Ex-wife,Please Sign

Chapter 161

In the face of Fu Lan's sarcasm, Shen Lin is so angry that she blushes. This identity has always been the stem in her heart. She got power and money, but she could never get identity, which made her hate her teeth.

"If you didn't want to divorce Su ran, I would..."

Fu Lan feels funny, "I can't divorce him. Can you manage it?"

"It's funny you're dragging like this?"

"Why not? I think it's very interesting to see you blush with anger and have a thick neck! I tell you, you're not going to be Mrs. Joe until Joe dies! " Fu Lan narrowed his eyes and was extremely sharp.

Shen Lin was very angry and laughed, "that's because you can't get married. No man dares to ask you!"

"So what? It's better than you can hook up three or four. "

Shen Lin's heart was cold. Is it She knows about herself and donnery? Lips, lost color, hard to hide panic.

Fu Lan a clear smile, that smile, deep unexpected. "What? What have you done? "

"Shut up! Don't look like the whole world is sorry for you. Why don't you? You know it! Are the things you used to do brilliant? When it comes to malice, I'm far worse than you Shen Lin retorted, "I'm Xiao San, but at least I gave birth to a son to Su ran. Are you born? "

Shen Lin thinks that she has grasped Fu Lan's weakness and can sting her, but Fu Lan is not angry at all.

"What kind of old son, what kind of seed, Joe solemnly such scum, I really don't want to give him another son, harm society! Just look at Qiao Yi. He's losing people by making women outside every day. If I had such a black sheep, I would have hung myself. Now, I can't even keep my wife! You say, his wife's cheating, is it the retribution that you stole someone else's husband? Let him taste the taste of being robbed of the other half for you... "

In the face of such a complacent face, Shen Lin was almost angry. They have been fighting for more than 20 years, and each time they end up with their own failure!

Tit for tat two people, did not notice Xin an standing behind the wall, the whole person clinging to the wall, face like ashes. She knows Qiao solemnly's wife's surname is Fu and she is a director of Fu Group, but she has never met her. She doesn't know that she is Fu Lan, and she doesn't expect that Fu Lixing has such a relationship with her!

If Fu Lan supports her and Fu Lixing for revenge on Qiao family, what about him? He approached her for that purpose, too?

Just to guess this possibility, Xin an felt terrible, like a thunderbolt!

She is so stupid. If there is no purpose, how can Fu Lixing notice her and treat her so special? Her whole world was blown apart by such a fact. Self righteous happiness, the whole crash.

She ran away quickly, bumped into a person head-on and was knocked to the ground with a "buzz" in her ear. Buttocks installed on the hard ground, very painful, but she did not feel, until being pulled up, the brain is still dizzy, in front of a fuzzy.

"Sheen, do you hear me? "Xin an?" Qiao Yi shook her shoulder. "What's the matter with you?" He had never seen her look so abnormal, as if she had encountered some great disaster, and as if her backbone had been pulled out.

Disordered vision gradually become blurred, Xin an see in front of the person is Qiao Yi, emotional to push his hand, "you let me go! Let go

"What's the matter with you? What happened? "

At the sight of her red eyes, Qiao Yi was more worried. "Is my father's condition getting worse?"

"Get out of here, leave me alone..." Xin'an ran away from him, but Qiao Yi caught up with her and grabbed her by the wrist. "What happened? Tell me

"You let go You bastard Don't drag me any more... " She was like a cockfight. Her action was so fierce that she couldn't get rid of it. She grabbed Qiao Yi's hand and bit it, which made him gnash his teeth. What a cruel woman!

Instinct gave her a push and growled. "What's wrong with you? You stop, stop... "

Xin'an runs faster and faster like running for her life. She hides on the roof alone. She needs time to digest that fact.

Fu Lixing's phone call came in at this time, and Xin'an hung up.


After returning to the ward, Xin'an pretends to take care of Qiao solemnly. While washing the fruit, Qiao Yi walks up to her, looks at her indifferent in the mirror, and asks in a low voice. "What happened to you just now?"


"Not as emotional as you are?" Looking at her appearance just now, it seemed that she had suffered a great blow. In addition, she liked to hide everything in her heart, which made Qiao Yi even more worried. "You tell me, maybe I can help."


"You..." There's nothing Joe can do with her. Anyway, he can't tell Xin an now. Even if he was kind to her, she was ungrateful, as if he wanted to harm her, and did not know how to please her. "There's no need to defend me, I'm not your enemy!" I just want to care about you

"No need!""What I said last night was serious. Do you want to think about it again? If you find that Jin is not suitable for you, or... "

"It's nothing to do with him. We can't go back with him or not!" Drying her hands, Sean walked out of the bathroom.

