Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1093: The power of building wood, strengthen!

San Yijia and Yuan struggled to know how to stop Lin Yu, while Lin Yu took this opportunity to absorb the anima of the remaining four enslaved beasts.

Time passed quickly.

"Can\'t wait like this any longer!"

San Yijia became more and more impatient.

He felt that he had to do something at this time, and he couldn\'t keep watching Lin Yu become stronger.

Yuan agrees with his words very much, but after agreeing with him, he still can\'t think of any good ideas.

Yuan had thought about possessing Gu Xin to deal with Lin Yu, but after seeing the battle just now, he completely dismissed this idea.

He was completely unsure that he could kill Lin Yu while facing the eight free beasts.

Perhaps the only solution now is to possess San Yijia and use San Yijia\'s powerful divine body to deal with Lin Yu.

This is a sure-fire way to win.

But will San Yijia agree?

Obviously not possible.

"Yuan, you let Gu Xin drive the flying beast to fight the giant golden eagle, and I\'ll go down and deal with Lin Yu."

At this moment, San Yijia suddenly proposed.

Gu Xin couldn\'t stop Lin Yu successfully because Gu Xin was too weak, but it would be different for him.

San Yijia is confident enough to kill Lin Yu.

Therefore, as long as Yuan ordered Gu Xin to deal with the giant golden eagle, the current situation could be successfully resolved.

"Do you think I\'ll agree?"

Yuan asked back.

San Yijia\'s proposal is very good, but it is seriously against his interests.

Just imagine, if San Yijia successfully kills Lin Yu, then he will be able to get the original fruit that Lin Yu took away.

And after San Yijia gets the original fruit, will he still take it out and divide it equally?

There is no doubt that it is directly monopolized.

So Yuan can\'t agree with San Yijia\'s proposal anyway.

"Sure enough, you don\'t believe me at all."

Seeing Yuan\'s refusal tone, San Yijia had to snort coldly.

Yuan Wenyan asked rhetorically: "Do you believe me? If you believe me, let me possess and let me use your divine body to deal with Lin Yu, so the odds are better."

San Yijia was silent.

How could he possibly agree to such a request?

Afterwards, the two continued to observe the battle on the ground without saying a word.

Their mood is getting more and more urgent, but there is no way, now there is no solution at all.

Of course, it\'s not completely incomprehensible.

There is still a solution, but at a huge cost.

If San Yijia gave up the giant bat he enslaved and dealt with Lin Yu alone, he could devote himself to the battle and defeat Lin Yu.

Even if he can\'t defeat it, he can stop Lin Yu from becoming stronger.

Only in this way, Gu Xin and Yuan can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, looking for opportunities to pick the fruit of victory.

San Yijia didn\'t want to see such a result, so he couldn\'t do it.

Time goes on.

At this time, Lin Yu had already absorbed all the anima of the three enslaved giant beasts, leaving only one enslaved giant beast.

And on his modifier panel, the number behind Yuan Neng has become 430,000.

"Another 70,000 can strengthen the power of building wood!"

Lin Yu was in a good mood and set off towards the last enslaved beast.

Judging from previous experience, as long as the heart energy of the remaining giant beast is completely absorbed, it will definitely be able to collect the original energy that can be used for modification.

While moving forward, he also looked up to the sky.

Sanyijia\'s giant bat was still battling the giant golden eagle, while Guxin\'s giant goshawk hovered in the distance.

"They must be playing against each other, and they don\'t have time to come and take care of me."

Looking back, Lin Yu continued to fly towards the last giant beast.

At the same time, the giant goshawk was on its back.

Gu Xin transmitted his voice to Yuan Dao: "Master, let me try again, this time I will definitely be able to take down Lin Yu."

He is more reluctant to see Lin Yu become stronger than San Yijia and Yuan.

There was no moment when he was so eager to stop Lin Yu from absorbing anima.

"It\'s useless for you to go, your strength is far inferior to him."

"If you really wanted to stop him, you shouldn\'t have chosen to back down just now."

Yuan said indifferently.

Gu Xin\'s performance just now made him very dissatisfied.

The battle had not yet reached the most dangerous moment, but Gu Xin chose to flee and wasted a great opportunity.

At that time, if Gu Xin could hold on for a while longer, he might usher in a turning point.

Too bad there is no if.

When Gu Xin heard Yuan\'s words, he also felt Yuan\'s attitude.

This made him even more anxious.

The reason why he proposed to stop Lin Yu was not only because he didn\'t want to see Lin Yu become stronger, but also because he wanted to restore Yuan\'s attitude towards him.

"Master, please let me..."

Gu Xin spoke again, but before he could finish his words, Yuan interrupted him roughly: "Don\'t talk, don\'t make useless efforts."

Gu Xin\'s only reliance was the few fruit he stole from Jian Mu.

But Gu Xin has just proved with practical actions that even if he has the power of building wood, he is still useless.

Yuan had given up hope for Gu Xin at this time.

He is now thinking of other strategies, a more secure strategy with a higher success rate.

It takes some sacrifices, but it\'s worth it.

Lin Yu\'s figure flickered, and soon he came to the last enslaved giant beast, and began to absorb the anima of this giant beast.

The souls of giant tortoises and other giant beasts have all returned to their respective seas of consciousness.

So the whole earth was quiet.

The free beasts did not move, and the five newly liberated beasts were recuperating~www.novelhall.com~recovering their anima.

In the whole world, there is only the sound of giant bats and giant golden eagles fighting.

As if San Yijia and Yuan have acquiesced to the development of the situation.

But Lin Yu knew in his heart that this matter was not over yet.

Those two guys just couldn\'t find a solution for the time being, and they couldn\'t talk to each other, so they were so stalemate.

If they can find a way to deal with it, they will definitely stop themselves decisively.

Lin Yu quickly absorbed the anima of the giant beast, staring at the meta-energy numbers on the modifier panel.

Seeing the numbers keep beating and gradually getting bigger.

Four hundred and forty thousand, four hundred and fifty thousand, four hundred and sixty thousand...

Finally, the number behind Yuan Neng jumped to the 500,000 mark.


Lin Yu pressed the strengthen button without hesitation and decided to confirm.

In an instant, the words "Power of Building Wood" on the modifier surface began to change.

From entry to junior.

"How powerful is the power of building wood at the Xiaocheng level?"

With such doubts, Lin Yu quickly urged the power of Jianmu to increase his divine body.

Soon, he clearly felt the change in his divine body.

The divine power in the body skyrocketed rapidly and became stronger and stronger.

"My current combat power is comparable to that of the Seventh-Order God Body, not bad!"

He only has a sixth-order **** body, but his combat power is comparable to that of a seventh-order meteorite. If one day he becomes a seventh-order god, then with the increase of Jianmu\'s power, he will definitely be able to fight the eighth-order meteorite.

"The duration of the power of building wood has also become a lot longer, three times as long as before."

Lin Yu nodded secretly.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly left this place and came to the surface of this giant beast.

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