Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1022: attitude changes

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"All come to meet me here."

San Yijia ordered.

Obviously, he said this not only to Lin Yu, but also to the other meteor gods living in the giant tree.

Lin Yu quickly left the bulb and flew to the largest bulb directly above with the other meteorites.

After a while, all the Meteor Gods stood under San Yijia\'s throne.

It was obvious that none of the Meteor Gods dared to disobey San Yijia\'s orders, nor did they dare to delay the time.

All the Meteor Gods rushed over as soon as they received the order.

On the throne, San Yijia glanced at the meteor gods and said, "I just got the latest news. If you go east from here, you should be able to find the entrance to the beginning of the land. Now you can split up and look for it."

Saying that, San Yijia began to assign teams.

Lin Yu was assigned to the Ugana team, probably because he was introduced by Ugana.

"Hurry up and leave."

After San Yijia assigned the team, he ordered.

All the Meteor Gods took their orders in unison, and then quickly walked out of the throne room and flew out of this giant bulb.

After coming to the outside of the bulb, all the Meteor Gods lined up in the team just divided and flew to the entrance.

Lin Yu glanced at it and found that a hole was slowly appearing in the place he had just checked for them to enter and exit.

"The entrance is indeed here... I don\'t know who controls the switch of this entrance."

Lin Yu was puzzled.

He had been observing all the Meteor Gods including Uga just now, but when the entrance opened, he didn\'t see any of the Meteor Gods making a move.

So he had absolutely no idea who was controlling the switch at the entrance.

"It\'s impossible to control the entrance completely in the hands of San Yijia, right?"

Lin Yu secretly said in his heart.

He always felt that this possibility should not be very big.

After all, San Yijia is the head of these Fallen Gods and their boss.

As the boss, he manages the door and shuts the door like a doorman, is it possible?

Without thinking any further, Lin Yu followed Uga\'s team of Meteor Gods forward quickly and flew towards the giant beast parked in the distance.

"Did Gu Xin and the flying giant beast come over?" Lin Yu immediately sent a voice transmission to the giant turtle and asked.

"Lin Yu, you finally came out!"

Hearing Lin Yu\'s voice, the giant turtle was greatly surprised.

After finishing speaking, it immediately answered Lin Yu\'s question and said, "Yes, the flying giant beast has come over, and I saw it flying towards the canopy of that giant tree."

"Sure enough, it\'s the same as what Jianmu said." Lin Yu nodded secretly in his heart.

Jianmu also said just now that Guxin went to its canopy, and also said that Guxin wanted to steal its power.

"Lin Yu, I was very worried just now. I was afraid that Gu Xin would come to trouble me." The giant turtle said with fear.

Lin Yu comforted him when he heard the words: "Don\'t worry, I have a set of exercises that you can practice. When you succeed in your practice, you will no longer have to worry about being enslaved by the Fallen God."

"Really?" the giant tortoise asked excitedly.

"Wait when I teach you that set of exercises, you will naturally know." Lin Yu said.

"Okay, are you coming over now?" the giant tortoise asked.

"Well, on the way here." Lin Yu said.

"Then I\'ll wait for you to come."

The giant turtle said excitedly.

After that, Lin Yu didn\'t say more, and followed the Uga team of Meteor Gods and flew forward quickly.

After flying like this for a while, the meteor gods finally came to the vicinity of the giant beast.

Uga ordered everyone to stop, and then said: "All hurry up and prepare for your own giant beast, we will set off immediately." Gu Coo


All the Meteor Gods took orders in unison, and then flew towards their respective giant beasts.

Seeing this, Lin Yu also flew to his giant tortoise.

However, at this moment, Uga suddenly stopped in front of him.

"Lin Yu, wait a minute, I have something to tell you." Uga ordered without question.

Lin Yu frowned slightly and asked, "What\'s the matter?"

Uga looked at Lin Yu up and down, and sneered: "Lin Yu, I know, you rely on yourself to have a fifth-order divine body, so you don\'t put me, a fourth-order meteorite in your eyes."

"It\'s okay to put it in normal times, but now God Venerable San Yijia has arranged things for us."

"So in order to prevent you from disobeying my orders and doing bad things, I have to say something up front."

Speaking of this, Uga sneered again.

But just as Lin Yu was waiting for him to continue talking, he suddenly shot.


Wu Ga rushed forward suddenly, bursting out with an incomparably powerful momentum, and went straight to Lin Yu.

Seeing Uga rushing over, Lin Yu hurriedly released his divine power, preparing to resist the opponent\'s attack.

He thought to himself that his strength was above Uga, and he should be able to block any attack from the opponent, so he stayed where he was.

But the next second, he regretted the decision.

Because he found that Uga\'s strength is not only the fourth-order, but it seems to be stronger than the fifth-order divine body.

Without hesitation, Lin Yu hurriedly dodged to the side to avoid the blow.

Of course, this is because he did not use the other three first-order divine bodies, otherwise it would not be difficult to block this knockdown head-on.

After Wu Ga shot down, he did not continue to shoot, but slowly turned to look at Lin Yu and said, "Is it a surprise?"

"You broke through?" Lin Yu asked.

This place is some distance away from their respective giant beasts, so it is impossible for Uga to use the anima of the giant beast to increase his power, only because he has broken through to the fifth-order divine body.

"That\'s right!" Uga said with a smile: "Not only did I break through, but because I did a good job this time, I got a treasure from the **** Sanyijia."

"So I need to remind you first, lest you make any wrong judgments."

Hearing this, Lin Yu understood why Uga suddenly changed his attitude.

It was because of a breakthrough.

I still remember when I first saw Uga, this guy didn\'t say he was polite, at least his attitude was okay.

As soon as he returned to Jianmu, he suddenly became domineering.

Originally, Lin Yu thought that it was because of the support of San Yijia, which gave Wu Jia the confidence, but he never thought that it was because his own strength was improved.

This Uga finally revealed his original face.

The gentle and courteous look he had before was just a disguise.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu secretly thought in his heart, no wonder Jianmu testing a person is not only a test of strength, UU reading www. uukanshu. com also has requirements on its character.

Probably because he was afraid of meeting someone like Uga.

"Okay, hurry back to your behemoth, and be careful when you talk to me next time."

Uga withdrew his smile and commanded indifferently.

After speaking, he flew to the tiger-shaped giant beast in the distance, and Lin Yu turned around and flew to the giant tortoise.

Soon, Lin Yu returned to the palace in Dadidong.

After being seated on the throne, Lin Yu immediately transmitted his voice to the giant tortoise and taught it the art of meditation completely.

The giant tortoise listened attentively.

On the other side, the meteor gods on the other giant beasts were busy replenishing their anima at this time.

After all, this trip is a long way, and if you don’t replenish your mental energy in advance, it will affect your next actions.