Eternal Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 616

A white column is approaching rapidly from a distance. When you look carefully, it is actually a water column, three feet thick and hundreds of feet high. It is amazing.

It\'s weird here. People dare not be careless or rush to connect. They all get out of their way and hide the water column.

"Eh, there seems to be a fierce battle," Feng Qian said, pointing to the front.

"Go and have a look?" said tyrofeng.

Everyone looked at Chu Hao, obviously based on his opinions.

Chu Hao nodded and said, "then go and have a look. Don\'t push too close. First see who is fighting."

"Hmm!" everyone nodded and walked towards the water column.

After flying forward for a while, you can see that a fierce battle is really going on in the sea. On one side is a big fish with a length of ten thousand feet. It is dark and has two bone spines. It is also ten thousand feet long and is closely woven with amazing divine patterns. It is like a heavenly spear dancing. Its lethality is terrible.

There are more people on the other side, and they are all human shapes, including tiger headed people, ox headed people and people with wings, at least 100 people, and their strength is surprisingly strong. The divine light is that they can feel the amazing pressure hundreds of miles away.

"Domain master!" everyone exclaimed. Those divine patterns were woven by the third-order law.

This is a battle at the domain master level. At least ten of the hundred people exist at this level, but the rest are just making soy sauce. Although they are also attacking, they have no effect at all.

On the other hand, the big black fish is really terrible. It can be invincible against these ten famous domain masters on its own.

This is also normal. Although the domain leader is divided into ten levels, how many laws can make a great difference in strength. Not to mention mastering a total of 3000 laws, the gap in strength is naturally larger.

"Eh, is that a xuanming fish?" someone exclaimed.

"What xuanming fish?"

"The law of the water system between heaven and earth is not a real creature," the man explained. "However, the law will condense the real water in the sky. If we martial artists take it, it will have infinite benefits."

"No wonder these domain masters want to fight. It should not be because they are attacked by the xuanming fish, but because they want to get the Tianyi real water on the xuanming fish!"

"If you take Tianyi real water, the warrior will be able to integrate with the Tao. The speed of understanding the law is amazing. It is one of the most powerful gods in the world. If not, how can it be worth these domain masters to fight!"

"Well, we can only have a look."

However, although more than a dozen domain masters were besieging the xuanming fish, they didn\'t get the upper hand. The big guy was condensed by the pure water system law, which itself represented the third-order water system law. When the bone spurs danced, the law was powerful, and the more than a dozen domain masters didn\'t dare to answer it.

Chu Hao shook his head and said, "they can\'t take this big fish."

"Boy, what are you talking about?" his words were heard by a soy sauce maker of the other party. He immediately flew to him and stared at Chu Hao. His face was not good. "What are you? Do you have a share to talk here?"

Chu Hao looked cold and said, "what are you, qualified to speak in front of me?"

This is just a god of war.

"How dare you insult me?" the other party was surprised and burst out laughing. "Ha ha, ha ha, it\'s the first time I\'ve been pointed at by the nose. Boy, you\'re dead today!"

Chu Hao turned back and smiled at the crowd and said, "have you seen such an idiot?"

"We\'re from the ancient academy!" Feng Qian was very serious and immediately showed their identity. "We\'re just passing by. There\'s no need for conflict."

"Ancient academy? Is ancient academy very good?" the man suddenly changed his face and looked very excited. "What I hate most is the people of Ancient Academy. They have no ability and can only boast."

Chu Hao looked at each other with a strange expression and said, "you don\'t want to enter the ancient academy, but you didn\'t succeed?"

The man immediately became angry and said, "I care about the ancient academy? Are you kidding? That kind of broken academy just invites me to go. I don\'t want to go. Fishing for fame is completely fooling people."

Chu Hao looked at each other. Sure enough, this guy really wanted to enter the ancient academy, but he was not qualified at all.

"You... All deserve to die!" the man was furious. At the beginning, he wanted to enter the ancient academy, but he was refused. This has become his heart disease. Now he has been exposed in public, which makes him almost crazy.

"Little god of war, you\'d better stay at the same time." Chu Hao flicked a palm and sent the other party back to the other party\'s crowd. For the sake of several domain masters, he didn\'t embarrass this person.

At this time, the xuanming fish waved its tail, swept by its huge tail, and stirred a terrible wind. Countless water droplets splashed, and the third-order law was intertwined on the water droplets. The lethality was natural and terrible.

"Flash!" Chu Hao drank softly. He opened his hands and surrounded everyone. At the same time, the wings of space opened. They just flew out of the range of water drop attack.

