Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1092: The power of the behemoth


Before Gu Xin could see Lin Yu, he urged all his divine power to slam a palm.

He knew in his heart that Lin Yu was very difficult to deal with, so he must not be negligent, and he had to strike first.

After the loud noise, the cave in front of him expanded several times.

However, when the dust settled, there was no trace of Lin Yu at all.

"not here?"

Gu Xin wondered.

At this time, the monitor lizard owner rushed to his side and looked around.

Gu Xin put down the doubts in his heart, and came forward in a flash, searching for Lin Yu\'s trace.

After the two searched carefully, they found that there was a vertical upward passage directly above.

It seems that Lin Yu escaped along this passage.

"Run fast!"

Gu Xin sneered, "That\'s fine, it shows that you are afraid of my strength."

"Hmph, Lin Yu, I see who else can save you this time."

Thinking of this, he turned his head and said to the monitor lizard\'s owner, "Go, let\'s go up and chase him, we must not let him escape."

The two quickly went up and returned to the monitor lizard along the vertical tunnel dug by Lin Yu when he left.

As soon as he came outside, Gu Xin sensed Lin Yu\'s breath.

At this time, Lin Yu had already gone straight to the head of the monitor lizard.

"What does he want? To destroy the throne?"

Gu Xin was a little confused about Lin Yu\'s motives.

However, the doubts in his heart turned into doubts, and his movements were non-stop, and he followed Lin Yu with the monitor lizard master.

Ahead, Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to the giant turtle while flying: "Tell the other giant beasts to stop the fight, focus on the intellect, and join hands with me to deal with Gu Xin."

"Okay." The giant turtle agreed immediately and went to act according to Lin Yu\'s instructions.

This is the plan Lin Yu just thought of - to join the giant beasts to deal with Gu Xin and the monitor lizard master.

The eight free giants here have all practiced the technique of meditation, and have already practiced to a certain level.

Therefore, as long as they all condense the invisible divine body, they can fight against Gu Xin.

I believe that neither San Yijia nor Yuan expected this.

Lin Yu hurriedly flew between the thrones of the monitor lizards, while the giant tortoises and other giant beasts released their divine souls and condensed invisible divine bodies.

In an instant, silhouettes rushed towards the monitor lizard from all directions.

Staring directly at San Yijia in the air.

"This is..." San Yijia was surprised, "Where did these Meteor Gods come from?"

He didn\'t know the existence of the technique of meditation, so he didn\'t know that the eight figures below were not the Meteor Gods, but the souls of giant beasts.

"Are these guys going to help Lin Yu?"

San Yijia guessed in her heart.

At the same time, the monitor lizard on its back.

At this time, Lin Yu had come not far from the throne, and Gu Xin had successfully caught up with him.

"Lin Yu, let\'s see where you\'re going this time!"

Gu Xin said proudly while urging his divine power to approach Lin Yu.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Have you ever thought that maybe I\'m not running at all."


Gu Xin was shocked when he saw Lin Yu\'s calm expression.

Could it be that Lin Yu has any other cards he can\'t make?

He had a lot of contact with Lin Yu, and he knew that Lin Yu had many cards and frequently used methods.

Therefore, Lin Yu\'s performance made him feel uneasy.

And just as his thoughts were spinning, Yuan suddenly sent him a voice transmission: "Be careful, Lin Yu has a helper!"

The monitor lizard owner behind Gu Xin also received a warning from San Yijia at this time.

Both of them were puzzled, how could Lin Yu have help?

At this time, several figures came from afar and caught their sight.

"It\'s really helpful!"

The two were surprised.

boom boom-

The giant tortoise and the other seven giant beasts attacked Gu Xin and the monitor lizard master successively.

Divine power erupted, and there were loud noises everywhere.

Gu Xin had to stop his body to deal with the successive attacks.

The same goes for the monitor lizard owner, who was forced to stop moving forward and resist desperately.

Seeing that the giant beasts took the lead, Lin Yu also joined the battle group.

In just one face-to-face, Gu Xin and the monitor lizard master were beaten down.

Gu Xin is okay, at least his life is safe, the monitor lizard owner has been seriously injured at this time, and his life will not be long.

Seeing that the owner of the monitor lizard was seriously injured, the giant beasts rushed to attack him, preparing to kill him first.

Guxin took the opportunity to escape.

Lin Yu didn\'t go after him, because he knew that with his current strength, he couldn\'t help Gu Xin for the time being, unless the power of Jianmu or the divine body of Yuanling was modified.

Of course, Lin Yu had no idea of ​​killing Gu Xin from the beginning, he just didn\'t want Gu Xin to stop him from absorbing the giant beast\'s anima.

In this way, Gu Xin fled, and the owner of the monitor lizard died on the spot.

After the battle, Lin Yu said, "Put back the spirit of the monitor lizard first, and then you go to deal with the rest of the Meteor Gods, and I will absorb the anima."

At this time, the giant beasts under San Yijia were all closely surrounding the monitor lizard, clinging to the monitor lizard, while the eight free giant beasts surrounded them.

So the whole situation is deadlocked.

The free giants can take advantage of this gap to maintain the invisible divine body with all their hearts and minds to deal with the remaining four meteor gods.

"Everyone hurry up and act separately."

Lin Yu ordered.

The eight free giant beasts agreed, and then they left in two groups, flying towards the four enslaved giant beasts~www.novelhall.com~ Lin Yu turned and entered between the thrones of the monitor lizards.

After returning the soul of the monitor lizard to its own sea of ​​consciousness, it quickly left and flew to an enslaved beast beside the monitor lizard.

In the air, San Yijia was immediately annoyed when he saw that the battle ended so quickly.

This is really troublesome.

According to the current situation, there is no way to stop Lin Yu.

Do you want to watch Lin Yu liberate all the remaining four giant beasts?

In that case, all the elites brought out this time will be finished.

"Yuan, do you have any good ideas?"

San Yijia knew that Yuan was paying attention to him, and asked directly.

Yuan remained silent, and after a long time he said helplessly: "There is no way."

He only has Gu Xin under his command, and Gu Xin has only one flying beast. How to deal with Lin Yu who has eight free beasts to help him?

The most important thing is that now I don\'t know where the eight Meteor Gods who suddenly appeared to help Lin Yu came from?

Could it be the soul of the eight free beasts?

At this time, San Yijia suddenly said to him: "The eight meteor gods seem to be the condensed souls of the eight free beasts."

"I see it too." Yuan responded.

"How on earth do they do it? You know what?"

San Yijia was surprised.

He had been in contact with the giant beast for so long, and this was the first time he had seen such a situation.

The soul of a giant beast can actually condense an invisible body comparable to the body of a god?

"I don\'t have a clue either."

Yuan said lightly.

Although he is a high-level god, he does not know the specific situation.

"What should I do now? Can\'t I just watch Lin Yu become stronger?"

San Yijia frowned.

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