Evil Boss Comes Again

Chatper 401

Yan Qingyi walked over, the man heard the footsteps behind him, turned his head and saw that it was Yan Qingyi, frowned, and stood up.

She walked to him, glanced at the cage on the ground, and then looked at Qingchen.

"Amitabha!" Qingchen clasped his hands together and pronounced the Buddha\'s name before saying, "Donor, why are you here?"

"Do you know what fate is?" Yan Qingyi asked back.

Qingchen didn\'t understand what he meant, so he shook his head and didn\'t speak.

Yan Qingyi smiled and explained.

"Fate is that I didn\'t know you were here, but I bumped into you here!" She pointed at him and continued, "This is fate!"

She showed him a very warm smile, even the curvature of the corners of her mouth was so perfect, full of soft eyes, people couldn\'t move away, yes, she was attracted to her like this, the smile lingered in my heart and couldn\'t be erased.

Qingchen\'s face turned red involuntarily, because it was under the moonlight, so he couldn\'t see clearly.

She squatted down, opened the cage, and held the rabbit in her arms.

This rabbit is a gray lop-eared rabbit. It is very fat. It is estimated that it was fattened by Qingchen. It is very comfortable to touch, and the hair is also very soft, which makes people fond of it.

"Does it have a name?" Yan Qingyi asked with a smile while gently stroking the rabbit in her arms. The corners of her lips drew a perfect arc, and she smiled deeply.

Qingchen froze for a moment, "No."

Could it be that he saved a rabbit and kept it, and he had to give it a name?

"It\'s so cute." Yan Qingyi\'s loving eyes locked on the rabbit, "The little novice said that you raised a rabbit, but I still don\'t believe it. I wondered how could you keep a rabbit? Now it seems, the little novice It\'s really true!"

"This rabbit was injured. I was afraid that something would happen to it, so I kept it." Qingchen explained.

"I know, the little novice told me."


Then he really doesn\'t keep his mouth shut and says everything to outsiders!

After touching for a while, Yan Qingyi put the rabbit back into the cage.

This cage is very delicately made. It has a place to eat, drink, and sleep. It seems that this rabbit has indeed received his meticulous care.

Standing up, Yan Qingyi faced Qingchen, pointed to his mouth, and smiled slightly, "You have to protect your mouth at all times in the future!"


"Because I might be tempted to kiss it."

His face turned red when he brushed it again, and inside his chest, it seemed like a deer was ramming around, and his ears were so hot, it was as if he had been exposed to the scorching sun all day.

"Girls, you... I hope you can respect yourself."

Every time I call her self-respect, is there no other word?

In my mind, the sound of 003 smacking sounded!

This host, it\'s really too conscientious to flirt with people, to flirt with a monk like this in Buddhism!

Yan Qingyi leaned in front of him, grabbed the front of his shirt, and pulled him down. Then, she whispered in his ear, "No, I owe you this."

His ears are white and rosy inside, with distinct helixes, and the outer and inner circles are well-proportioned, like a carved piece of art.

Seeing such ears, Yan Qingyi really wanted to bite down.

Qingchen was flustered, slapped her hand away with a slap, and hurriedly took two steps back, almost hitting a tree.

Yan Qingyi saw that he suddenly looked like a panicked child, and couldn\'t help but burst out laughing.

"Poor monk... Poor monk doesn\'t know what you\'re talking about."