Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1042: siege

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Lin Yu was looking at the giant rhinoceros, the three meteor gods who were between the throne of the giant rhinoceros. At this time, he was also paying attention to Lin Yu\'s movements.

"He doesn\'t seem to dare to come?"

The owner of the giant rat and the owner of the giant snake guessed together after listening to the leader of the team talking about Lin Yu\'s movements.

"should be."

The leader of the team nodded.

When the owner of the giant rat heard it, he immediately answered: "Then he only has a sixth-order divine body at most, and is far from being an opponent of the God Venerable San Yijia."

Although San Yijia only has a sixth-order **** body, but San Yijia can use the power obtained from Jianmu, and his real strength is far more than sixth-order.

Therefore, the normal sixth-order Meteor God is definitely not San Yijia\'s opponent.

As soon as San Yijia arrives, Lin Yu will surely die.

In the distance, Lin Yu looked at the giant rhinoceros and pondered in his heart.

He is different from the three meteor gods on the giant rhinoceros. He is very clear about the origin of these three meteor gods, and knows that they were also sent by San Yijia to find the starting place.

Therefore, Lin Yu is now curious as to why the three meteorites didn\'t leave the place with the giant beast.

They have been persistently staying here, is it because San Yijia is on his way?


Lin Yu secretly said in his heart: "If they didn\'t help, they would definitely not stay here and waste time with me."

"Since he stayed, it could only be because of fearlessness."

Thinking of this, Lin Yu frowned slightly.

If San Yijia was really on his way, it would be a real headache.

Lin Yu knew very well in his heart that with his current strength, he was not the one enemy of San Yijia at all.

"If I want to absorb the anima of their giant beast, I have to do it quickly."

"Otherwise you can only give up."

Lin Yu quickly analyzed.

"Also, these three Meteor Gods must also be removed, otherwise they will definitely tell San Yijia what happened here."

Without thinking any more, Lin Yu immediately transmitted his voice to the giant turtle.

Tell the giant tortoise, let it pay close attention to San Yijia\'s movements, and tell himself immediately once he finds the trace of San Yijia.

The giant tortoise naturally agreed.

After the voice transmission with the giant tortoise, Lin Yu flew directly to the giant ape.

Next, he will use the power of these free giants to deal with the giant rhinoceros and the three meteor gods hiding on the giant rhinoceros.

Quickly coming to the throne of the giant ape, Lin Yu asked, "How can your heart recover?"

"It only takes a little bit of recovery, and at most it can last for a stick of incense," the giant ape replied.


A stick of incense is enough time, it is enough to absorb the heart of the giant rhino.

After finishing speaking, he said to the giant ape again: "You can transmit your voice to the giant deer and the giant dog to see how their hearts recover."


The giant ape agreed, and then went to the sound transmission to ask the giant deer and the giant dog.

After a while, he transmitted a voice to Lin Yu and said, "They have recovered less than me, but it will definitely be fine for half a stick of incense."

"That\'s fine."

After listening to the words of the giant ape, Lin Yu already had a mature plan in his heart.

Next, let the three giant beasts, the giant ape, the giant deer, and the giant dog, besiege the giant rhino, forcing the giant rhino to fight.

The owner of such a giant rhino, that is, the fifth-order meteorite, must have no intention of caring, and can only control the giant rhino to fight with his whole heart.

In this way, he can take the opportunity to fly to the giant rhino and absorb the anima of the giant rhino.

At that time, once the heart of the giant rhino was completely absorbed, the remaining three Meteor Gods would no longer be his opponents.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu said decisively to the giant ape: "Now you tell the giant dog and the giant deer, let them cooperate with you to attack the giant rhino, and help me create opportunities."


The giant ape agreed without hesitation.

Since watching Lin Yu do those things with his own eyes, he has been very clear about Lin Yu\'s intentions and knows that Lin Yu wants to rescue the remaining three giant beasts.

So he was willing to help Lin Yu.

I believe that the same is true for giant dogs and giant deer.

Immediately afterwards, the giant ape transmitted a voice to Julu and the giant dog, and passed on Lin Yu\'s request to them.

At the same time, it took a step forward and strode towards the giant rhinoceros.

On the back of the giant rhinoceros, the three meteor gods were surprised when they saw the giant ape suddenly move.

Is Rolta not dead?

And just as they were puzzled, the giant dog and the giant deer also moved, quickly approaching their giant rhinoceros.

This scene instantly made them dispel the conjecture just now.

Because the owners of the giant dog and the giant deer are undoubtedly dead, the sudden movement of these two giant beasts is definitely not because of the Meteor God.

That leaves only one possibility.

These three behemoths have now become free beasts.

Only in this way can it be explained, because even if a Meteor God can enslave three giant beasts at the same time, only one can be controlled at the same time.

Therefore, these three giant beasts are definitely not controlled by the Meteor God who killed the owner of the giant dog and the giant deer.

Since there is no Meteor God to control them, it is only possible to act on their own will.

"The owner of the flying behemoth, did he attack us just to liberate the behemoth?"

"Why did he do this?"

The three Meteor Gods were all puzzled.

And what puzzled them the most was why the other party wanted to release all the heart energy of the giant beasts before returning them to freedom.

Is there any reason for this?

"What do we do now?"

The owner of the giant snake and the owner of the giant rat all looked at the leader of the team with worried expressions on their faces.

Now that the three giant beasts are surrounded by the giant rhino, it is difficult for the giant rhino to leave.

Therefore, the next step is to either fight the owner of the flying giant beast, or give up the giant rhino and run away.

"Don\'t worry, I will find a way to break through."

The leader of the team reassured.

At this time, he could not give up the giant rhino to escape by himself anyway.

Because the owner of the flying beast has a high probability of possessing a sixth-order divine body, if he gives up the giant rhino, he will lose the power of anima augmentation.

At that time, once the opponent catches up, there will definitely only be a dead end.

Therefore, the leader of the team must keep the giant rhinoceros no matter what, and control the giant rhino to break through and leave. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

And Lin Yu was able to convince the three free beasts to besiege the giant rhino after calculating this.

As long as the leader of the team has the idea of ​​saving the giant rhinoceros, he will definitely be consumed by his own method.

Lin Yu hovered above the giant ape\'s head, watching the giant ape getting closer and closer to the giant rhinoceros.

When the giant ape stretched out its upper limbs to catch the giant rhinoceros, Lin Yu hurriedly flew forward along the giant ape\'s arm, shuttling through the hairy jungle.

In this way, you can sneak on the back of the giant rhino without being discovered by the other party.

Then you can look for special leylines and artificial blood vessels while the other party is not paying attention.

Everything was the same as what he had calculated, and the leader of the team had no idea that he had come to the giant rhinoceros.

At this time, the leader of the team was busy controlling the giant rhino to break out, and had no time to take care of other things.