Ex-wife,Please Sign

Chapter 159

At the moment, Qiao Yi is vulnerable, confused and helpless. Even though Xin An's heart is Fu Lixing, her husband can't be completely indifferent to a man who has loved for ten years. The deepest, there is always a trace of heartache.

"Qiao Yi, don't do that I understand your current situation, what you need is a person to support and accompany you, but it has nothing to do with love. Your father is also my father. He is the closest person to me. Even if I get divorced, I am willing to take care of him all the time. But between you and me, there is no love, so it's torture to each other

"You don't understand..." Qiao Yi red eyes, wry smile, "I need to be with me, but you, Xin an It's you I just need you Do you know? I like you already

"It's not like it, you just don't like it! Not willing to be taken away by others, not willing to lose a woman who once loved you crazy! "

"No I like you, I really like you Xin an I don't know when it started, you have gradually integrated into my life! Even the dislike to you has become a habit. I want to see you every day. As soon as you leave my sight, I feel suffocated. "

Qiao Yi tightened her arms and fingers inch by inch, pinching and rubbing her skin, as if in this way, she could be integrated and never separate.

"I know I've done a lot of ridiculous things in the past. I'm sorry I'm a scum. I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I know it's wrong Will you give me another chance? I swear, I will change, from now on I only have you a woman! Let's start over, huh? I can't lose you... "

Xin An's throat is sore. Maybe he really likes her, but it's too late. Lost feelings are doomed to be irretrievable forever. She loved him, but it was far from enough to shake her determination.

"Sorry..." Finally, all Xin an could say was this, the most powerless consolation.

Qiao Yi's heart was held tightly by one hand, and he was choked by it. He laughed at himself. Knowing that she had changed her mind, why should he insult himself and make himself so sad? But he just can't give up, can't just watch her leave! Extremely stupid extravagant hope, perhaps strive for again, she will turn back.

As a result

He released her dejectedly and stepped back a few steps. From the corner of his eyes, Qiao Yi burst into tears. "Ha ha You are really cruel! But how can I blame you? Everything today is caused by me I'm the one who ruined all this. I deserve it

He staggers away and pulls the door open. Xin An is worried. "You are not fit to drive because of your mental condition. Let me help you to stop a taxi."

"You care about me?" He gave her a sad smile.

Sean can't answer that.

"If you can't be with me, don't say that again Pretending to care only makes me nostalgic, and I can't let go of it.... "

Then, without hesitation, he got into the car and drove away.

Xin'an stood in the same place for a few minutes before she went upstairs with a lot of worries. Entering the room, Fu Lixing stood on the balcony with his bare upper body. Balcony is facing downstairs, obviously he just a scene income fundus, Xin an heart surprised. Smoking, his whole body is covered with a touch of melancholy. Smoke misted his face, facial features tight, eyes convergence, did not reveal a trace of emotion.

A few steps away, Xin'an was like a child who did something wrong and was at a loss. Hesitating for a few seconds, he stepped forward, hugged him from behind and put his face on his back. She was afraid that he would be angry, which upset her. "I'm sorry!"

"Sorry, what? Let him hold you? If he didn't save you at the construction site that day, he would be a dead man now! " Fu Lixing's tone was fierce and full of murders.

"I didn't know he would suddenly..."

"Then why don't you push him away?"

"He is very sad today. He humbly asks me not to leave him. I can't bear to..."

"Because you can't bear it, you let him hold you? Have you thought about how I feel? If today, you saw me holding Tang Tang Tang and I said I was just comforting her, what would you think? " Fu Lixing's tone was calm to the extreme, such as deep water, without a trace of blame or questioning, unusually calm.

By transposition, Xin'an can feel the hurt more personally. If it was her, she would run away, not contact him for a few days, or make a lot of noise on the spot.

It's hard for her to be caught between two men! More guilt for him!

"I'm sorry Really I'm sorry... " Apart from apologizing, sheen didn't know what to say.

Fu Lixing took a deep breath and clenched his fist, which showed that he had been suppressing his anger. He was very angry, wanted to kill, wanted to roar, but he was not willing to hurt her after all.

When people are angry, what they say hurts people like a sword. Their relationship has just begun. He doesn't want to do anything to destroy it at this time. As a result, he could only suppress and swallow all his anger back. It's better for him to be hurt alone than in this relationship.After closing his eyes, Fu Lixing slowly spits out the depression in his chest with the last puff of cigarette. He pinches the cigarette end, turns around and holds Xin An's shoulder. She looked at him with guilt in her eyes and melted his heart.

