Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1040: unhindered

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"It\'s not impossible."

Lin Yu secretly said in his heart.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he has come and gone without a trace, and he killed two of them without knowing it, which seems unfathomable.

Another point is that they will probably think that they are the masters of the flying beasts, and thus associate their strengths with higher heights.

So in a situation like this, it\'s perfectly normal for them to hide out of fear.

After all, you can use the anima of the giant beast to increase your strength, which will give you more confidence and a sense of security.

After figuring this out, Lin Yu fell into contemplation, thinking about how to absorb the anima of the remaining three giant beasts.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that he has only one way to take the initiative.

Because the three Meteor Gods are very nervous and scared now, they will never leave their respective giant beasts again.

So don\'t think about attacking them when they come, you can only take the initiative to go to them and trouble them.

"Forget it, just go straight and open."

A plan suddenly flashed in Lin Yu\'s heart, and he decided to fly to their giant beasts to play psychological tactics.

At this time, they must have regarded themselves as the masters of flying giants, and believed that they were powerful and possessed a sixth-order divine body.

So I just went there so clearly, showing that I didn\'t care about being discovered by them, but it could effectively shock them, causing them to fall into hesitation and entanglement.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu set off decisively, left the throne of the giant dog, and flew towards the giant snake closest to the giant dog.

He was going to deal with the giant snake and giant rat first, and then deal with the giant rhino.

Because from what he has learned, the owner of the giant rhino has a fifth-order divine body, which is very difficult to deal with.

On the other hand, the owners of giant snakes and giant rats only have the strength of fourth-order gods. Even if they use the power of giant beasts to increase their power, they can only have the strength of fifth-order gods at most, not their own opponents.

On the other hand, when Lin Yu flew away from the giant dog and ran towards the giant snake, the remaining three Meteor Gods naturally noticed his movements.

"The murderer must be him!"

The owner of the giant rat said through voice transmission.

The leader of the team and the owner of the giant snake have no objection to this.

What makes them curious is why this guy doesn\'t want to hide at this time, but chooses to attack openly?

Sure enough, it is because of its high strength, so unscrupulous?

The thought flashed through the hearts of the three Meteor Gods.

They can\'t think of any other explanation and think that\'s the only explanation that makes sense.

Mainly because, in their inherent thinking, every Meteor God who can enslave flying giants is powerful.

Therefore, after identifying the other party as the master of the flying beast, they all instinctively believed that the other party was powerful.

At this time, they all felt that the owner of this flying behemoth must have the strength of the sixth-order divine body.

It is because of this that they choose to hide from their respective giant beasts.

"What should we do now?"

The owner of the giant rat and the owner of the giant snake both transmitted their voices to the leader of the team and asked.

In particular, the owner of the giant snake was even more anxious at this time.

Seeing that Lin Yu was about to fly onto his giant snake, his life was at stake. Gu Fu

"Don\'t worry, let me think about it."

After the leader of the team comforted him, he thought eagerly.

The only way he could think of at this time was to let the owner of the giant snake and the giant mouse come to his giant rhino to avoid the edge of the other party.

After all, if the other party really has the sixth-order strength, then even if the owner of the giant snake and the owner of the giant mouse have infinite anima to increase their power, they will still not be able to survive.

Another point is that if the owner of the giant snake and the owner of the giant rat come to hide from their giant rhino, they can combine their forces into one place.

In this way, if the murderer flew towards his giant rhinoceros, he could unite the two of them to deal with each other, and the odds of winning would be even greater.

Just doing this is equivalent to giving up the giant snake and giant rat, and seeing their heart energy drain away.

As a result, I am afraid that the owner of the giant snake and the owner of the giant rat will not agree to this coping strategy.

"He\'s coming soon, what are we going to do?"

At this time, the owner of the giant snake asked again.

Seeing the monster that killed the giant deer owner and the giant dog owner flying towards his giant beast, the giant snake owner couldn\'t hold back.

On the other side, the leader of the team saw that the situation was urgent, so he had to quickly talk about the response method he thought of, and told the owner of the giant snake and the giant mouse to let them come to his giant rhino to avoid the limelight.

As he expected, as soon as he said these words, the owner of the giant snake and the giant rat immediately showed their unwillingness.

After all, doing this is equivalent to giving up the giant beast that he has worked so hard to enslave. When the giant beast loses his mental ability, his actions will be greatly restricted.

"This is the only solution right now."

When the leader of the team saw that the owner of the giant rat and the giant snake were unwilling, he persuaded: "If you lose your heart energy, then spend time accumulating it, and even if the giant beast is gone, you just need to find another slave to enslave the other, but if your life is If it\'s gone, then there\'s really nothing left."

"One more thing, God Venerable San Yijia will definitely come over as soon as he learns of the existence of the original land."

"As soon as he comes over, the crisis in front of him is instantly contacted."

Hearing this, the owner of the giant snake and the giant mouse thought carefully and found that it was indeed the case.

At this moment, it is indeed more important to save lives.

It is not a wise move to care about the gains and losses at such a time.

Without any hesitation, the owner of the giant snake and the owner of the giant rat flew away from their respective giant beasts and flew towards the giant rhino, the leader of the team.

On the other hand, Lin Yu naturally saw the departure of the owner of the giant snake, and roughly guessed the reason for his departure.

He was intent on chasing it, but after thinking about it, it would be better to absorb the psychic energy of the giant snake and giant rat first.

Only by transforming the heart energy of these two giant beasts into their own energy ~www.novelhall.com~ can I deal with them at ease.

If you are in a hurry to shoot at them now, and you don\'t have time to absorb your heart, you may also attract their siege.

After all, the owner of the giant rhino can tolerate the loss of the giant beast\'s heart, but he will never watch his subordinates die in front of him and ignore it.

If they join forces at that time, they will definitely not be their opponents with their current strength.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu let the owner of the giant snake leave, and flew to the giant snake that lost its owner.

After coming to the giant snake, he immediately searched for the leylines points on the snake scales, looking for places to bury artificial blood vessels.

Before long, he successfully found an artificial blood vessel, and followed the direction of the artificial blood vessel to find the blood vessel belonging to the giant snake.

While Lin Yu was doing this, the leader of the team had been observing his movements with the help of the giant rhinoceros\' five senses, guessing his motives.