Qiao Yi looked at her solemnly cutting pears for Qiao, talking and laughing, but she couldn't tell the taste in her heart. When he found himself infatuated with her smile, he became the only one in the world who didn't deserve her smile. What's more, he was worried that she would suddenly mention divorce. Every day it was like walking a tightrope. He was always worried and tired!


Fu Lixing held a meeting all day and made three or four phone calls to Xin'an. He either hung up or didn't answer. Originally, I planned to go to her as soon as I got off work, but I got a call from Fu Baihong to let him go home for dinner.

At home, Fu Baihong is still playing chess upstairs. Fu Lixing and Fu LAN chat in the living room.

"What do you think of her?" He asked.


"Know it, ask it!"

"You said Xin'an..." Fu Lan teased, "just contact, do not understand, but with my experience, is a good girl!"

Fu Lixing was quite proud, "that's to say? What's wrong with the woman I like? "

"So you don't really ask for my opinion, you want to hear me praise her?"

"It can be understood that What did you talk about after I left? "

"Nothing. I made my stand clear and said I would support you! Then we went to the hospital to see old Joe! "

Fu Lixing relaxed his brow and said, "are you together?"

"Well! It seems that she doesn't know the relationship between you and the Qiao family. She's going to divorce you. Aren't you ready to confess to her? What do you think she would think if she knew? "

Fu Lixing's mind became complicated for a moment. He didn't want to say it, but before they had a conflict, so he didn't have a chance to speak. Now that the relationship has just been repaired, he doesn't want her to think more, and plans to wait for the foundation to be more stable, so as to avoid her suspicion.

"Did you tell her?"

"No, I just said I had a friendship with Joe, and she didn't doubt it!"

“……” Fu Lixing took out his mobile phone and touched his chin. Did she not answer her phone all day because she knew? Suddenly there was a sense of uneasiness.

"What's the matter? Keep looking at the phone

"Nothing!" As soon as Fu Lixing was about to say that he had something to leave, Fu Baihong went downstairs. He had to put down his worries and stay at home for dinner.


Xin an originally planned to stay in the hospital that night to take care of Qiao solemnly, but he insisted not to, let her and Qiao Yi go home first. It was over ten o'clock when they left the hospital.

"I'll get a taxi. Goodbye!"

"Not going home tonight?" Qiao Yi followed her, "when are you going to live in Ye Yao's house?"

"Qiao's family is not my family now, I don't want to go back! Today, I didn't mention divorce. It doesn't mean that I won't leave in the future. I'll leave sooner or later. It's better to go out and live earlier! "

Qiao Yi's brow twisted very deeply, "do you have to talk about divorce time?"

"You asked me first!"

"I want you to come home with me!"

"As I said, it's not my home!" Xin An's mood is a little irritable, "I came to the hospital for my father, can you stop pestering me?"

"I've put up with you for a long time! What is your temper today? Did you eat dynamite? "

"I didn't ask you to bear it!" Xin An is very unfeeling and reaches for the car, but is pulled aside by Qiao Yi.

"Don't look like the whole world owes you. If you have something to say, I'm afraid you're in a hurry! Even if it's because of a quarrel between you and the man named Jin, you can tell me that I'm busy. I don't want to laugh at you. I care about you! "

Care about her now? What have you been doing? Before, if he had devoted one percent of his mind to her, they would not have reached the present stage! Xin'an felt ridiculous, confused and tired of dealing with the care she didn't need.

Her face showed a tired color, "just think you are sincere, but some words, I don't want to say, I just want to be alone! Can you give me some space? "

"So it's really because of the king? Did he bully you? I said that he was not a thing for a long time. He was just playing with you. You didn't listen to me. Now is it OK? Look what you've become because of him? " Qiao Yi wanted to scold her for what she deserved, but he couldn't scold her. He was more worried. "No! I can't let that son of a bitch play with you like this, I'll go to him to settle the accounts! "

"Stop it..." Cynthian grabbed his hands. "Don't go!"

"Let go, I'll do you justice!" Qiao Yi was so fierce that he looked like he was going to kill people.

"You..." A dizzy attack, Xin an in front of a dark sky, almost did not stand firm. Qiao Yi held her, "what's the matter with you?"

She pinched her eyebrows and shook her head. For a long time, the uncomfortable feeling receded. "I'm fine. I'm just a little dizzy. Don't go!"

The current husband goes to the "third party" to get justice for his wife. What's the matter!