Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1001

The shadow winds, like a tentacle reaching for the body of the cherry blossom swordsman. Yang Pingmeng turns back, seals and drinks, "spiritual skill, Emperor\'s coffin!"

The seal rose from the ground and trapped the shadow. Yang Ping\'s fist overflowed with golden light and punched his opponent. The fist touched the emperor\'s coffin, and the emperor\'s coffin was broken. The shadow didn\'t expect Yang Ping to fight back so quickly. He slipped away and contracted his body to avoid Yang Ping\'s fist.

It\'s a pity that he misjudged Yang Ping\'s strength.

Although seriously injured, it is still strong.


The golden light of his fist hit the dark shadow, and he made a painful cry that was different from human beings. Obviously, Yang Ping\'s Nine Yang Qi caused strong damage to him.

But he didn\'t kill him with one punch. Although the other party was very afraid of the Qi of Jiuyang, he was at most injured, turned around, jumped onto the tower and disappeared.

Standing in place, Yang Ping was silent.

He had long felt an ominous smell, deliberately turned away and gave a meeting to the mobile phone, but he didn\'t expect to lead to a monster. It was just a slip of time, but there was a thick dark smell around him.

Yang Ping thought of the monsters under the cave. Recently, he kept a low profile. It seems that he relaxed his vigilance and those things came out again to make waves.

The death of the Sakura swordsman and the death of the island\'s generation of experts in China will inevitably lead to an uproar, but this is not something he should consider. The island country has lost its core combat effectiveness, and it is impossible to compete for the unparalleled artifact in China.

Yang Ping was not happy because there were too many enemies and the island country was only the weakest link. The major Chinese superpowers and American powers can\'t be underestimated. What scares him most is that there is no movement in those boundless and powerful holy places.

Do they want to see an artifact that changes the pattern of the world fall into other hands?

Absolutely impossible.


Yang Ping was ready to leave, but when he saw the cherry blossom swordsman\'s body, a faint blue light appeared in his pocket. When he took it out, it turned out to be a priceless box.

The material of the box is Phoebe, so the material is the top in China, with price and no market, and it is also the best tree heart of Phoebe.

But such an expensive box is only used to hold one thing. It must be something very important to Sakura swordsman. Opening the box, Yang Ping\'s eyes focused.

There are no jewels in the box. Instead, it is plain and there are no bright treasures in front of you.

A yellow hide lay quietly on the box.

Yang Ping was surprised and wondered, "what\'s this? A piece of animal skin is worth packing in a golden nanmu box?" he picked up the animal skin and saw that it was densely branded with ancient words the size of rice grains, extremely profound words, which he couldn\'t understand for a time.


When Yang Ping\'s spirit was spying, the ancient characters the size of rice grains glowed blue, blocking the exploration of outsiders. Yang Ping was shocked. He felt that every word was like a star, boundless, and spiritual power could not be detected.

What powerful words!

Yang Ping finally understood the value of yellowing animal skin. Once he left things on his body, he could resist the power of all living beings in Longcheng and give full play to his full strength.

This is the reason why Sakura swordsman is confident.

i see.

Yang Ping didn\'t expect to get such an awesome baby by killing the Sakura swordsman. The previous shadow target was probably this box. Fortunately, it was not lost.

After searching the body of Sakura swordsman, I found nothing useful except Swiss bank promissory notes, about $2 billion.

Yang Ping smacks to himself. NIMA, the sage of the island country is really rich. He casually spends $2 billion on him. You know, there are many billionaires, but very few of them casually spend $2 billion.

The Nine Tailed Fox with the cherry blossom sword has disappeared.

Yang Ping left the sewage treatment plant to return to China Airlines Group. Zhu Xi\'s heavy blow to Wang\'s group\'s stock will trigger a chain reaction, killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred, which may be retaliated by Wang Qiming.

He felt that he had to go back and forth, lack of skills, and need to find allies in a short time. Otherwise, he would be prone to problems.

Back to China Airlines Group, everything is stable.

