Ex-wife,Please Sign

Chapter 160

As Xin an pondered over the relationship between them, Fu Lixing stood up and said, "what a coincidence?"

"Isn't it? I didn't expect that you, a busy man, would have time to have breakfast. Before I made an appointment with you, I said I didn't have time. It depends on who made the appointment! " Fu Lan swept an eye Xin An, the manner is very polite, "Hello!"

She nodded, instinctively using honorifics. "Hello

"I'm Fu Lixing's sister, Fu Lan!" She offered her hand.

When Xin an heard that it was his elder sister, she stood up and bent, "Hello!" It's a coincidence to see his family in this situation! I secretly regret that I didn't come out with make-up. I'm afraid I'll leave a sloppy first impression.

"Sit down, don't be so stiff!" Fu Lan sat next to Fu Lixing, "although I'm ten years younger than him, my attitude is not old at all, and I don't pay attention to so many manners. Everyone is free! You're supposed to meet a friend! "

Sean nodded, "OK!" She looked at Fu Lixing a little nervously, but he was calm and smiling.

"My elder sister is very easy to get along with. Relax!"

"Yes, I'm not boasting. I'm tough in the mall, but I'm easy to get along with in private!" Fu Lan kept smiling all the time when she spoke, "they all said that my appearance looks very threatening and inhuman, and I'm helpless too..."

"No! You are very nice

Many times, people's character and appearance are opposite. Qin Yaxiang has a gentle face, but she has thorns all over her body. But Fu Lan looks serious, but his speech is like a spring breeze, which is very different.

It seems that they are almost the same age, so Fu Lan is definitely not Qin Yaxiang's daughter, so she was born by her ex-wife. Xin an was a little surprised that her two half brothers and sisters had such a good relationship. She seldom saw that Fu Lixing was so close to a person. The deep feeling between her sister and brother could be seen from the conversation and even a look in her eyes. Fu Lan obviously dotes on his younger brother.

Although Fu Lan is kind to her now, Xin an doesn't dare to take it lightly. Fu Lixing's sister, of course, is also a powerful role. She is not sure that she looks the same.

Three people chatted for a while, Fu Lixing mobile phone rang, the company has important things to go back to deal with. "Xin an didn't drive here, please take her back!"

He is very relieved to give Xin An to Fu Lan, but she is a little worried. Getting along with an unfamiliar person was originally cramped, not to mention the fact that she couldn't distinguish between enemy and friend. She definitely didn't want to stay.

"Why don't you take me back?"

"I haven't finished breakfast yet. Don't worry!" Fu Lixing stood up and buttoned up his suit with one hand. "You have a good chat with my sister, I'll go first!"


Xin an didn't have time to stop him at all. Fu Lixing had already left, obviously also wanted to give them a chance to get along alone. She gave Fu Lan a smile. Her facial muscles were tense. She didn't know what to talk about.

"My brother likes you very much!" Fu Lan said with a smile, "this restaurant used to be a secret base for me and him. He never brought girls here. You are the first one. It shows that he is special to you!"

“…… Is that right? "

"Relax, I won't eat you! On the contrary, I like you very much! "

Xin'an's scalp is numb. She doesn't know how to reply. She only crowns out a sentence for a long time. "Thank you

"I know your background. You are Qiao Yi's wife!"

Xin'an seemed to be slapped in the face. Her face was hot and her hands were twisted together uneasily. "I..."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else! Since I can sit here and chat with you calmly, it means that I can accept your identity! "

Xin an looks at her unexpectedly. "Are you serious?"

"What? I look like I'm saying something ironic? " Fu Lan cut the fried eggs leisurely, still pleasant, "I didn't say that just now, I just look serious, but I am very open-minded! Your past, in my opinion, is not a stain

"When people get married, they all want to live a lifetime. But in fact, many things, especially marriage, can't be planned. Even your husband, you can't see through what kind of person he is and whether he will betray you in the future! "

"Speaking of which, as a marriage failure, I can tell you that 99% of men are unfaithful. Of course, my brother is the one."

"Most of the time, it's easy to share hardships, but very few of them can share happiness. Few men, especially those who have the capital to play, will be loyal to marriage. How many husbands of a rich family are there outside without a large group of warblers? As far as I'm concerned, I can't count how many calls I've received. "

"Qiao Yi, I've heard all those frivolous news abroad. If you can stick to it for three years, you must have really loved it. But the strong love, also can't stand the loss of betrayal, let alone again and again, finally will be disappointed, and at this time, ah Xing appeared, can you not heart? So, I can understand you very well! "

"My brother has a high vision. He likes you. There must be his reason. I will support him! But should you divorce Qiao Yi first? "Sean nodded hard. "I will as soon as possible!"