"Promise me that it won't happen again! If he touches you next time, I don't know what I will do! "

Xin an nodded quickly. "I know! There won't be another time! " Just as he was about to swear, Fu Lixing put her hand in his palm and kissed her. A smile appeared on her cold face, like melting ice and snow. "I believe you!"

"Well, let's not talk about him. I don't want anyone to affect our mood tonight!"

Seeing that he was really relieved, Xin an was greatly relieved. At this moment, I realized that I was so nervous that I would suffocate.

"But you make me unhappy. Tonight, I have to punish you..." Fu Lixing picked Xin'an up, pressed her body heavily, and hit her with a hard iron body. The collision of the fire immediately made her hot. She put her hands around his neck and hung them on him. He was allowed to carry herself into the room and crush herself on the bed. The hardness and softness were closely embedded together.

Blazing kisses mixed with strong tobacco fragrance swept in, accompanied by his overbearing declaration, "Xin'an You belong to me only... "

Ye Yao didn't come back all night, and they enjoyed a very sentimental night. The next day was the weekend, and they stayed in bed until more than 10 o'clock. Fu Lixing proposed to go to the western restaurant for breakfast, but Xin an wanted to keep a low profile and buy a portion of porridge downstairs. In the end, he couldn't beat him.

After sitting down, Xin an was still a little nervous and looked around. Fu Lixing was very leisurely and ordered two American breakfasts.

Cut a piece of fried egg and send it to Xin'an's mouth. She shook her head. "I have it myself!" Subconsciously looking around again, it was very difficult. "There may be my clients here. It's bad if they are recognized!"

"What are you afraid of? You're going to divorce anyway."

"Divorce is different from divorce..."

Fu Lixing didn't care about this, but sent a little forward, "come on! Open your mouth

Xin an had to take a bite, feeding is very sweet, but this occasion, or let her inevitably a little nervous. It feels like I'm a street mouse. I can't see the light.

"How does it taste? Eat more eggs to replenish your strength

"You should eat more. You didn't eat until four last night..." Xin an blushed. "Can you stand it?"

"Five times a night..." Fu Lixing understated, the corner of his mouth upward happy radian. "If it wasn't for someone crying and begging for mercy, it would be more than that!"

"Don't say that at breakfast!"

"You brought it up first! You care so much about my body, of course I don't want you to worry! Your man is in good health. I'll prove it to you after breakfast! "

Xin an chuckles, "do men like to be brave in this respect?"

"I need to be brave?" Fu Lixing sipped his coffee. "I'm not trying to be brave, but I'm really strong! You eat more, too thin, every time a little hard, worry about your body bone will fall apart. But the strength is light, I don't enjoy myself, I can't satisfy you well! If you want to love, love to the deepest... "

The more you talk about it, the worse it gets Xin'an shakes his head repeatedly. He is really a fox who has been practicing for many years. He is much higher than her!

"No work today. What's the plan?"

"Go to the hospital to see my father-in-law. I should stay there to take care of him tonight!"

Fu Lixing was not very happy. "So you will meet Qiao Yi?"

"I don't know if he's there, maybe!" She tried to relax. "What? Are you jealous? "

"What do you think?"

"I have no feelings for him. Don't be so careful!"

"But in name, he's still your husband. I'm just not happy when you meet him! "

"I know! I will find a chance to ask my father-in-law about divorce today! You don't believe me? "

"I want to believe you, but you are never cruel enough. I'm afraid you can't say it!" Fu Lixing's tone was almost affirmative. He knew that the biggest obstacle to divorce came from Joe's solemnity and his "kindness" to Xin'an. He didn't think it would go so smoothly. But at the same time, I don't want to push her too hard.

"If you can't say it, you have to say it. As long as his condition doesn't get worse, I will say it!" Xin an looked into his eyes, put his hand on the back of his hand, and squeezed it tightly. "Believe me!"

"No wonder I didn't have time to make an appointment with you yesterday. It turned out that a beautiful woman had an appointment!" A tune of laughter in the two heads sounded, Xin an quickly pulled back his hand. Looking up, it was a very tall woman, wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes of 56 cm. It was one meter eight. Fu Lixing stood up. She was only a little shorter than him.

He is about fifty years old. He is very handsome and has the ability and momentum of a strong woman. His momentum is very strong. He throws himself out of Shen Lin several blocks at once.

She and Fu Lixing What's the relationship?