Eternal Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 615

When they looked at Chu Hao\'s eyes again, they became completely different.

Before, although they looked at Chu haogao, they just juxtaposed him with Zhi Qishui and Feng Qian, but now they blow Weng Xingwei up with one punch! This means that if Chu Hao wants to kill each other, it\'s just a few more punches.

Easy and happy.

Too strong. What kind of Freak is this guy.

"Brother Chu, hey hey, I dare not call you brother. Why don\'t I call you uncle Chu like brother Zhi?" Feng Qian joked.

Chu Hao said solemnly, "OK, but I don\'t have a gift for you!"

Everyone laughed and the atmosphere eased a lot. Chu Hao almost scared him to death just now.

After this episode, they finally set out on the road. If they go to Tianhe secret place, it will take two months on the road alone. This is because there are a large number of transmission arrays that can reduce and save time. Otherwise, if they fly purely in flesh, the star masters will fly for four or five years.

Chu Hao didn\'t want to be in the limelight. Two months is two months. Anyway, he\'s not in a hurry. Besides, he doesn\'t know where the Tianhe secret land is. Naturally, he didn\'t use his space wing.

They constantly use the transmission array to pass through one planet, Galaxy and star domain after another. During this period, naturally, some people are not open-minded. They see that several women such as lanran are beautiful and want to kiss Fangze, but they are beaten so that their mother doesn\'t know them.

Some people have strong backstage, but when they light up the identity token of the ancient college, no one dares to stop them.

This sign is still very popular in hundreds of nearby star domains. Unless the other party can kill people, it will generally give some face to the ancient academy. After all, there are several domain masters.

Two months later, they finally came to the entrance of Tianhe secret land.

This is not on any planet, but in a sun!

This is why only the domain master was qualified to enter. The flame burning in the sun is a pure third-order fire system law. If people under the domain master enter, they will be instantly reduced to ashes.

But now, the sun has been torn open a huge black space. You can see that there is a vast ocean in the depths of the sun.

It\'s incredible that there is an ocean inside the sun. You know, this is the condensation place of the third-order fire system law. Fire and water are the opposite of nature.

Everyone sighed, which overturned their cognition.

It is worthy of being the origin of heaven and earth. It is unexpected that there is the origin of water in the fire.

Now, although the fire of the sun is still boiling and terrible, because there is a huge gap, the power is greatly reduced, and even the God of war can easily enter the field.

They are not the only group of people. It seems that this place has become a busy city or a holy land of martial arts. There are countless people gathered in the vast starry sky, and some have opened large air ships that can sail in the stars, giving Chu Hao a feeling of entering the world of science fiction.

Some empty ships are ridiculously large and no smaller than ordinary planets. In fact, they are really transformed from planets.

The weak stayed on the empty ship, while the warrior God of war and above entered the crack in the sun and started their own treasure hunt.

"Let\'s go too," said LAN ran.


More than a hundred people flew to the sun, boom, the flames hit, they opened the field for defense, and the law circulated around them to isolate the terrible high temperature.

Such a high temperature is that the God of war can resist, not to mention that these people are at least star masters, and are the leaders of all ethnic groups. Naturally, they don\'t care and walk through the flames as if nothing had happened.

Soon, the flames disappeared, and they appeared above the vast ocean. The sea under their feet was very calm and calm.

In such a secret place, there are crises everywhere. They dare not be careless. They first studied the sea water. In case of a fierce battle, they need to know whether the sea water can be touched.

The result comforted them. Although the sea water was strange, after all, it didn\'t boil and evaporate in such an environment, but it didn\'t do them any harm.


They moved forward again, but soon, there were waves on the sea and a wave ten feet high. Someone was careless and was hit by the wave. Unexpectedly, they were photographed in a moment and almost turned into blood and mud.

Fortunately, the star Lord also has the ability of blood rebirth. As long as the source is still there, it is impossible to die.

At this time, people saw that these waves were woven with divine patterns. It was definitely a third-order law, which could not be countered by the king of stars, let alone the star master.

They quickly rose to a higher position, otherwise they would not have to look for opportunities if they were photographed by these waves.

They went on, and it was only a little while later that the angry waves subsided, and the sea became calm again. The waves seemed to be intermittent.

"Look ahead, there seems to be something floating in the sea!" someone suddenly shouted.

