of the magic gate wants to help her?

This must not be a coincidence.

There must be some specific cause and effect.

Yang Ping felt unprecedented pressure, especially the Pearl thing. She wanted to solve all the problems and let the Pearl come back.

Unfortunately, it can\'t be achieved.

The great sage realm in the dragon city has appeared, and all forces will jump out and have a final decisive battle. Before, it was impossible for the great sage realm to enter the dragon city. Now there are several at once.

Is the seal gradually losing its effect?

Yang Ping was awe inspiring. This is not good news. Once the seal completely loses its effect, countless experts will come in, and even the heaven realm will appear. That\'s trouble.

In fact, Yang Ping thought more.

The realm of heaven has already appeared, and the Zhai Lord once entered the Dragon City, but Yang Ping didn\'t realize that the seal arranged by xuanjizi in those years could only stop under the heaven.

Tao Zun and other people standing at the top of the world are not afraid of Xuanji\'s array, but afraid of some mysterious power in the dragon city.

He asked the manager for a computer to open the USB flash disk robbed from AI Shen. Yang Ping thought that there was nothing interesting about the USB flash disk, but the military was bound to win the USB flash disk, and even sent out experts of Li Yang\'s level.

Li Yang is known as the second expert of the military Li family. His strength is in the realm of the sage king. It can be seen that the Li family attaches importance to the USB flash disk. Unfortunately, I was so unlucky that I met Princess magic gate. Even the military God said two things to the princess of the magic gate.

Junshen is a very special figure. Although he is still at the peak of saints, his combat effectiveness can be called terrible.

After the USB flash disk is opened, a map appears on the computer, which is full of longitude and latitude lines, contour lines and various diagrams, which decomposes the dragon city into countless pieces.

The USB flash disk program opens automatically, rows of numbers appear on the screen and start operation.

Yang Ping just couldn\'t understand it, but soon his face changed wildly, showing an incredible color. He was shocked and said, "it\'s really powerful. I didn\'t expect it to be amazing. Someone can decompose the defense array of Longcheng and find loopholes."

"That\'s great."

Yang Ping admired the wisdom of those military computer engineers who could decompose the array of a heavenly realm. When countless people were helpless about the array, they used programs to solve it, and actually found a breakthrough.

In the dense formula, the map of Longcheng began to change. Red dots were marked one by one and refined into a line, which is a gossip shape.

In the two Yin and Yang points of the eight trigrams, Yang Ping saw something different.

Calling up the latitude and longitude coordinates of the two poles, Yang Ping took a deep breath and began to speculate. He is also a super hacker. He knows the calculation formula very well. So this night, he concentrated on cracking the array of Longcheng, wanted to know in advance and prevent it.

If you know the loopholes in the array and fix them in time, you can certainly delay the chaos in Longcheng.

This is a great merit.

At the moment when Yang Ping began to be busy, two places captured the signal.

On the top floor of Sanyuan building in Longcheng, a group of expressionless white people stared at the numbers on the computer screen. Suddenly, I don\'t know who shouted: "the signal source appears!"

Everyone gathered in front of the speaker\'s computer.

The office door is open.

Dr. J quickened his pace, came to the computer and said in a deep voice, "where does the signal source come from?"

The man hit the keyboard, quickly found the address of the signal source and said, "Longcheng, cherry club."

Dr. J narrowed his eyes, then showed a cold smile and said, "spread the news at an appropriate time. If you guessed correctly, Yang Ping must open the military USB flash disk. At that time, many people must rob it."

The others looked at each other and understood Dr. J\'s plot.

A mountain village in the suburb of Longcheng has just been connected to the network, and a group of mysterious outsiders have connected the network to the village, but it is still in the testing stage. In order to thank these mysterious outsiders, the villagers specially vacated the ancestral hall. The villagers only know that these people are in the ancestral hall all day, and nothing will happen.

When Yang Ping opened the USB flash drive, a startling voice came from the ancestral hall.

"Found it."

A man in black shouted excitedly, and then others began to track Yang Ping\'s computer, but Yang Ping set up a powerful firewall and couldn\'t break through for a time.

"Where is the address?"

A middle-aged man in a suit, with a national face, an eagle nose, cold light from his eyes and an extremely cold breath, asked, "everyone concentrate on stealing each other\'s signals."

"Yes, boss."

The mysterious boss\'s eyes flickered, staring at the computer screen and whispered that it was the cherry blossom club. The rumor was true. Yang Ping got the secret of cracking the Longcheng array. He kept a low profile during this time, even far away from the struggle of Longcheng, and was bent on cracking the Longcheng array.

Now we have finally found a breakthrough.

The mysterious old man burst out a strong hatred in his pupils and said, "Yang Ping, your utilization value is over."

He turned to leave the ancestral hall and came to the back mountain tomb where the villagers buried their ancestors. He couldn\'t see how he sent a signal. Soon, a bronze mask appeared in front of the mysterious boss.

"Master, we have found out that the source of the crack of Longcheng array is in the cherry blossom club and Yang Ping\'s hands." the mysterious boss bowed down and said in the most pious tone.

The bronze mask was suspended in the air, and its empty eyes glowed with cold light. He said, "well, I\'ll send someone to get it. Continue, relying on the loopholes of the Dragon City array, release the great king of the night."

The mysterious boss showed fanatical eyes and gasped: "we wait for the dark army to come to the world. The great master will dominate everything."

"I give you strength to reach the holy realm."

The bronze mask stared at the mysterious boss, and then the light flashed into his eyebrows. Then, the breath on the mysterious boss soared, breaking through some rule limit.