Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1044: A sudden help

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The leader of the team had just controlled the monitor lizard to break through while analyzing the situation in his mind.

In the end, after repeated inference and analysis, he found that he did not need to control the monitor lizard to break through.

Because these three free giants can\'t really hurt their giant rhinos.

So what I really need to do is to find a way to kill that Meteor God.

As long as the other party dies, then these three free beasts will have no resistance.

You, the owner of the giant rat, and the owner of the giant snake can completely enslave all these three giant beasts.

What\'s more, the leader of the team just suddenly thought that once the heart energy of the giant rhino was lost, then he would be completely at a disadvantage, and there would be no possibility of confronting the meteorite.

Therefore, it is better to find the Meteor God and fight to the death with the opponent while the giant rhinoceros still have enough heart energy.

While they were searching for Lin Yu, Lin Yu had already discovered something was wrong.

"The giant rhino suddenly stopped, there must be a problem!"

Lin Yu thought to himself.

At this time, there were still prompts for obtaining Yuan energy in front of him, which showed that the giant rhino\'s heart energy was enough.

The heart can be enough but suddenly stopped, it can only mean that the owner of the giant rhino has given up the breakthrough and turned to search for himself.

So now there are only two options in front of you.

Either leave quickly before the other party finds you, or continue to stay here to absorb anima.

As long as the heart of the giant rhino can be drained, the owner of the giant rhino will not be his opponent even if he finds himself.

Otherwise, the opponent\'s strength equivalent to the sixth-order divine body is definitely not something that he can compete with.

"No, you can\'t gamble."

"It\'s too risky to gamble like this."

Lin Yu made a decisive decision in his heart.

The master of the giant rhino has the strength equivalent to the sixth-order divine body under the increase of anima, and can easily kill himself.

Once the bet loses, it is doomed.

So I can only give up the remaining snacks of the giant rhinoceros and leave here first.

"Sooner or later, Yuan Neng will be able to make up enough, but there is only one life."

Without any hesitation, Lin Yu turned around decisively, preparing to leave this place.

But just as he was about to leave, a breath suddenly appeared in the passage ahead.

This passage was drilled out when he just came, and now there is a sudden movement in this passage, it is only possible that the owner of the giant rhino has found himself and is approaching him along the passage.

But here comes the problem.

The breath that appeared in the passage was not strong, and it didn\'t look like the breath of the owner of the giant rhinoceros.

"Did he deliberately suppress his strength?"

"But it\'s not necessary..."

Lin Yu couldn\'t understand the situation for a while.

And just as he was thinking, a voice suddenly appeared in his ears.

"Lin Yu, I\'m here."

This is the voice of the giant tortoise, and Lin Yu will never hear it wrong.

What Lin Yu wondered was what it meant by this sentence.

What do you call me here?

Does the giant tortoise mean that it also joined the battle to besiege the giant rhino.

"Lin Yu, I have practiced the technique of meditation."

The tortoise added.

After hearing this, Lin Yu finally reacted.

It turned out that the breath that appeared in the passage was not the owner of the giant rhino, but the invisible divine body transformed by the giant tortoise using the technique of meditation.

At that time, when Jianmu taught this meditation technique, he clearly mentioned that once the meditation technique is successful, the giant beast can transform its divine soul into an invisible divine body, and then use this invisible divine body to move around, just like a meteorite. .

"Lin Yu!"

A figure that looked exactly like a human suddenly appeared at the entrance of the passage and appeared in front of Lin Yu.

As soon as he saw Lin Yu, he shouted in surprise.

Lin Yu knew in his heart that this was what the giant tortoise looked like after it transformed into an invisible divine body.

Unexpectedly, the giant tortoise chose a shape similar to himself.


Lin Yu first congratulated, and then said: "You came just in time, and there is something that needs your help."

"What\'s the matter? Whatever you tell me."

The giant tortoise phantom said with a smile.

"Go help me lead the owner of the giant rhino, so I can take the opportunity to absorb the anima."

Originally, Lin Yu had given up on absorbing the remaining psychic energy, but now that such a helping hand suddenly appeared, he naturally had to find a way to continue.

"Master of the giant rhino?" After hearing Lin Yu\'s request, the giant tortoise nodded decisively and said, "Okay, you can rest assured to absorb anima here, and I will meet him properly."

With that said, he decisively turned around and left, returning along the original path of the passage.

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and turned around to continue absorbing anima.

The giant tortoise quickly left the passage and returned to the surface of the giant rhino.

When he flew away from this leyline point, his appearance changed rapidly, and in an instant, he became the image of a turtle standing upright.

This is mainly to confuse the other party and prevent the other party from thinking of Lin Yu.

After all, Lin Yu and the owner of the giant rhinoceros are both doing things for San Yijia now, and they must have had a relationship with each other.

While flying rapidly on the back of the monitor lizard, the giant tortoise transmitted sound to the giant ape, giant deer and giant dog, asking them to help find the owner of the giant rhino.

The reason why he found Lin Yu so quickly just now was because he asked these three free beasts about the situation.

They watched Lin Yu fly into that leyline point, and naturally they could accurately tell the location.

"That Meteor God is flying towards your current position."

After the giant ape heard the giant tortoise\'s question, it didn\'t take long for the sound transmission to reply.

As soon as the giant turtle heard it, he immediately thanked: "Thank you, then I will wait for him here."

"Be careful." The giant ape reminded again: "Besides him, there are two weaker Meteor Gods with him."


The giant tortoise responded, and then said no more, staring closely at the figure ahead looking for the master of the giant rhino.

Soon, he saw three Meteor Gods rushing towards here.

And when he saw the other party, the other party also saw him.

The three meteor gods hurriedly slowed down and stopped far enough away from the giant tortoise.

"Is it him?"

Beside the leader of the team, the owner of the giant rat guessed.

"It\'s possible!" The owner of the giant snake replied: "From the previous situation, this guy has changed his appearance several times, and it must be the same this time. I just don\'t know if this is his original form or another disguise. "

When they were talking, the leader of the UU reading www.uukanshu.com team was looking at the giant tortoise carefully.

He was quite puzzled as to why the other party\'s breath was so weak, and it seemed that he was not strong.

The giant tortoise has just practiced the technique of meditation, so the invisible divine body transformed is not strong, only equivalent to the third-order divine body of the Meteor God.

"There must be fraud in here."

The leader of the team did not dare to be careless. He was afraid that if he despised the opponent, he would fall into the opponent\'s trap.

So even if the giant tortoise\'s strength was not strong at this time, the leader of the team still decided to go all out to deal with him.

"Come with me!"

The leader of the team ordered the giant rat owner and the giant snake owner beside him.

As soon as the voice fell, he took the lead and approached the giant tortoise.