Extremely Beautiful Wife

Chapter 33

Finally, I had to mutter in a low voice, "I saw the young lady with a young man."

"You go out first. I want to be alone for a while."

This voice is like a dying old man. At the last moment when he is old, he wants to express his complete words with the strength of his whole life, but this sentence is so powerless to others.

Fortunately, Wu Ma knew him and understood him.

She knew how firm he was when he said that. She glanced at the already cold soup and had to put it on the cupboard at the head of the bed. Stand up, turn around, take a few steps, there is a look back on the bed.

I saw him struggling to open the bedside table, from which fumbled out a packet of cigarettes.

Liao Zhenbo is not addicted to smoking. He lights a cigarette only when he is very upset or unable to make a decision. Then he stands by the window and looks at the sky, letting the cigarette burn out slowly.

He knows the harm of cigarettes to his health. He can't make himself sick easily. He doesn't have the capital to make himself sick. He has his own people to protect. There are so many families waiting for him to eat with their mouths open.

So it's a luxury for him to be sick.

But now, he wants to be sick, he wants to lie down like this forever. Say he is shrinking or weak.

Yes, at least in this matter with Fu Xiaoqian, he is weak.

He looks down on himself.

Fog hazy his eyes, there is a beam of light, is also lax.

She still can't wait to run to be with him. After last night's skin kiss, their relationship is closer.

A basin of ice water poured down from the top of his head, penetrated through the clothing materials, such as countless black ice needles, stabbed into his skin, and then penetrated through each pore.

But he didn't feel a chill.

Because, at the moment, his heart seems to be colder than xuanbing.

"Young master." Wu Ma went back and lifted out a leg, but she was still in the air, and was pulled by Quan Shusheng.

She looked back at Uncle Quan, who shook his head at her.

She had to give up and went out with Uncle Quan.

Today is her mistake, and in the future she will make more efforts to make up for today's mistake.

Secretly, Wu Ma made this decision in her heart.

Li Haoyu, who was also expelled from Muyun's room, stood in the corridor, looking into this room and which room.

Ah He gave a long sigh at the bottom of his heart.

In this way, the two proud sons of heaven look down on everything in the world. But in front of love, but also appears so humble, powerless.

Love is a grind, but everyone is equal.

It can't gamble, only two sincerity collide, can produce the spark.

He has always been invincible, and now, is also so helpless.

The door, opened again.

Li Haoyu and lesen met him.

From inside came out two old men, who were staggering, glinting through their wrinkled gullies.

"Uncle Quan, mother Wu." Li Haoyu couldn't bear to disturb the two old people.

"Young master Li, help me to go in and persuade our young master." Wu Ma raised her turbid eyes, shaking her arms and holding Li Haoyu's hand tightly. The first time to update, as if he was the last straw that crushed the camel, the crucial straw.

She had high hopes for the straw.

"He..." He wanted to say that it might be better to give Liao Zhenbo the space to be alone now, but when he looked at his eager eyes and refused, he was swallowed again, "I'll try."

He was sent to the door by Wu Ma, pushed the door in, and smelled of smoke, even if there was the best air conversion system.

"It's not good."

Li Haoyu did not go directly to Liao Zhenbo, but increased the power of air conversion. Then he came to the window and drew the curtain to the maximum.

Shua, the sun blatantly shot in, generously illuminated every corner of the room.

Liao Zhenbo has no waves of cheek, nerve is pulling, pulling out only infinite magnified desolation. If Li Haoyu's words were not the same as what he said to him, he pressed the cigarette butt in the crystal ashtray at hand, drew one out of the cigarette box, and puffed it fast. Within a minute, the cigarette came to the bottom again.

Press off, pull out, he kept repeating these two movements.

It's like a century has passed.

Li Haoyu still couldn't hold back. He looked at the highest landmark building in the distance and said, "I thought you were a pine and cypress."

"So what?" The sound came from the bed, empty and far away.

"Since I knew you, you have been a God in my memory. There doesn't seem to be anything tricky for you. As long as you are given enough time and space, you will be able to handle it easily. " He moved his eyes to the distant sky, eyes focused, can see that he is really trying to remember.More than 20 years since childhood. Liao Zhenbo is not the oldest of them in terms of their happiness, difficulties, setbacks and misfortunes, but they are willing to call him the eldest. Because he has such capital and qualification.

He understands the personality traits of each of them and knows that putting forward appropriate opinions and suggestions can perfectly solve their problems. As long as there is him, their world will be smooth and smooth.