When they flew over, they saw a man floating on the sea, face down, limbs spread out, motionless, and they didn\'t know whether he was badly hurt or dead.

"This robe!" someone pointed to the man in the sea, "it\'s made of purple jade, dragon pattern and gold silk. God, it\'s the top divine gold, also known as law exemption. It can be dissolved as long as it\'s not the Lord\'s law."

In this way, all the people have strong greed. If they can get this robe, wouldn\'t it be invincible under the great emperor?

They fell down one after another and wanted to grab it, but suddenly, four people were shattered by the shock, which scared others to stop their bodies, but some people couldn\'t stop and were blasted one after another.

With the power of origin, these blood foams were combined one after another and became complete people. Some people were lucky to be far away from the people in the sea, but the people far away were shocked again.

"This, this man is so powerful that his momentum can shock life!" they exclaimed.

Several times later, several people turned into blood foam forever and died completely.

They quickly flew high into the air and far away from the man in the sea.

"It\'s terrible. What\'s the existence of that man? Even his close body will be shocked?"

"Seems... Dead!"

Everyone nodded. If this man didn\'t die, how could he lie in the sea with his strong strength? Is it fun? But how did he die when he was so powerful?

Everyone was watching from a distance. This man must be surprisingly strong before he died. Even after his death, he was still powerful. He was just close. Even the star Lord and the king of stars could not resist his momentum.

"It\'s definitely not just the domain master. The domain master is not so strong!"

"It should be the Lord of the world!"


For this guess, people think it is quite reliable, because this man is wearing a robe woven of purple jade, dragon pattern and gold wire. The domain master is not able to succeed at all, and the emperor\'s words... This robe is of no use to him.

"Among the hundreds of star regions around us, only 10 billion years ago, a world Lord came out and founded the ancient academy."

"In other words, this person was a figure ten billion years ago?"

He is worthy of being the Lord of the world. After so many years, the bones are still intact, and even the robe on his body is not damaged. This can\'t help but make Chu Hao think of the river in the nether palace. There are also many bodies floating, but there is no exaggeration. Nearly his body was shocked.

"Come on, these treasures are not something we can covet."

Everyone sighed, but no one could resist the pressure of the Lord and had to leave. Fortunately, they are all contemporary Tianjiao. If they can afford it, they can put it down. Between treasure and life, they naturally choose life.

"I just don\'t know how that man died?"

"Secret territory, naturally there is a big crisis."

"But even the world leader will fall?"

Everyone sighed. The Lord of the world is really too strong. Among the hundreds of star domains around the ancient academy, there are hundreds of domain masters, but one was born ten billion years ago, not to mention the great emperor. I haven\'t heard of it at all.

No way, there is no super star in these star regions, and it is impossible to have the soil for the birth of the great emperor.

Chu Hao thought to himself that he Jiada was injured when he entered the origin of fire. Finally, he fell short when he attacked the emperor of heaven. Even the great emperor is like this. What\'s strange about the death of a world Lord here?

But in this way, he was naturally more careful. The great emperor had an accident. Now there is a corpse of the Lord in front of him. How can he be careless?

After moving forward for a while, I saw another body floating on the sea.

This time, the people didn\'t dare to approach easily. They just pushed out a strong Qi. When they hit the man, they directly photographed him into the sea, and then they floated again.

"It shouldn\'t be great power." everyone nodded. If the world leader level, the tiger\'s death threat will have a law shock.

They fell down and turned over the body. They saw that it was a very young man with a lifelike face. It seemed that he was just sleeping and didn\'t die.

"I, I know this man. Zhu Liwen of Tianyang Galaxy broke through the star master before 7000 years old, and once shook the whole galaxy." someone exclaimed.

"In other words, he didn\'t die long?"

"What crisis is hidden here?"

Everyone was nervous. The former Lord of the world should have been a figure ten billion years ago. I don\'t know how long he died. Maybe the opportunity to kill him had long disappeared at that time, but Zhu Liwen is a contemporary Tianjiao. His death here means that this vast ocean is not a good place, and at least he can kill the star Lord.

"Be careful!" they moved forward again. Even though they knew the danger here, no one wanted to quit under the temptation of heavy treasure.

"Look there!" in the distance, a white pillar was approaching quickly.