Ex-wife,Please Sign

Chapter 158

When Fu Lixing took a bath, the secretary sent the clothes. Xin an was rather embarrassed. Fu Lixing finished his bath, and he just put a towel around his waist and came out. It was loose and could fall down at any time.

Xin an just put on a new sheet, as soon as she looked back, she saw a red man as handsome as Apollo. The man came in, his heart beating. I've seen his body many times, but I marvel at his figure in my heart every time. The visual shock is too strong.

His complexion is darker than Qiao Yi's, his figure is stronger than him, his waist is wide, his hips are narrow, and his chest muscles are strong. No wonder a man's shoulders and chest have such a strong attraction to women. He is protected in his arms by such a pair of strong arms. In this life, he doesn't want to go anywhere.

Fu Li walked over and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Now he likes to kiss her very much. It's the sweetest little interaction between them. He's used to it and it's natural.

"Your hair is still wet! The room is air-conditioned. It's easy to catch a cold if you don't dry it. " She took a towel. "I'll wipe your hair!"

"Oh Fu Lixing stands upright.

"Ah You bend down I can't rub it... " Sean could hardly reach his head on tiptoe.

"Dwarf, why are you so short?" Fu Lixing touched her head as soon as he raised his hand.

Xin an argued, "I'm not wearing high heels!"

"It's short..."

What do you mean? See her faults so soon? Xin an curled her lips and pretended to be unhappy. "Don't think I'm short, go find a 1.8 meter model! Isn't it the first day you know that I'm so tall, and when you catch up with me, you start to dislike me? "

"Who says I dislike you? I like your height! Girls should not be too tall. They are cute only when they are Petite.... " Fu Lixing put his hand around her, bent his head on his neck and breathed in her ear. "Just hold it! It's very comfortable! "

Xin An's heart is sweeter than honey, and her mouth is tender and angry. "I wish you knew! My height is very popular, the most cute height difference, do you understand? We are not only the most cute height difference, but also the most cute age difference. Right, uncle Fu! "

Fu Lixing had no skin and no face with a smile

"Go! Shame on you

He sat on the bed, Xin'an to his hair, fingers through the hair, gently friction, burning, each other's hearts are crisp, immersed in such tenderness.

True love, sweet, is not a storm, often in the little bit of life, they cherish such a moment.

After wiping his hair, Fu Lixing took Xin'an's hand and put it on his lips. He pecked it gently and scalded a layer of goose bumps.

Xin'an's face is full of spring, and she is very shy I'll take a bath first

"Together? We haven't had a mandarin duck bath yet

"I hate it! Can't you think of something serious in your head? "

"A man who can be serious with the woman he likes must not be! You know very well whether I can do it or not and how much I can do it

This kind of molestation once again upset Xin An's heart, which was irresistible. "I'll leave you alone. I'll take the clothes!"

Fu Lixing threw the bath towel aside and put on his underwear. He inadvertently glanced at the gift box on the bedside table. When he opened it, it was a tie.

Light gray, simple pattern, low-key elegance.

"To whom?" Fu Lixing asked.

Xin an was silent.

"Qiao Yi?" Instantly changed face, raised eyebrow tip to sink down.

"No! It's For you When we were in England, didn't we pass a flagship store? I bought it then. "

Fu Lixing's face turned from overcast to clear, and his expression was more pleasant than before. "So you are not looking for friends, but buying me gifts?"

"Well! Once I was pulled to go shopping and saw this tie, I thought it was very suitable for you! I didn't buy it at that time, but I kept thinking about it after I went back... "

"If Qiao Yi knew you were going shopping with him, but he was thinking about buying me a gift, would he jump off a building and commit suicide?"

"And you know it's him?"

Fu Lixing smiles without saying anything. He knows everything about her!

"Why didn't you give it to me that day?"

"Didn't you meet your mother? Later, I didn't get a chance to send them, so I forgot! None of that matters. What matters is, do you like it or not? "

"It's from you. I'll take it as a treasure! In the future, you'll often see me wearing it. "

"If only you like it, I I don't know what kind of style and color you like. I can only buy it by my own feeling

"I love it Fu Lixing ordered childishly, "you can only buy me gifts in the future, you know?"

"I see, cheapskate!"

Even if it's just a joke, I feel very happy.

It's a pity that the good mood didn't last long. After taking a bath, Xin an was depressed when she saw more than a dozen missed calls from Qiao Yi on her mobile phone. Just as he called again, she hung up directly.Fu Lixing pasted her body from behind her, tightly adhered, very touching.

The phone vibrated twice, and Xin'an never got tired of it.

