Evil Boss Comes Again

Chatper 402

"It\'s okay if you don\'t know, it\'s fine if I know!" After Yan Qingyi finished speaking, she explained, "Don\'t be afraid, I won\'t eat you, hehe!"

As soon as these words were finished, Yan Qingyi was triumphant and walked towards the temple, leaving Qingchen, who was stunned and panicked, alone in a daze.

His heart, which had no turbulence, was now turned upside down by Yan Qingyi\'s sudden appearance. He didn\'t know why she appeared, and he didn\'t know why she suddenly disturbed him like this. All he knew was that now he is not comforted. Take good care of his own heart, then he will not be able to accompany the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng well in the future.

Yan Qingyi, who ran away after she was finished, was at ease, but she didn\'t know that Qingchen was alone there.

In the room, Yan Qingyi had already washed up and lay on the bed.

She hadn\'t slept peacefully for a long time, and after lying in bed for a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep, directly slept until the next morning.

The sun shines in through the window, illuminating the room brightly. Outside, the birds are chirping non-stop. Except for the birds, there is no worldly sound, which is very comfortable.

After stretching, getting up and taking a shower, he went to find Qingchen.

Yesterday they agreed, and today she has to take him to a place.

When Yan Qingyi arrived at the door of the clean room, the other party just opened the door and came out.

Qingchen was disturbed by Yan Qingyi\'s actions yesterday and didn\'t fall asleep all night. When we came together today, there was a circle of darkness around his eyes, and he looked particularly haggard.

Seeing him like this, Yan Qingyi smiled unkindly.

She pointed at his panda eyes, and she laughed so hard.

"Haha, didn\'t you spend the night with that rabbit in the back mountain last night? Look at your dark eyes, haha!"

Qingchen took a deep breath, and he was indifferent to her ridicule.

Really, I\'m embarrassed to laugh, if it wasn\'t for the words you said in his ear last night, would he have not slept all night?

"Aren\'t you going to take me somewhere?"

"Yes, didn\'t I call you here? Let\'s go!"

Qingchen walked forward without saying a word.

Yan Qingyi followed behind him, laughing twice from time to time.

There was no place for her to laugh at this, but when she thought of a serious person, her face was red and white yesterday, and when she had two dark circles under her eyes this morning, she really couldn\'t hold back. live!

After leaving the Qingxin Temple, Yan Qingyi\'s knees became a little soft when the ladder of more than 100 steps had gone halfway.

She pulled Qingchen\'s sleeve and looked at him pitifully.

"Then what, let\'s rest for a while, my legs are so soft!"

Going up the mountain is a broken leg, going down the mountain is a weak leg. It is estimated that there is no one but her.

Qingchen glanced at the ladders at the foot of the mountain, then glanced at Yan Qingyi, and nodded.

Yan Qingyi took a deep breath, sat down on the ladder, and rubbed her knees.

Qingchen just stood by the side without saying a word, didn\'t rush her, just waited like this, and he didn\'t know where his patience came from.

If it were another man, she would definitely have to hurry, or why are you so delicate? Why don\'t you just take some stairs? Are the legs so soft?

"Did you say hello to the host?"


When it was clear that the sky was still dark, he went to the host and told him that he was going down the mountain with her.

At that time, Yan Qingyi was still sleeping with her butt pouted!

After rubbing for a while, when her legs were not so soft, Yan Qingyi got up and went down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, Qingchen couldn\'t help but ask where she was going.