Extremely Beautiful Wife

Chapter 34

Yesterday, Zhuo ran said to her.

Qianqian, from now on, you only have me in your eyes, and I only have you in my eyes.

Qianqian, I want you to come into my life completely.

Qianqian, come to the company with me tomorrow.

Qianqian, let's go to your parents the day after tomorrow and let me help them out.

Only then did she know that she knew nothing about him and loved her wholeheartedly. All he seemed to know from his mouth, she didn't want to know his past, didn't want to know the people and things around him.

For example, now that he is back, she has never asked him what he started his business in France on and what business he mainly engaged in. How can he return home in such a short period of two years.

Even the powerful director of the Public Security Bureau has to bow.

Finally, she realized.

In the past, she was so ignorant and naive.

I think that love is love, and it has nothing to do with any person, thing or thing.

But at that moment yesterday, she seemed to fully understand that love is not only about two people, but also about social relations, family members and ideas.

What's the matter with her? Because I grew up? So think more?

If so, she would rather not grow up, would rather muddle through life.

In the dark, she knew that she understood too much and some facts were too ugly for her to bear.

Just like that time, when she was chased by a dog, and then it came up from behind with a big mouth open, that mouth burned an indelible mark on her back.

The instinct to survive prompted her to jump into the icy river.

The dog is so well-trained that it goes to the throat.

Someone must have wanted to persecute her behind her back. In the end, she just chose to flee. In France, she stayed for five years. In the year of senior three, her father called her back to China.

At that time, she decided that it was good to be confused, at least not with pain, at least she still lived well.

Outside the window, the bird can't stand the hot and dry. It hides in the dense branches early and enjoys the rare shade. The cicada who can't see the shadow is singing all the time. Under the action of the automatic sprinkler, the grass is shining like a diamond. In the distance, the little white house, which is said to have a dog, is now coated with white light, which makes people's eyes ache.

Fu Xiaoqian, who got up early, sat on the balcony after washing and looked at the empty space downstairs because of the heat.

There are red sports cars coming in through the self opening doors.

Whoa, stop. You can tell that this car has good performance.

In this way, Fu Xiaoqian had no idea of going downstairs.

"Dang, Dang, Dang '

" Qianqian, are you awake? " Zhuo Ran's voice is still so clear and warm.

"Well, wake up." Fu Xiaoqian responded to the door.

"May I come in then?" He would consult her before he did anything.


On the door handle, there was a sound of being turned, but it didn't work. Oh, she forgot that she went to lock the door before going to bed yesterday. She didn't know why she had to do so much. It flashed through her mind and she did it.

No other ingredients.

Maybe, but what is it?

She shook her head, trying to get rid of the idea that came out of the mess.

Run quickly to the door.

After caressing the wrinkles caused by sitting, some smiles piled up on his face. Then he gently lifted his fiber arm, untied the insurance and opened the door.

"Get up late, wait a long time?" She holds the door edge and smiles.

"No, I didn't sleep well a few nights ago, and I had jet lag, so I just got up." Zhuo ran stretched out his hand to Fu Xiaoqian and said, "let's go and have dinner. I'll have to go to the company later. "

"Oh, good." She handed him her hand and closed the door with the other.

She smiles at the bottom of her heart. Every object here, every corner, Zhuo ran should know it.

Maybe it's a little bit of mystery. She thought so in her heart.

Downstairs, the servants had already put the food on the table.

They sat down with tacit understanding. Tacit understanding didn't say anything. Tacit understanding finished breakfast quickly.

Then, Zhuo ran picked up a warm towel from the porcelain plate and handed it to Fu Xiaoqian.

He also took a piece and gracefully wiped his mouth, then wiped his hands.

The corner of the white towel is still embroidered with the word "Zhuo".

In such a short period of time, he has done everything, from towel to the whole villa area.Perfect, perfect to make people wonder, is this secretary in two years, never left the city.

But how could it be?

Secretary, it's not for overuse in these places.

She pulled her mind back in time, and she was thinking again. A cold and fever made her become the queen of doubt.

In my heart, I ridiculed myself.

"Did you eat well?" He added pointlessly.

Fu Xiaoqian nodded.

