Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1000

Cherry Blossom swordsman is the top expert in the island country. He holds the cherry blossom sword and is arrogant. Yang Ping is indifferent to killing nine subordinates, like flying cherry blossoms. Yan Hong is as cold as blood.

"Do you think you can challenge me by killing a few wastes?" the cherry blossom swordsman walked to the ground step by step and walked in the air. However, Yang Ping knew that this was the ability of the sage. He could use his Qi to suspend at his feet and rotate at high speed to generate thrust to keep his body balanced.

Yang Ping can do it, but it takes a lot of effort.

Cherry Blossom swordsman doesn\'t hesitate to waste his strength and pretend to be an expert. He doesn\'t take Yang Ping in his eyes. Even if he doesn\'t have to do his best, he can kill Yang Ping.

There is a smell of killing.

The smell from the sewage treatment plant is mixed with the bloody smell of the square, forming a bloody picture. The Sakura swordsman locked Yang Ping, approached him step by step, and said proudly, "you are not qualified to let me out of the sword. But it\'s your honor to die under me."

Yang Ping secretly said in his heart, do island people like to pretend to be forced so much?

"Sakura empty!"

The cherry blossom swordsman suddenly took his hand. The kimono was windless and automatic. Cherry blossoms floated one after another. They turned into a tornado and appeared on Yang Ping\'s head. Then he drilled a dry palm from the dark hole and stabbed Yang Ping\'s head.

This move, Yingkong, is a famous stunt of Sakura swordsman. It is enough to deal with the saints. Even the saints should go all out in the early stage.

Yang Ping looked up, his mind moved, as if a cold wind had blown, and the cherry blossoms scattered all over the ground and disappeared without a trace. Yingkong\'s move was easily broken by him.

"You..." Sakura swordsman\'s face was dignified and shocked. Although Sakura Kong just now didn\'t expect to kill Yang Ping, because he could catch the power of Longcheng, he shouldn\'t be so understated.

He became cautious.

Yang Ping said coldly, "it\'s my turn."

Six Harmonies and eight wasteland!

Yang Ping\'s move is the second move of Jiuyang Shenquan, as if the emperor swept the sky with the spirit of six eight wastelands.

Sakura swordsman perceives an extreme danger. If he resists hard, he will be injured. Too late to be shocked, he suddenly drew his sword and wanted to break the fist power sweeping the Six Harmonies and eight wastelands.


The fist is as strong as steel, and the sound of metal collision occurs between impacts.

They were as motionless as a mountain.

It looks equally divided.

Yang Ping\'s face was calm and frowned. Unexpectedly, Sakura swordsman\'s swordsmanship has reached the state of turning decay into magic. No wonder he is the top expert in the island country.

However, the cherry blossom swordsman never saw peace in his heart. His arms trembled slightly. The tiger\'s mouth numbed with the cherry blossom sword and his chest was very uncomfortable.

How is that possible?

He was shocked. He didn\'t expect that the power of Yang Ping\'s fist not only forced him to use the cherry blossom sword, but also suppressed him. A boy in the middle of Yasheng and an expert in the middle of sage, it can\'t be said that no one will believe it.

Because the difference between them is a whole big realm.

The gap between saints and Asian saints is far more than imagined.

"You\'re out of the sword."

Yang Ping said calmly.

The cherry blossom swordsman was furious. He said that Yang Ping was not qualified to let him draw his sword. People forced him to use the cherry blossom sword and almost couldn\'t resist it.

burning shame and humiliation!

Sakura swordsman\'s eyes were cold and he shouted, "ignorant young man, today you will see the supreme swordsmanship of Dahe nation. Let you wait for the Dalits to see what swordsmanship is!"


The cherry blossom swordsman danced his sword. The sword light flashed, and the sword Qi turned into pieces of cherry blossoms, covering the sky above his head. It seemed that dark clouds were coming and gloomy. The dark cloud fiercely stabbed a light into Yang Ping\'s chest. It was too fast to defend.

Yang Ping\'s face was calm. Since he came, he was determined to kill.


The sword light passed through his shoulder. Yang Ping ignored the sword wound and gave his life to attack. He hit the cherry blossom swordsman in the chest.

Sakura swordsman was stunned, but he couldn\'t escape. He got a punch and hit the ground. There was a huge pit. Sewage came out of the ground and wet his kimono.


The cherry blossom swordsman scolded. He looked like an expert. He killed Yang Ping again and showed Cherry Blossom swordsmanship.

Yang Ping showed his nine Yang magic fist and fought with the island\'s swordsmanship. At the end of his fist, his fist was invincible. Although he suffered several swords, he became braver and braver. His eyes became crazy and his head was empty. Many previously unsmooth Jiuyang Shenquan were completely inspired at the moment.

After a hundred moves.

Yang Ping grabbed the cherry blossom swordsman\'s arm and pulled it violently. The cherry blossom swordsman screamed. His arm was forcibly torn off and fell to the ground, terrified.

The boy is crazy.

He lost an arm, but in exchange for a sword on Yang Ping\'s chest, it is reasonable to say that he should go to combat effectiveness, but instead of falling down, Yang Ping showed a dull smile, which made the cherry blossom swordsman panic.

His body was so strange that he was hit by so many swords that he didn\'t fall down.

Yinghua Dajian teachers and students are eager to flee. They dare not fight hard. Yang Ping can only fight without death. This is the first time he has gone all out to kill a person.

But the other arm of the Sakura swordsman was torn off. Yang Ping stepped on his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood and spit. He said coldly, "that\'s all the swordsmanship of the island country."

The cherry blossom swordsman lost two arms and was a loser. He resented: "boy, don\'t be arrogant. If you don\'t underestimate you, I\'ll kill you the first time."


Yang Ping pierced Cherry Blossom swordsman\'s chest and broke his heart. He was too lazy to talk nonsense to him.

The breath of Sakura swordsman is getting weaker and weaker. He can only lose his vitality and die in the sewage treatment plant, which is no different from those who endure.


Yang Ping coughed violently, covered his chest and ejected a mouthful of blood again.

In the middle of killing a saint who went all out, Yang Ping was seriously injured and paid a high price. The Nine Tailed Fox is still alive, but it\'s almost there. Tortured by the experts of the island country, if it wasn\'t for one breath, it would have collapsed.

She saw the most shocking duel in her life. Although she knew that Yang Ping was very strong, she should not be the opponent of Sakura swordsman, but the result was shocking.

The Sakura swordsman lost his arms and was killed with one punch.

Nine Tailed Fox has never seen such a miserable saint. Even the Sakura swordsman didn\'t expect to die so miserably before he died. The cherry blossom sword fell to the ground, and the Nine Tailed Fox stared at the sword with burning eyes.

Yang Ping pulled up the Nine Tailed Fox and said, "didn\'t you leave Longcheng? Why are you still here?"

The Nine Tailed Fox smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "even if I escape to the ends of the earth, I can\'t avoid the capture of the shadow. The shadow of the island country is everywhere."

Yang Ping has heard of the shadow, which is similar to the hot and yellow teams in China. They are all powerful and specialized in assassination activities all over the world. They do everything as long as they give money, and their reputation is very poor.

Several of the nine dead Shangren are shadow masters.

Yang Ping picked up the cherry blossom sword, handed it to the Nine Tailed Fox and said, "take it. I can see that you like it very much. It\'s my little heart for the black cow."

Yang Ping took a breath and turned to leave when he mentioned the black bull, but at this time, a dark shadow rushed at the body of Sakura swordsman, extending like a shadow without a sound.

"Can\'t you wait?"

Yang Ping shook his head and snorted coldly.