The chief financial officer is reporting to Zhu Xi about the attack on Wang\'s group in his office. He is full of sadness. Not to mention the loss of Zhu\'s group, the cash flow of China Airlines Group is almost lost. It is very difficult to continue to develop. It would be good if he could maintain no retrogression.

Zhu Xi frowned, unable to find a solution, sighed.

The chief financial officer wanted to stop talking, but when he saw Yang Ping nearby, he had no choice but to leave. It is the time for the development of China Airlines Group. People with intentions will put pressure on the banks and deliberately hinder the bank loans of China Airlines Group. Moreover, the debt ratio of the group is already very high, and the refinancing may collapse.

The top priority is to find enough cash to support the operation of the group.

The golden home in the north of the city suffered great losses due to the collapse of the foundation pit, which led to the work safety supervision bureau and other relevant departments to order the shutdown.

Some people just want to cut off the capital chain of China Airlines Group. This is an open and aboveboard conspiracy, which makes you have no way. Zhu Xi wanted to use the money of Zhu\'s group, but she encountered unprecedented resistance.

Those once obedient shareholders and the elders of the side branches of the family unexpectedly opposed Zhu Xi.

Without their consent, Zhu Xi could not find a large amount of capital injection in a short time, and could only watch China Airlines Group fall into trouble.

With a slight sigh, Zhu Xi rubbed her head and caught a glimpse of Yang Ping coming in. She poured a cup of coffee, sat opposite and drank it melodiously.

"I\'m leaving Longcheng for a few days."

Zhu Xi saw Yang Ping\'s indifferent face and wanted to be angry, but she thought about it. Even if she was angry, there was no way to solve the problem.


Yang Ping put down the cup and asked curiously.

During this period of time, it would be very dangerous if Zhu Xi left the line of sight. Yang Ping shook his head and said, "don\'t leave Longcheng for the time being. It\'s not good."

Zhu Xi stared into Yang Ping\'s eyes and asked, "give me a reason."

Facing Zhu Xi\'s question, Yang Ping took it lightly, shrugged and said, "I don\'t want you to be too far away from me. I\'m afraid something will happen to you, or I\'ll feel guilty all my life."

Zhu Xi blushed and her heart beat faster, but soon pretended to be calm and hummed: "China Airlines Group needs a lot of money to run down. I have some interpersonal relationships in the capital. Maybe I can pull some investment."

Yang Ping breathed a sigh of relief. He thought what Zhu Xi was doing in the capital. It turned out to be a matter of money.

"You don\'t have to go, I\'ll give it to you." Yang Pingba said.

Zhu Xi stared at him and said angrily, "I\'m not kidding you, Yang Ping. I really need a lot of money this time. You don\'t want to go to the casino. Do as few things that are risky as possible. I\'ll find a way. You don\'t have to worry."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "I really have a way. Otherwise, let\'s make a bet."

Zhu Xi snorted coldly, "do you know how much capital China Airlines Group needs? If you take it out within five minutes, you can bet anything."

Yang Ping\'s eyes lit up and shouted, "seriously?"

Zhu Xi felt Yang Ping\'s overbearing eyes and scanned her delicate body. It seemed that her body was seen through by him. Her face was hot and she was a little afraid. However, when she thought of the huge capital figure, Yang Ping couldn\'t take it out. She gritted her teeth and said, "seriously. As long as you take out one billion immediately."

"You can bet anything?" Yang Ping rubbed his hands and the thief smiled.

Zhu Xi didn\'t believe that Yang Ping could immediately take out one billion yuan. She secretly said that she might as well take this opportunity to let Yang Ping be honest and stay in the company, so she said, "you can bet anything. But if you lose, you must be on call and can\'t leave the company."


Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi speechless.

Zhu Xi bowed her head and dared not look at each other.


A pile of bank promissory notes appeared in front of her. Zhu Xi looked at it, and her pretty face changed greatly, revealing an incredible look. A series of numbers on it blinded her eyes.

"I want you..." Yang Ping came over and sniffed Zhu Xi\'s hair and said with a smile.