Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1095: Sanyijia's Rage

"No! I don\'t agree!"

Guxin roared.

He can accept that Yuan is possessed by himself, but he absolutely cannot accept letting Yuanzu occupy his divine body.

"I knew you would disagree, but it\'s too late."

Yuan Zu smiled lightly.

Immediately afterwards, his right hand waved in the air.

Immediately, countless invisible chains protruded from the sea of ​​consciousness crystal wall.

As soon as these chains appeared, they stretched out towards Guxin\'s spirit and bound it firmly.

Yuan Zu floated in front of Gu Xin and said lightly, "I can only apologise to you during this time. Don\'t worry, the master has not given up on you."

Saying that, his right hand waved in the air again.

The next moment, Gu Xin felt that his soul seemed to be out of his body, and suddenly left his sea of ​​consciousness.

bang bang bang—

Somehow, Gusin found himself bumping against some sort of barrier, again and again.

After a long time, this collision finally stopped.

It was only then that he could see the scene around him clearly.

"This is?"

Gu Xin looked around and observed it carefully.

Finally, he recognized it.

This place is the sea of ​​consciousness of the giant goshawk.

The last time he enslaved the giant goshawk, he was here, so he was very impressed.

"It turns out that I was just breaking through the sea of ​​consciousness crystal wall of the giant goshawk..."

Gu Xin wanted to understand the whole cause and effect.

Just thinking about these things didn\'t make him happy, but made him feel more miserable.

There is no doubt that Yuan asked Yuanzu to throw his divine soul into the sea of ​​consciousness of the giant goshawk in order for him to control the giant goshawk.

After all, the giant goshawk was enslaved by him, and the soul was bound to him.

Sure enough, just when Gu Xin thought so, Yuan\'s voice suddenly appeared.

"Gu Xin, then you will temporarily stay in the sea of ​​consciousness of this flying giant beast, control its actions, and assist Yuanzu."

Yuan ordered without question.

Gu Xin was in a bitter mood, but he answered honestly, "Yes, Master."

Now that this is the case, what else can he do?

You can only help Yuanzu well according to Yuan\'s words. If you help him well, he might be able to regain his freedom.

At this time, Yuan Zu sent him a voice transmission: "Gu Xin, go to Jianmu now."

Gu Xin didn\'t answer, but he still controlled the giant goshawk to turn and flew rapidly in the direction of Jianmu.

On the back of the giant goshawk, the primordial ancestor who occupied Gu Xin\'s body was suspended in midair with his arms folded over his chest, looking ahead.

At this time, the giant goshawk is controlled by Gu Xin, so he doesn\'t need to do anything and can move freely like Lin Yu.

"Yes, yes, when I first arrived in the abyss, I was trapped in the fog for a long time and couldn\'t go anywhere. This time I can finally move freely."

Yuan Zu is in a good mood.

"I want to see, what is the magic of Jianmu that makes Yuan attach so much importance."

"If possible... hum!"

Yuan Zu\'s eyes flashed, his complexion gloomy.

He was created by Yuan, and Yuan deliberately gave him a strong rebellious character when he created him.

Its purpose is to make him resist everything and destroy that material plane.

At this time, the rebellious mentality in his heart reappeared.

That\'s right, he didn\'t want to recognize Yuan as the master from the bottom of his heart.

It was only now that the situation forced him to bow his head to Yuan.

At this time, Yuan Chuanyin said to him: "Yuan Zu, after this is successful, I will create a powerful divine body for you."

"Thank you, Master." Yuan Zu thanked him lightly.

"Okay, without further ado, you can grab the original fruit from Lin Yu first."

Yuan ended the topic and said.

In fact, Yuan was very aware of Yuan Zu\'s temperament in his heart, and knew that Yuan Zu was a wild horse that could not be tamed.

Even if this wild horse was created by him.

However, now the situation is severe, Gu Xin\'s strength can\'t do anything at all, he has to release Yuanzu.

With the strength of Yuanzu, he can definitely easily negotiate between Lin Yu and San Yijia, and grab the greatest benefits for him.

As for the time to accidentally let this wild horse loose...

This kind of thing can only be seen one step at a time.

Yuan believed that with his own strength, he would not let Yuan Zu escape completely from the palm of his hand.

Building around the wood.

Gu Xin drove the giant bat to this place at the fastest speed and began to set up defenses.

In the distance, a giant golden eagle hovered in the air to observe the situation here.

At this time, Lin Yu was not on the giant golden eagle, but on the giant tortoise and directed the eight land-running beasts to head here.

Therefore, the task of the giant golden eagle now is to transmit the situation here to the giant tortoise, and then let the giant tortoise tell Lin Yu.

On the canopy of Jianmu, San Yijia glanced at the giant golden eagle, then immediately retracted his gaze and let the inside of the trunk fly away.

After entering the tree trunk, he went straight to the large bulb where he usually rested and returned to the throne.

Just now, he has been setting up fortifications to deal with the attack of the behemoth of freedom, and he has no time until now.

And he rushed here to find Jianmu to settle accounts.

"Old man, how dare you betray me!"

After San Yijia took his seat on the throne, he shouted violently.

If it wasn\'t for Jianmu to help Lin Yu secretly, why would this happen?

"Betrayal? When did I surrender to you?"

Jianmu responded with a sneer.

"Okay!" San Yijia said angrily: "Very good, old man, it seems that you have forgotten what pain is."

"I\'ll let you have a good aftertaste now."

As soon as the voice fell, San Yijia grabbed the armrest of the throne with both hands, instilling divine power into it.

Suddenly, Jianmu\'s voice suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Jianmu was suffering unimaginable pain and could no longer speak.

San Yijia\'s face was gloomy, and he continued to increase the intensity of instilling divine power.

outside the trunk.

Jianmu\'s canopy shook violently, and countless huge leaves fell from the branches.

Seeing this scene, the giant golden eagle hurriedly informed the giant tortoise through voice transmission.

The giant tortoise said to Lin Yu: "Lin Yu, the situation is not good, the giant golden sculpture said that the leaves of Jianmu are falling..."

After listening to the giant tortoise, Lin Yu pondered: "It must be San Yijia who did it."

He frowned slightly, and then he asked the giant tortoise, "Can you hurry up?"

"I\'m afraid it won\'t work, this is already the limit." The giant tortoise replied.

Lin Yu was silent when he heard the words.

At this time, the giant tortoise said again: "Lin Yu, I found that the giant goshawk was chasing after him, and the target seemed to be Jianmu."

Lin Yu nodded and said, "Well, Yuan will definitely not give up the original fruit."

"But there is a problem." The giant tortoise added: "The giant goshawk seems to be flying a little faster than before."

"Faster than before?"

Lin Yu was surprised.

This is very important information.

Under normal circumstances, the movement speed of giant beasts is fixed, unless the technique of meditation is practiced.

But the giant goshawk obviously has not practiced this technique.

So, there is definitely something strange here.

"Could it be that Yuan has another trump card?"

And just as Lin Yu was thinking, a familiar voice suddenly appeared in his ear.


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