Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1029: remains

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The giant tortoise sensed the trail of the tiger-shaped giant beast, and began to actively avoid it, leaving the opponent\'s forward path.

On the other hand, the tiger-shaped behemoth and Uga, who controls the tiger-shaped behemoth, naturally do not have as strong a sensing ability as the giant tortoise.

Therefore, Uga had no idea that Lin Yu\'s giant tortoise was heading in the direction he was heading.

Also, at this time, he had absolutely no idea where the flying behemoth was, just thinking that the flying behemoth was flying east, so it might be fruitful to look for it in the east.

In this way, the tiger-shaped behemoth ran fast, all the way to the east.

On the back of the tiger-shaped behemoth, Abu said to Uga, "Uga, what do you think the Meteor God who controls the flying behemoth came here for?"

"I think it\'s probably for some kind of treasure." Uga guessed.

Hearing this, Abu asked again: "Then do you think the treasure that the Meteor God was looking for is exactly what the God of San Yijia wanted?"

"It\'s possible, and it\'s very likely." Uga nodded.

After he finished speaking, he instructed again: "Let\'s not talk about this now, we will talk about it when we find the flying beast."

Immediately afterwards, he concentrated on controlling the tiger-shaped behemoth, and at the same time observed the surrounding situation with the help of the tiger-shaped behemoth\'s senses, looking for the trace of the flying behemoth.

In this way, he ran all the way, completely unaware that the giant tortoise had been watching his every move.

on the tortoise.

Lin Yu was thinking about the next action plan at this time.

Originally, he could follow the flying beast all the way without being noticed by Gu Xin, and observe and analyze it secretly.

But now that Uga is suddenly killed, it is bound to affect the whole situation.

Because if the tiger-shaped behemoth keeps running at the current speed, it won\'t be long before the flying beast will be discovered.

And when Uga saw the flying giant beast, Gu Xin on the flying giant must also see the tiger-shaped giant beast in Wuga.

As a result, Guxin will definitely be alert, and will be very cautious next.

Just as Lin Yu was thinking, the giant tortoise suddenly sent him a voice transmission: "Lin Yu, the tiger-shaped behemoth has already run in front of us, and it is estimated that the flying beast will be discovered soon."

"Okay, let\'s follow along and have a look." Lin Yu ordered.

At this time, nothing can be changed, and I can only act according to the situation and make decisions according to the situation.

After the giant tortoise received the order, it immediately quickened its pace and ran eastward behind the tiger-shaped giant beast.

At this time, there is a kind of meaning that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, Wu Ga is the mantis, Gu Xin is the cicada, and Lin Yu is naturally the oriole.

Of course, if it is calculated by strength, it is naturally impossible to make such an analogy, because Gu Xin\'s strength will far exceed Lin Yu and Wu Ga when he explodes with all his strength after refining the fruit of Jianmu.

The two giant beasts flew forward one after the other, and soon, Wuga, who was on the tiger-shaped giant beast, found Guxin\'s flying giant beast.

As soon as he saw the flying behemoth, he immediately controlled the tiger-shaped behemoth to slow down.

Seeing this, the giant tortoise immediately slowed down, and at the same time transmitted a voice to Lin Yu, telling him that Uga had discovered Gu Xin.


Gu Xin naturally also saw the tiger-shaped behemoth.

"I knew that these Meteor Gods would come to trouble me."

It was Yuan who asked him to force his way just now. Presumably, Yuan had already thought of a corresponding countermeasure when he asked for it.

But the problem is, now that he can\'t get in touch with Yuan, he naturally has no way of knowing what countermeasures Yuan has come up with.

So now Uga\'s arrival has become a hassle.

No way, Gu Xin had to control the flying beast to hover in the air first, while waiting for Yuan to contact him, while thinking in his mind what to do next.

At this point he had found the place Yuan had him looking for.

This is a place similar to an ancient ruin, and it is said that the original fruit is in this ruin.

"After a while, the Meteor God on the giant tiger-shaped beast will discover the ruins. At that time, he may directly break into the ruins to check the situation."

Gusin starts to plan for the worst.

What he thought in his mind was that if the Meteor God on the tiger-shaped behemoth broke into the ruins to check the situation, then he would have to follow the flying beast to land, and then enter the ruins to stop the other party.

Otherwise, if the original fruit is taken away by the other party, things will be troublesome.

Afterwards, Gu Xin continued to control the flying behemoth to hover in the air, watching from a distance the tiger-shaped behemoth that was constantly approaching here.

At the same time, on the giant tortoise.

The giant tortoise transmitted a voice to Lin Yu and said, "Lin Yu, if we continue to move forward, we will be seen by the flying giant beast."

The flying beast flies in the air and can see very far away, so it can\'t be approached any more now, and it will be seen by Gu Xin.

"Stop first, take a good look at it and then decide." Lin Yu said.

The giant tortoise stopped immediately after hearing the words.

However, although it no longer moves forward, it still uses the power of meditation to carefully sense the flying beasts and tiger-shaped beasts in the distance.

Ahead, Wu Ga, who controls the giant tiger-shaped beast, naturally won\'t have so many concerns.

At this moment, what Uga thought in his mind was why the flying beast had been hovering in the sky in front of him.

Could it be that the treasure that the Meteor God was looking for was on the ground directly below the flying beast?

With such doubts, Uga controlled the giant tiger-shaped beast to run forward, getting closer and closer to the ruins found by Gu Xin.

Gradually, some broken walls and ruins appeared in Uga\'s field of vision.

"There is indeed something!"

Uga roared excitedly and said to Abu beside him.

Just now he sent all the giant beasts and the meteorites to investigate in all directions, but there has been no news until now.

Every Meteor God reported that nothing special was found.

In the end, you have to do it yourself.

"Such a discovery is definitely a great achievement, and God Venerable San Yijia will definitely be very happy."

Uga was full of pride in her heart.

His speculation just now was indeed correct. The Meteor God, who enslaved the flying beast, really came prepared and knew where the treasure was hidden.

At this time, Abu reminded Uga: "Uga, be careful, that Meteor God must have found us too~www.novelhall.com~ I know, don\'t worry." Uga comforted.

He felt that the strength of the Meteor God on the flying beast would not be too much stronger than himself, at least it was impossible to have a seventh-order divine body.

And as long as the opponent\'s strength does not reach the seventh rank, then you don\'t have to worry about the opponent coming to you for trouble.

Because he is assisted by the anima of the tiger-shaped giant beast, he can have the strength equivalent to the sixth-order meteorite.

That is to say, unless the opponent\'s strength is far beyond the sixth-order, don\'t try to get any benefits from yourself.

After thinking about this, Uga did not slow down at all, and kept controlling the tiger-shaped behemoth to fly forward, getting closer and closer to the ruins ahead.

In the air, Gu Xin, who was on the flying giant beast, immediately became alert when he saw this scene.

Unexpectedly, things are really developing in the direction that I least want to see.