Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1002

A rough estimate of $2 billion.

Zhu Xi suspected it was false, but it didn\'t look like it with her eyes. She stared at Yang Ping for a moment and asked, "where did you come from?"

"Don\'t keep looking at me, or I\'ll be shy."

Yang Ping smiled, shrugged and said, "robbery. Hooligans like me can only rob."

Zhu Xi was startled. Her face turned pale and said in a trembling voice, "Yang Ping, don\'t scare me. If you rob two billion dollars, you will be shot."

She is really afraid that money can be made slowly, and the company can start over when it goes bankrupt, but there is no turning back when she enters the cell.

Feeling Zhu Xi\'s worry, Yang Ping felt warm. At least few people could resist the temptation of $2 billion. It was very rare for Zhu Xi to think of his safety at the first time. At least in front of money and people, she chose personal safety.

"Don\'t worry, money can be used boldly." Yang Ping patted Zhu Xi on the shoulder, and then whispered, "our gambling appointment just now..."

Zhu Xi grabbed the promissory note and said seriously, "I\'ll lend it to you. I\'ll give it back to you slowly later. Yang Ping, I have a lot of things today. If you\'re okay, just stroll around."

With that, Yang Ping stared and called Yang Yuxin. The two women left together. Seeing Yang Ping\'s dementia, Yang Yuxin couldn\'t help asking, "Dong Zhu, what happened?"

"No, he\'s ready to re-enter the management of the company. It takes some time to be mentally prepared." Zhu Xi\'s voice came from the outside.

Yang Ping reacted and shouted, "no, obviously I won..." sensing that the two women entered the elevator, shook their heads and said helplessly, "I know the result and have to bet with women. I\'m funny."

The president\'s office is quiet.

Yang Ping smiled, took out the golden Phoebe box, opened it and observed the yellowing animal skin. The ancient words on it were shining blue.

The yellowing animal skin is made of animal materials. It has a good texture and can wash the soul. It looks like a national treasure.

"What is it?" Yang Ping pondered. He had never seen a treasure that could escape the pressure of Longcheng. Although he knew that many great masters were hidden in Longcheng, he realized that the problem was serious when he really saw it. The devil gate Qingqing said that the tomb was really opened, and more experts waited for the opportunity.

If all erupt, there may be masters at the Mahatma level.

Yang Ping\'s heart was tight. He didn\'t believe it. Now it seems that if there are masters at the level of great sage in the Dragon City, how can he fight a second sage?

Tension surged into Yang Ping\'s mind. Yang Ping thought about asking about the layout of the Dragon City experts, so she thought of the devil gate Qingqing. Maybe she could know the specific situation from her mouth and how bad the dragon city was.

The phone rings.

Yang Ping received a call from Wang Jie and asked if he was free for dinner. He helped the police recover Wang Lun\'s body and taught the forensic how to identify the injury, especially the wound made by the armed man, which is very different. At first, those forensic doctors didn\'t think so, but after being educated, they admired him and wanted to worship him as a teacher.

The location is set at Bayi hotel.

Looking at the time, it was almost dinner time. In order to thank Fang Hai and Yang Yuxin for coming down to help Zhu Xi, Yang Ping made sure that Zhu Xi and Yang Yuxin actually cashed a check in Huaxia Bank. There was no danger for the time being, so she went to Bayi hotel.

Bayi Hotel, a military Hostel, rarely receives outsiders.

Whenever the people above come to Longcheng, there are only three choices, one is Haodu Hotel, one is the municipal Party Committee Guest House, and the last is Bayi hotel.

The armed police stood guard at Bayi hotel. After the notification, Fang Hai and Wang Jie came out to meet them in person. After a few drinks, Yang Ping learned that Zhu Xi\'s case was over, prepared to inform the society and found the doubt about Wang Lun\'s death. Wang Lun was strangled and killed with a blunt weapon in disguise.

The perpetrator was an old hand, but he forgot that modern scientific instruments could see the scars in the body, and other evidence would appear in the body a few days later.

The case is finally over.

A meal was actually very short. In less than half an hour, Fang Hai and Wang Jie were going to return to the capital overnight. Wang Jie had a lot of things to do in the public security department, so they hit it off immediately. The three met to see each other in the capital.

Seeing off the three of Fang Hai, Yang Ping stood at the gate of Bayi Hotel and thought of a busy figure. Now he is in a high position and will become a vice state-level leader in the future. He said, "old man, your body is important."

Until Fang Hai\'s car disappeared, Yang Ping took a taxi to the community opposite the police station. The 18th floor seemed calm and hidden in the urban community, but the overwhelming darkness inside sometimes emerged, which was prohibitive. There are at least three sage masters here.

Yang Ping came to the 17th floor and the gate opened automatically.

The sound of the piano is melodious and the song is ringing around the beam.

What a sound of nature.

Yang Ping walked into the gate, his mind was calm and interested in listening to Qingqing singing. The reason why Qingqing of the magic door can be reused in the magic door is inseparable from his own conditions. She is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She looks more beautiful than big stars and has excellent temperament. If she is willing to take the road of entertainment, she must be a superstar.

Unfortunately, she just wants to play and sing quietly, longing for the peace of life. From the sound of her piano, a picture appeared in front of Yang Ping. In the empty mountain, the spring was Ding Dong. The whole world in the mountain was very quiet. There was no dispute, no killing, only peace.

This may be the world that Qingqing yearns for.

When the sound of the piano broke, Yang Ping couldn\'t hear the song. He was disappointed. He sighed and said, "this song should only be in the sky. It\'s rare to hear it on earth."

"If you can understand my voice, I allow you to ask a question." the green soft voice came from inside, without other colors, like a stranger.

Yang Ping strode into the apartment.

Qingqing is wearing a linen dress and sitting in front of a piano. Her figure is curvy and exquisite, just like a holy fairy. She didn\'t look carefully before. Now she finds that Qingqing\'s appearance is not inferior to other beauties, and has her own characteristics.

Shanbo accompanied him. When Yang Ping came in, he showed his vigilance.

"Shanbo, please go out for a while. I have something to talk to Yang Ping." Qingqing turned her head and smiled at Shanbo, "don\'t worry, I\'m fine."

Shanbo nodded and walked out of the apartment.

"Do you know music?"

Qingqing asked curiously, with a strange glow on her beautiful face, as if surprised that Yang Ping could hear and feel her piano.

"I don\'t understand, but a good voice is felt with my heart. Miss Qingqing\'s quyi is unparalleled." Yang Ping sincerely praised.

Qingqing shook her head and said, "you think too much. Compared with Miss, I\'m not worth mentioning."

Yang Ping is more curious about Qingqing\'s so-called miss. Qingqing is very excellent, but in Qingqing\'s eyes, the mysterious miss is even more powerful. Although he had a conflict with Miss magic gate, he didn\'t care about others at that time. He didn\'t expect to be so powerful.

"Yang Ping, you don\'t agree with my lady. I\'m only willing to answer you one question. It\'s a good fate." Qingqing said coldly when she saw Yang Ping\'s intention.

Yang Ping was anxious to know a problem.

Where is the Pearl?