He mysteriously winked at Fu Xiaoqian, stretched out a finger and gestured, "I have a gift for you."

He went around her, took the towel out of her hand and put it back on the porcelain plate. Then he took her little hand and said, "come on, I'll show you."

Fu Xiaoqian did not stand side by side with him, wrong or even separated by two arms.

Zhuo ran pushed open the wooden door. The red sports car just came in front of them, shining bright.

"This is my graduation present for you. Do you like it?" He said to her with a smile.

"Give it to me? It's too expensive. " She seems to have said that to someone.

"No, I think it's too light. I am the future lady of Le Jue group, but I can afford anything precious in the world. "

It turned out that his company's name was le Jue, which she heard for the first time.

"But..." She was still thinking about how to refuse.

He picked up her face and forced her to face herself.

"It's my little intention. Don't refuse, OK?" It's a question, but with obvious compulsion.

Her eyes flashed and she nodded.

Yes, why refuse?

She was a little confused, too.

"Let's go. I'll show you its performance." Zhuo ran took her down the steps. Then he let go and opened the door for Fu Xiaoqian. He put one hand on the top of the door frame and let her into the co driver's seat.

When she sat down and tied her seat belt, she walked around the front of the car and got into the cab. The first time to update

is good, she knows.

But she just thought about it and didn't say it.

Park your car at the company gate? Is that all right? Would it be a little suspicious to tell the world?

Soon, they arrived in front of zhuoran's company. It can only be called a medium-sized building, because just a few blocks away, there stands a landmark building in the city. She once appeared there. People there have a representative understanding of her. She is the wife of the owner of that building.

Although that is not the truth, who will go to deliberately verify the authenticity of the words of the man who spoke a lot in this city?

She believes that no, even if there is, it should also be deeply hidden.

I don't know when, Zhuo Ran has already stood beside her, it seems that he has called her for a long time, and a trace of impatience has appeared on his face.

See Fu Xiaoqian look back at him, he did not trace the ground, will soon be that silk impatience hidden.

The gentle smile returns to Zhang Qingjun's face again.

"Sorry, I was distracted just now." Fu Xiaoqian leaned out of the passenger compartment and stood in front of him. The corner of the mouth raised a radian, apologetically toward Zhuo ran smile.

"What did you think? So absorbed. "

"Nothing, just a little shocked by your achievements. I want to have a good look. " Fu Xiaoqian put her palm on her forehead and looked up at this building, which can be compared with a miracle.

It's high. It's at least fifty stories.

He did it in two years?

Impossible, impossible.

This is definitely not a work that can be completed in two years.

Is it amazing?

She didn't want to come to a conclusion at will, because from beginning to end she didn't believe that one could create it in two years.

So? He's been cheating on her all the time?

This perception made her feel bad.

Does it hurt?

It seems to be, and it doesn't hurt that much.

"Fool, we still have a lifetime to look at it slowly. Are we still eager for this moment?" Zhuo ran put Fu Xiaoqian in his arms and bent close to her ears. The sound was like a willow on the lake in spring, but it couldn't stir up a ripple. On the contrary, I only feel a faint coolness.

"It's just that I'm too eager. People are a little confused." Fu Xiaoqian blushes a smile, this just will Mou Guang take back, coagulate to the side, will she be trapped in the meeting of Zhuo ran. Close, the line of sight is more blurred, she seems to see his face. She rubbed her eyes hard, then rubbed them again, but she couldn't really see them. Finally, she chose to give up.

Sometimes, isn't it better to see vaguely? If you really see it, the world will no longer be so beautiful and ugly.

It's better to be confused.

These days, she is like an old man who has gone through many vicissitudes. She always wants to open her eyes that can't see into the world and try to find the truth.She didn't like such a person.

"I've tried the car's performance. It's very good." The key of the sports car was hanging on her white fingers, which swayed slightly in front of her eyes. The fingers envied by women were shining like snow under the action of the sun. If you look carefully, you can see the capillaries with clear veins.

For a long time, Fu Xiaoqian didn't want to pick it up. He took the initiative to hold her palm, put the car key on it, and touch her fingertips with the other hand to roll it up.