But now, his world is about to collapse, and he wants to prop up the collapsing wall for him.

"Maybe you look up to me too much, maybe I'm just a lichen attached to the rock. As long as the outside world plays a role, I'll be gone."

Li Haoyu didn't want to hear these words. The impatience on his face has begun to show, he does not allow his boss to belittle himself so much.

He won't allow it!

Absolutely not!

Before Liao Zhenbo finished, he interrupted in a hurry, not giving him any chance to go on decadent.

He began to question.

"There is only one Fu Xiaoqian in your heart now?"

"Without your mother, without our brothers, without thousands of families?"

"Maybe in the past five years, she has been your strongest support. But did you tell her? Have you given her a chance to make her own choice? " Li Haoyu still didn't look back. He didn't want to see the expression on Liao Zhenbo's face. He was also afraid of going to see it. He was afraid that he would lose the courage to say it again. "Boss, you don't have it. You haven't even given the opportunity to speak. How do you know what her wishes are. Along the way, only you, only you keep making decisions behind her back. You know what? It's not fair. "

"In the world of love, everyone has the right to know. You can't take this right away from her

One after another, Liao Zhenbo feels discouraged.

"She knows. I'm afraid she'll run faster."

He stared numbly at the ceiling, all the sour and astringent are surging up, he can only stare bigger, bigger. It is not that he is embarrassed to shed tears, but only in this way, he will feel that he has never lost.

But no matter how unwilling he is to admit it, some things are losing quickly.

This is the first time and the only time Liao Zhenbo has tasted the loss. That taste is bitter, with a deep sense of powerlessness and frustration.

Even on the day when his mother went mad, he was not so worried.

Because he knew that as long as he was alive, he would have a better hope. At that time, he was positive.

"What do you know about her? All of them? "

Li Haoyu's words are powerful, just like a big hammer, smashing into Liao Zhenbo's chest. He began to reflect. Yes, he had "known" her for five years, but he had never really contacted her. He could only know her secretly from the side.

He remembered that on the first day after returning home, he couldn't wait to find her. At that time, she was in the third stage of senior high school, the most tense moment of her studies, and he couldn't bear to disturb her.

Wait a minute, he told himself. When she went to college, he would show his mind.

At that time, she will be easier to accept if she shows her mind. He wants to give her a happier campus life. It was the first time to update

but before she had time to wait for her injury to the University, someone intervened in them.

This person is Zhuo ran.

He wanted to stop it, but he gave up. He thought this relationship would not last long. After all, it was too green.

But who ever thought, they will be so inseparable, even time and distance can not cut them.

When he understood this, he was really afraid. If he didn't decide, she would be someone else's bride. So he came up with the quickest way.

Go straight to her father, show your heart and ask for his help.

He recalled this road, he seems to have no real contact with her, but constantly feel for her.

Is it true that I am too overbearing?

Maybe yes.

Know all about it? It seems that It's impossible.

"I think you have the answer in your mind." After a long pause, Li Haoyu turned around, walked to the bedside, pulled the nearest chair and sat down.

The smoke has completely dissipated.

In front of my eyes, there was a clear scene.

The answer is already in his heart, Li Haoyu believes.

He knew that his boss was a God, a God that could not be defeated.

"Say it and I'll do my best." Watch the time, hold him, don't let him back. The earth may really continue to rotate if it is away from anyone, but if G city is away from Liao Zhenbo, it will at least stagnate economically and even cause violent turbulence here.

He is the business card of G City, the benchmark of G City, and the sky above thousands of families in G city.

Just now, he had noticed that there were no less than ten papers in leson's hand.He knows that any one here represents a huge number.

Li Haoyu should not only cheer Liao Zhenbo up, but also pull Fu Xiaoqian back to him.

"Bring me that agreement."

For a long time, Liao Zhenbo spat out these words. Li Haoyu was stunned and frowned.

Is that right?! He also wants to be tough.

Is that right?! I said so much in vain?

How could Liao Zhenbo not know Li Haoyu's idea? He hooked his lips, "I think that only by leaving her around can we get to know her slowly. At that time, let her decide whether she is willing to stay with me. "

Know at this moment, he realized that no matter what Fu Xiaoqian become, he really can't leave her.

It turns out that everything comes from his jealousy.

Originally, the extreme of jealousy is heartache.

Yes, his boss stood up.

"OK, I'll do it right away." Li Haoyu was greatly relieved and his smile revived on his handsome face.