But those people on the other side were not so lucky. Although they were supported by several domain masters, there were always omissions. Suddenly, several war gods and star masters were killed to pieces.

Under the crush of the third-order law, the star Lord has no chance to reorganize his body, not to mention the God of war.

Xuanming fish took the opportunity to dive to the bottom of the sea. Although it was long, it was so fast that it disappeared in an instant.

All the domain masters were angry and angry. They had been fighting here for more than ten days. They wanted to get Tianyi real water, but they didn\'t expect to succeed. Instead, several of their descendants died.

"Lao Zu!" the young man who was thrown back by Chu Hao immediately shouted. He flashed to an old man and muttered to each other. He was probably making a small report.

Chu Hao frowned and felt trouble coming.

The old man soon looked over. He was thin and long, with black hair, wrinkles on his forehead, wearing a blue robe, small eyes, but fierce eyes. At first glance, he was not a person with a good temper.

As soon as he took a step, he appeared directly in front of the people. The breath of the domain Lord rolled and moved, pressing them all in a cold sweat, as if their bodies were about to burst.

"Senior!" everyone exclaimed. If the domain Lord wants to do something to them, they must all be killed.

Chu Hao didn\'t dare to be careless. If the old man really dared to do it, he would immediately start the robbery.

"You all kneel down and make amends to my grandson. And the boy -" the old man pointed to Chu Hao, "I\'ll have a hundred palms. For the sake of the ancient academy, I won\'t be much."

So overbearing, you have to kneel down and beg for mercy and punish yourself?

"Eh!" another domain master stepped forward, dressed in a blood red robe, murderous, definitely a murderer. He stared at Chu Hao and said, "are you Chu hao?"

Chu Hao looked at him more and said, "yes, what\'s your advice?"

"Ha ha!" the domain master laughed loudly. "I haven\'t come to you yet, but you sent it to me! My blood Yang!"

"Hmm?" Chu Hao picked his eyebrow.

"Eight clouds, hundred dragons and seven fog are all my younger martial brothers!" said the master of the blood Yang region.

Chu Hao suddenly realized that this is the great disciple of the Lord of Qianhua domain, the king of blood Yang star - he used to be the king of stars, but now he has entered the domain Lord! No wonder the other party is so murderous. He really has a deep hatred with Qianhua.

"I\'m sorry," he said insincerely.

"Bold!" the master of the blood Yang domain was so angry that he raised his hand and patted Chu Hao, but the palm was raised. Chu Hao had already started the space blinking and came hundreds of miles away.

"Huh?" "huh?" "huh?"

Several domain masters were surprised. Naturally, they wouldn\'t pay attention to a star master, but the star master was able to avoid the attack of a domain master. Even if it was just a random blow, it was amazing.

"Master the laws of space."

"Yes, only when you master blink can you escape the attack of a domain master."

"And at least it must be the fourth-order space law, otherwise it\'s not enough!"

The problem is, Chu Hao is clearly just the star Lord. How can he use the four level law?

"This Terran is a little strange!" more than a dozen domain masters are eyeing Chu Hao and can use the four-level rule in the star master, which subverts the common sense of martial arts and makes them curious.

"Gentlemen, we are the disciples of the ancient academy!" lanran said loudly, but there was a tremor in her voice.

Domain master, it\'s too strong. Even the ancient academy only has a few domain masters.

"Ha ha, little girl, do you want to use the ancient academy to pressure me?" a domain master smiled. "Although there are several high-level domain masters in the ancient academy, and I have just entered the domain master\'s territory, I\'m not afraid."

"No!" Lan ran boldly said, "the younger generation just happened to pass by. Please let the younger generation pass."

"Who stopped you?" the master of the blood Yang domain smiled. Before lanran and others were happy, he said again, "but this Terran has to stay."

"Yes, this Terran has to stay!" all the other domain masters nodded. They were very interested in Chu Hao. They were just the star master. Why can they use level 4 method?

"Senior -" lanran and others shouted.

Chu Hao put his hand and said, "you go first. You\'ll only drag me back here."

Lanran and others don\'t know that Chu Hao wants to leave them, but what\'s the use of them staying here? Can they still bind the domain master?

Therefore, they just hesitated and immediately moved forward. Chu Hao was right. Without their presence, Chu Hao could advance and retreat freely without any restrictions.

Chu Hao looked at the dozen domain masters, smiled and said, "everyone, do you really want to fight and tear your face?"