Extremely Beautiful Wife

Chapter 35

These days, she is like an old man who has gone through many vicissitudes. She always wants to open her eyes that can't see into the world and try to find the truth.

She didn't like such a person.

"I've tried the car's performance. It's very good." The key of the sports car was hanging on her white fingers, which swayed slightly in front of her eyes. The fingers envied by women were shining like snow under the action of the sun. If you look carefully, you can see the capillaries with clear veins.

For a long time, Fu Xiaoqian didn't want to pick it up. He took the initiative to hold her palm, put the car key on it, and touch her fingertips with the other hand to roll it up.

"In the future, it will only belong to you." His eyes were warm and smiling.

His hand is so ice, Fu Xiaoqian struggled for a moment, trying to break free - fruitless!

Yes, how can the skin like blood not be ice?

Then he lowered his head, looked at the car key wrapped in his palm, and said softly, "OK."

To see her should, Zhuo ran laughed, smile lines in his face a circle of dizzy, covered the whole face. Fu Xiaoqian felt that the next moment, he would be embedded in his body.

This time she obeyed, letting herself be so trapped. She found herself in a constant retreat in front of him.

Stiff and mechanical, she knew exactly what she was going to face.

Inside the door, led by Secretary Wang, there were already two rows of people standing in line. They saluted together and said, "good morning, president."

"Well." Zhuo ran hummed a word from his nose. His expression was lazy and alienated. Later, he pushed Fu Xiaoqian forward, "this is your future wife, she can represent me."

Everyone looked at each other, hesitated, but forced by the dignity, they bowed their heads again and said respectfully, "good morning, madam."

From that pair of eyes, Fu Xiaoqian read out too much information, there are good drama, there are disdain, there are jealousy, there are hate, more should be looked down upon.

Yes, she looked down on herself. She married someone else and published in the newspaper. She became another person's wife. She was so cheap that she even despised herself.

"How's it going? Do you like it? " Zhuoran seems to have not noticed Fu Xiaoqian's pale face, as always gentle, even smile is so handsome.

Today, he seems to be in a hurry, as if nothing has been thought through his brain. Usually, he would ask her for advice before doing anything? Why today's he is more imposed.

He insisted on trying the performance of the expensive sports car with her.

He insisted on parking at the gate of the company.

He insisted on putting the car key in her hand at the door of the company.

He insisted on introducing her in front of everyone.

It seems, never asked, is this OK? Whether it's what she wants.

If you don't ask, even if you ask about these things, you still have to do them. It's just ahead of time now.

Let it go.

She dropped her eyelashes and laughed faintly. A pair of shallow pear vortices on her cheek filled with deep sadness.

"Shall I show you around?" Zhuo ran embraces Fu Xiaoqian and just stands in front of the elevator. The voice of secretary Wang comes from behind.

She stepped forward quickly and gave a low cry, "president."

She is a typical professional woman, white short sleeve shirt, collar has a button spread, wearing a silver clavicle chain, her clavicle set off sexy and charming. The lower body is wearing a black skirt with a small fork at the back. Pedal a pair of black shoes with low heels to expose the white legs.

She is really beautiful and young, but she has to dress up very mature. Her long silky hair was tied up in a bun. A pair of eyes with black edges and solid frames on his face.

Fu Xiaoqian doesn't understand. Why does she pretend to be so old? Maybe this can better control the role of secretary.

Next, it did show Fu Xiaoqian that she was not humble and resolute. Before Zhuo ran showed her sign to continue, Secretary Wang took the calendar and began to report.

"Because you are busy with personal affairs these days, there are many things piled up. At nine o'clock, branch managers will report to you; at twelve o'clock, President Li of venture capital will come to you for dinner to talk about the investment plan for the second half of the year; at two o'clock in the afternoon, you will be arranged with a finished clothing appraisal meeting; at four o'clock in the afternoon, you will be required to attend a board meeting, and you may have dinner together in the evening, We need to get in touch. "

Zhuo ran took over the calendar from Secretary Wang and turned it over. He didn't expect that there were so many things piled up in just two days. It seems that there will be a lot of things for him to do next. Indeed, he has never been free since he took over the company.

"Move this one to tomorrow." He pointed to the top part of the calendar.

"President, they have been waiting for you for a week. If they delay further, the next work may be difficult to carry out. They are waiting for your next instruction." Secretary Wang didn't look down at the position of Zhuo Ran's finger. With only Yu Guang, she already knew which one Zhuo ran was referring to. She didn't have the authority to deter the boss, and she was still so unashamed.Zhuo ran didn't seem to give up. He gently touched the paper and moved down slowly from the first one. He carefully analyzed it and tried to gain some time from it. He really wants to squeeze out some time to accompany Fu Xiaoqian, who came to the company for the first time today. He wants to take her around. He knew that if she left Fu Xiaoqian alone, she would encounter many problems here, which he knew very well, and he didn't want to make her so embarrassed for the first time.

He was hesitating to see that someone had spoken before him.

"Madam, the president's time is quite urgent. I may not have so much time to accompany you today. It's a mistake of my arrangement. I don't know... " Secretary Wang turns his eyes to take a picture of Fu Xiaoqian standing on one side and throws out an ellipsis. He looks humble. The light from the back of his black glasses startles Fu Xiaoqian.

The light was too sharp for her to look directly at.

