Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1026: original place

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"Yes, Master!"

When Gu Xin heard Yuan\'s order, he immediately took the lead.

Afterwards, he controlled the flying behemoth to hover in the air, carefully paying attention to the actions of the group of behemoths below.

For him, if he wants to go deep into the hole, he just needs to drive the flying beast and fly straight down.

There is no need to control the giant beast to slowly walk down the edge of the cave like Lin Yu, Uga and others.

This is the unparalleled advantage of the flying behemoth. It comes and goes like the wind, and no one can stop it.

While observing, Gu Xin pondered the route to leave in his mind.

He thought in his heart that after he successfully obtained the original fruit, he would immediately rush back to the cave and fly vertically upwards.

In this way, even if Lin Yu and the other Meteor Gods wanted to chase, they would have to spend a lot of time walking up slowly along the protruding edge of the hole.

When they came to the outside of the cave, he had already controlled the flying beast and didn\'t know where to fly.


Inside the cave.

Lin Yu sat on the throne, and said to the giant turtle: "Did you find anything special?"

"Not yet." The giant tortoise quickly replied.

At this time, it is carefully sensing the surrounding environment, looking for possible dangers.

And because its attention was completely under the hole, it didn\'t know that the flying behemoth was circling in the sky right above it at this time.

If it knew this, it would definitely not tell Lin Yu that there were no special circumstances.

On the throne, Lin Yu was completely relieved when he saw the giant tortoise answering so decisively.

Then, he pondered the origin of the original land.

Neither he nor the giant tortoise knew what the original land was, so they could only make reasonable guesses based on what they had observed.

"This place of origin is in such a deep depth and it has such a name. Could it be that the place of origin is the birthplace of everything?"

From what is now known, the Eternal Land is above the abyss, and the beginning is in the depths of the abyss.

Therefore, on the surface, the initial land is the lowest existence, but if you think deeply, you can think that the initial land is actually the foundation of everything.

Like a pyramid, the top of the tower cannot exist in a vacuum, it must sit on the foundation below.

And this initial place is the basic part of the pyramid.

"If this speculation is true, then the origin of this initial place is not simple, and I don\'t know how many secrets are hidden in it."

Lin Yu has an intuition in his heart, maybe after this journey is over, he will have a deeper understanding of the abyss and the eternal paradise.

While Lin Yu was thinking about it, the giant beast team was still advancing along the spiral road that was close to the measurement hole wall in the underground cave, getting closer and closer to the bottom.

The whole journey was peaceful and safe, and he could not see the danger that Uga had been worried about before.

In this way, after a long journey, the giant beast team finally came to the bottom of the cave and really set foot on the ground of the original place.


Uga sent a voice transmission to all the Meteor Gods and ordered.

Soon, the behemoth team stopped.

Afterwards, the meteor gods flew away from the thrones of their respective giant beasts and came to the surface of the giant beasts to observe the scene of the original place with their own eyes.

Lin Yu is naturally the same.

Even he is more eager to see what kind of environment this initial land is than other Meteor Gods.

The main reason was that he couldn\'t directly observe the surroundings through the giant tortoise\'s senses, so he didn\'t know what the outside scenery was like all the way down.

"What\'s up there?"

Lin Yu looked up at the sky and found a white patch above it, like clouds.

"I guess those should be the fog of the abyss." The giant tortoise said to Lin Yu.

Hearing this, Lin Yu took a second look, and quickly agreed with this statement in his heart.

The giant tortoise was right, it was a solidified mist of the abyss.

In this way, one of the previous doubts can be answered.

Before, Lin Yu had been guessing what was under the abyss.

Since the ground under the beast\'s feet is only condensed into a substantial fog, how thick is this solidified fog?

Is the depths below the entire abyss filled with this substantial fog?

Now I know that the fog did not fill the entire abyss, but just covered the initial ground below.

Between the fog and the bottom of the abyss, there is a huge and wide space.

And this space is called the original place.

Looking back from above, Lin Yu continued to check the surrounding environment.

After looking at it carefully for a while, he found that if the fog of the abyss condensed into substance in the air was put aside, the overall environment of this initial land was similar to the environment in the big world.

At this time, Uga transmitted a voice to all the Meteorite Dao: "Come and gather here."

As soon as his voice fell, all the Meteor Gods gathered towards the tiger-shaped behemoth, and Lin Yu turned around and flew in that direction.

There is no abyss fog in this space, so everyone can fly directly to the tiger-shaped behemoth without worrying about the abyss fog eroding the divine body.

After a while, all the Meteor Gods gathered again on the back of the tiger-shaped behemoth.

Uga stood at the front and looked at all the Meteorite Dao: "Now that we have successfully reached the starting place, this is something to be celebrated. After returning, San Yijia will definitely be rewarded."

When all the Meteor Gods heard this, they all showed excitement.

This is indeed a great thing to celebrate, because getting a reward means that the strength can be improved a lot.


At this time, Uga turned around again and said: "The task is not over yet, and only if the next things are done well, can the godly venerable Sanyijia be truly satisfied."

As soon as this statement came out, a Falling God immediately asked, "What else did God Venerable San Yijia ordered?"

"Yeah, what should we do now?"


The meteor gods asked again and again.

Uga glanced at it and said, "That\'s why I called you here."

"Next, everyone will act separately and set off in different directions to explore this initial land."

"If you encounter any situation when exploring, let me know as soon as possible, and I will wait for your news here."

Uga means that everyone explores in all directions with his current location as the center.

And he stayed here to command.

In this way, one can contact the Meteor Gods in all directions, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com can grasp the situation in all directions at the first time.

The second is to stay here and watch it to see if there are other giant beasts coming down along the edge of the cave.

Uga was afraid that other teams would come to take credit.

"Do you understand?" Uga asked.

"Understood." All the Meteor Gods replied.

"Go on when you understand."

Uga ordered.

Immediately afterwards, all the meteor gods flew towards their giant beasts, and Lin Yu was no exception.

At the same time, in the air directly above the cave.

Gu Xin saw that all the giant beasts had disappeared in the depths of the cave, and after so long, he should have reached the original place, so he thought about it and drove the flying beast to dive down.