"Well! That's good! "

Sheen was flattered. "I didn't expect you to accept me. I thought You're going to be like the hell against us! "

"She and I are not the same kind of people, and we have different identities. I only know that what my brother likes, I will support it to the end! If you want to enter the Fu family, you will have to bear a lot of pressure in the future. You should be prepared first. The good news is, I'll be on your side! "

"Thank you I I don't know how to thank you! "

"You don't have to thank me. After all, I'm for my brother! Where are you going after breakfast? "

"Go to the hospital, I'll find a chance to talk about divorce with my father-in-law!"

"Oh Let's do it together Fu Lan drank a mouthful of fruit juice, "I and your father-in-law, there are some friendship, should go to visit."

Fu Lan said very easily, Xin an didn't think much about it, as they had a business relationship.

To the hospital, Xin an first to find a doctor to understand the situation, Fu Lan went directly to the ward.

Joe is reading the newspaper, probably because of the recent treatment, he is exhausted, haggard, and his hair is white.

She knocked on the door, Joe solemnly face accident, "how do you come?"

"I heard that you are very ill. I don't know which day you will die. I'll come to see you for the last time while you are still alive!" Fu Lan hooks the corner of his mouth and puts the flower basket on the ground. "What? Has the critical illness notice come down yet? "

In the hospital to say these words, more bad luck, Joe solemnly heart blocked flustered, "you are to see my joke?"

"Huh?" Fu Lan sat down and looked at him with joyful eyes, "although people should have compassion, I can't sympathize with you when I think of what you have done in the past! I have said before that people are doing things and the sky is watching. There is cause and effect reincarnation in the world. Don't you believe it? Do you believe it now? "


"Don't be angry. Your heart is not good. If you die in anger, I can't bear the responsibility!" Fu Lan's face at the moment is hateful and elated. But she just can't control, that happy mood, the tide generally spray out thin, hard to restrain that kind of excitement.

Twenty years ago, she was in love with Joe solemnly, but the next year he began to cheat and didn't go home every day. When she called him, it was mostly Xiao San who answered. Later, she was designed by Shen Lin and got pregnant. They just lived together.

Her love was completely wiped out, leaving only hatred. The reason why there is no divorce, in addition to considering the cooperation between the two families, but also want to drag Joe solemnly with marriage. As long as she does not leave for a day, Shen Lin is the third child. She and his son are criticized. Qiao Yi is a wild breed.

Joe solemnly body has been suffering from pain exhausted, want to get angry have no strength, "all these years, you can't forget?"

"Forget? It's so easy for you to say. If I'm the one to green you, can you forget? But don't get me wrong, I'm because of love Evil people have their own evil retribution. I want to see what happens to people like you in the end. You've done too many disgusting things. I think it's not just cancer that I read newspapers. Next, retribution will come one after another. You can wait... "

Joe clenched his fist solemnly. "What do you want to do?"

"Don't get excited. You don't have a good thing in Joe's family. What else do you need me to do? I tell you, the Qiao family is exhausted. You'll wait to see them kill themselves one by one. "

"I warn you, if you dare to touch anyone in Qiao's family, I Cough... " Joe solemnly a blood gas upwelling, fiercely cough up, full mouth is bloody smell.

"I didn't tell you to calm down? Look at you. You're so angry. Don't you make yourself angry? " Fu Lan stood up and said, "in case you die like this, you can't see the Qiao family looking for death. I'd better go first and come back to see you on the day of your funeral! Goodbye

Fu Lan's revenge is faster than a beautiful victory in the market. She had been waiting for more than 20 years, and at last, she would not let go of anyone in Qiao's family.

I met Shen Lin at the stairway. Fu Lan is tall and full of momentum. No matter how tall Shen Lin is, she always loses. Before the battle started, Shen Lin was defeated by her height and aura. How could she not make Shen Lin hate her teeth and win the first prize? She asked, "what are you doing here?"

"What do you say?" Fu Lan hands ring chest, rightfully, "to see my husband ah!"

"He's not your husband!"

"Why not? Have you been a junior for a long time and forgotten your identity? Pick up the man I don't want, self righteous in Joe's hegemony, feel very cool, right? There is no tiger in the mountain. The monkey is called overlord. Are you going to float up? "