In a trance, she has an illusion that Secretary Wang seems to be more enterprising than Zhuo ran.

"It doesn't matter. You can go and be busy. I'll just walk around and get familiar with the environment." Fu Xiaoqian hastened to answer the question. She attached her hand to the calendar that was still spread on zhuoran's hand. "Don't worry about me. You can't delay your normal journey. Don't you say that there will be plenty of time in the future? Why rush to this moment? I'll take care of myself. Go and get down to business. "

She returned what Zhuo ran had just said to him intact.

When he heard that Fu Xiaoqian was so considerate and put himself in his place, he couldn't stick to it any more.

"Well, well, that's the decision. There are a lot of things piled up these days. You're the only one who can go shopping first. But remember, no matter what time you meet, you should always remember to go straight to the top floor to find me. " He came forward, gently hugged Fu Xiaoqian and leaned close to her ear. The warm air immediately surrounded her. "I've arranged your office on the 26th floor, which is the clothing product development department. It's just your professional counterpart. Shall I take you up? "

After that, he looked at her with a smile, not even aware of himself. His deep eyes were full of expectation.

Fu Xiaoqian deliberately to ignore, she just gently shook her head, raised his arm, silently urged him to go busy with his own things.

Two years later, she really changed, she became strong, no longer need him, rely on him.

Surprised, with a touch of sour in his heart, slowly dizzy.

Such mood, let him inexplicably some irritable, turn around, no longer reluctantly, led Secretary Wang into the exclusive elevator.

Watching the two enter the elevator, they are in a daze for a while, feeling as if there is a thorn in the back behind them.

She knows that if she wants to stay in this company, she will be the talk of everyone in the next days, at least for a week, maybe even longer. It's not something that someone or some force can stop.

What can we do? If we choose this road, we have to go on bravely.

Strive to build a high defense wall at the bottom of my heart to resist all the ridicule and damage from the outside world.

After all, how can that wall be strong.

It's no big deal. She kept telling herself in her heart, shrugging her shoulders and pretending that she didn't care at all.

But things are easy to think of, but difficult to do. At the moment when she turned around, the wall that had been built for a long time still collapsed.

After all, it's only a short time since we stepped out of the University, and our ability to bear things is limited.

In the face of everyone's eyes, she compromised and lowered her head.

She wanted to cry, she wanted someone to rely on, she wanted someone to put up a shield for her.

Cowardice! She hated herself a little.

But she didn't want to rush out of the door like this. At the moment, her heart was mixed and contradictory.

Dragging her leaded feet, she turned and stepped into the elevator.

She needs to find a corner where there is no one, so that those threads at the bottom of her heart can be sorted out gradually.

She needs a space like this.

So, she chose to go to the balcony on the top floor. She knew that there would be no one there during working hours. It must be the cleanest place.

But she was wrong.

When she gently pushed open the door of the stairwell, she was surprised to see the two people who had just entered the elevator in front of her. They also appeared here.

It's just a little far away from her.

She couldn't hear their conversation, but she could see all the movements.

Zhuo ran seemed a little too excited and almost crazy. Sometimes he raised his hand, pointed to Secretary Wang, and waved to her. Pure white cheek already rose red, a pair of black eagle eyebrows high frown.

His whole body seems to be burning flame, the flame is too grand, like the hot desert sun, everywhere, strong and compelling. This is zhuoran that Fu Xiaoqian has never seen. She is a little afraid.

Standing opposite him, Secretary Wang didn't seem to be connected by the fire. She hung her hands on both sides, looked straight ahead, and occasionally answered zhuoran's words. Fu Xiaoqian was so calm that she felt inferior to herself.In this cold and hot period, it seems that two equal forces are equal. Every heavy blow of Zhuo ran hit the cotton, which was deeply negative and elastic, and all of it was bounced back.

Fu Xiaoqian thought of avoiding and drew her hand back from the door. Maybe I didn't know that the door had automatic rebound function, maybe I was stunned, and my mind lost the ability to think.

The door closed with a bang.

The sound made led the two people's eyes to her side.

She had to harden her head and push the door out.

"I didn't know you were here, did I bother you?" Fu Xiaoqian approached them.

"No, we're done." Zhuo ran turns to Wang Secretary again, under her one eye, light way, "you go first, inform them to my office to have a meeting."

"OK, I'll arrange it right away." Secretary Wang's voice is a little lower this time, and seems to be more respectful.

As she passed by Fu Xiaoqian, she nodded to her, and the sharpness behind the lens seemed to be restrained.

This cognition, let Fu Xiaoqian's footstep pause for a moment, looked back at the Wang secretary who left straightly.

"Why did you come up?" I don't know when, Zhuo Ran has come to her side, will she scattered in the cheek of broken hair close to the ear, action gentle, completely no just that hot flame.

"Oh." She pause for a moment, give yourself a psychological buffer time, "want to come up to see the scenery."

"Well, the scenery here is really wonderful. Standing here and looking around, you can see the scenery at a glance. " He takes Fu Xiaoqian to a higher platform and points around to introduce her. I don't know whether it's intentional or unintentional. His finger seems to stay in Liao's building for a longer time than other places.

"Qianqian, take me to your home to visit your parents tomorrow. I want to know their current situation earlier and give the rectification plan earlier." He also pointed to the surrounding area, "maybe in the near future, your company will also be located in this prosperous commercial area."