"I'm downstairs of Yeyao. If you don't answer the phone, I'll go up!" He has always been a fierce threat.

Xin An is in a hurry. "Qiao Yi is downstairs. He said he would come up!"

"Oh..." Fu Lixing didn't think so. "Let him come up. You've occupied you for so long. I just want to beat him up!" Narrow eyes, dangerous squint up, showing a chill.

"No, he can't know you're here!"

"You think he doesn't know if you don't say it? He knows all about our relationship. "

Xin an pushed away his hand and stood up, "know, know, but meeting will only aggravate the contradiction! He won't divorce now, and if he gets angry, he won't agree! "

Fu Lixing gave a cold smile. "I have plenty of ways to get him to agree!"

Xin an knew that his practice was mostly related to taking Joe as a threat, so he resolutely opposed it. "It's not the time to take coercive measures. I'll talk to him again. Don't talk, I'll call back! "

She went to the living room and tried to communicate with Qiao Yi, but he was extremely rude and threatened to tear down the Yeyao family without seeing her. Xin an was forced to go downstairs.

It was difficult to say to Fu Lixing, "I I'll go down first... "

Fu Lixing frowned, "are you sure you want to see him? If I say, "I don't want you to go!"

"I don't want to, but if I don't go down, he will come up, which will cause more trouble!"

"You don't think I can protect you?"

"No I just I don't want you to get involved in this! Let me go down and see him. I promise, I'll be back soon Xin an closed her hands and pleaded, "please! I will send him away soon... "

Fu Lixing has to agree if he doesn't agree. He doesn't look good. Xin'an promised to come back in 20 minutes. Without wearing any shoes, she ran down the stairs in a hurry. Qiao Yi's car was parked at the door of the building, leaning against the car, looking irritable.

"Why are you coming down now?" He immediately asked, "I've been on the phone all night. Why don't I answer?"

Just now in front of Fu Lixing was a lovely little woman. As soon as she faced Qiao Yi, Xin an immediately changed into a cold face. "What do you want from me?"

"I..." Qiao Yi lowered his temper and lowered his tone. "I'm worried about you! It's my mother's fault today, but you shouldn't talk back to her! "

"Transposition thinking, if I call your mother a fox, can you be indifferent? There is a contradiction between me and her. She is my mother-in-law. I should bear it, but I can't bear to scold my mother! "

"You either don't know her, or you like to aim at you. Sometimes you are a little mean Anyway, she shouldn't do it. Does her face hurt? "

Before Qiao Yi's hand touched Xin An's face, she dodged him as if he were a virus. This move, let him very hurt, dejectedly back hand.

Xin an sighed. "In the afternoon, I put ice on it. It's gone. It's OK!"

"Are you going to hide in Ye Yao's house all the time?"

"Before the divorce


"When I come back this time, I will find a chance to ask dad about the divorce as soon as possible. Don't worry, the responsibility lies with me, I will say it's my fault! "

Qiao Yi feels panicked, "his body is like that now, do you still have the heart to stimulate him?"

"His physical condition is already a fact. If I don't say it, his condition can't get better! Sooner or later, we have to leave. Long pain is better than short pain! "

"At least when he gets better..."

"I don't want to wait any longer. It's painful for me to drag on like this every day!" Xin An's face was bitter. "I always think about this and that, and I don't want to divorce, but I'm very tired. I'm almost exhausted by so many worries! From now on, I just want to live for myself. I want to relax! "

Xin an looks very pale, without any emotion, but also very determined. Qiao Yi feels that she is very strange, like a changed person, which makes his heart cold. "When did you become so selfish?"

"If I were selfish, would I spend it with you until now?"

"You are selfish. You forget what my father did to you? Now that he has cancer, you have to stimulate him. What about your conscience? Is it Jin who taught you to be ungrateful? Because of him, right? "

"It has nothing to do with him! Is it wrong that I want to live for myself? I am a person, I also have feelings! You say I'm selfish or ungrateful. In a word, I can't bear such a life for a day. This marriage, I'm divorced! I've finished what I have to say. Don't bother me any more! "

Xin An said and turned to go, but Qiao Yi grabbed her arm and pulled her into her arms. She felt dizzy when she hit his hard chest. I thought he would be furious, but he just hugged her tightly and tried his best.

"Don't divorce I beg you... " For the first time in his life, he was always arrogant and begged in such a low voice. Tightly around her waist, eager to embed her in his body, so uneasy, like a loose hand will lose the world, fear, helplessness, vulnerable.——————————————————————

Baby, happy holidays, always keep the childlike girl the most beautiful! The new January has begun, work hard!

PS: when did you start to call me male master? Is it so familiar? O(∩_ ∩)O~