Evil Boss Comes Again

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Yan Qingyi wouldn\'t answer him. If she wanted to say something, she said it yesterday, and she wouldn\'t wait until he asked.

"You\'ll know then."

Qingchen didn\'t ask any more questions, and silently followed behind her.

After half an hour, the two came to a lake. On the lake, there is a courtyard, surrounded by the most brightly blooming lotus flowers, one by one lotus flowers, and one by one lotus leaves add a bit of beauty to this courtyard!

This courtyard was built by Yan Qingyi and asked 003 to build it according to the prototype of the other courtyard where she and Yan Yi lived in the previous life. After she met Qingchen, she asked 003 to build the courtyard here. It took almost two months in total, and it was finally completed two days ago!

Yan Qingyi didn\'t know how he did it. Anyway, since 003 said that the courtyard was completed, she admired him very much!

It really did answer what 003 once said to her, he can do everything and has everything. For Yan Qingyi, this is really amazing!

Standing at the end of Dengqiao, Yan Qingyi looked at Qingchen\'s well-defined profile face, the corners of her lips were slightly hooked, and she smiled with some anticipation.

When Qingchen saw this courtyard, he was already there in amazement.

In the dark, he always feels that he has been here before, and he is very familiar with everything here, but he knows that he has never been here!

what is this?

He also felt the same way about the woman beside him. He also felt the same way about this courtyard. Why was that? He hadn\'t been here at all, let alone seen her!

"Qingchen, do you think this place looks familiar?"

"Well...but I\'ve never been here before!"

"Want to know why all this is?"

Qingchen looked back at Yan Qingyi and nodded. The purpose of his coming here was to find out what all this was for. Now that he heard Yan Qingyi\'s words, he naturally wanted to know!

Yan Qingyi took a deep breath, moved her eyes to the courtyard in front of her, and told Qingchen everything about her previous life!

Qingchen heard that the whole person was dumbfounded. He really didn\'t believe the so-called unfinished love in the past life or the continuation of this life. But this woman has a nose and eyes, and he does have a feeling of deja vu to her, and he is also inexplicably familiar with this courtyard. Could it be that she was really a lover in his previous life?

But he heard that when people die, they will drink Meng Po soup, and after drinking this soup, they will forget everything that she experienced in her lifetime. Why does she remember those things in the past so clearly?

And he himself, if he drank that soup, he couldn\'t have seen her for the first time and felt familiar with this courtyard. It was so strange, he really didn\'t understand at all!

Yan Qingyi didn\'t tell him that his previous life was a dragon, because of such a thing, she didn\'t know what to say, it was too mysterious after all. Besides, she didn\'t want him to know too much about the burdens of the previous life. If he knew too much, it would mess up the laws of this world. At the same time, she didn\'t want him to bear too much!

Yan Qingyi thought that he would be with her after she told him about her and him in his previous life. He never thought that after she said that, the other party had no intention of being shaken!

Yan Qingyi was a little anxious. All she did was for him to be with her after hearing what happened to her in his previous life, but he didn\'t want to do all this for nothing!