Eternal Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 614

"What origin, you talk clearly." Chu Hao hurried.

The fat cat thought for a moment and then said, "when the great emperor entered the origin of fire, he went through a lot of hardships to obtain the original power of fire. It is reasonable that if he obtains an original power, he can have the qualification to become the eternal emperor of heaven."

"However, the great emperor was also hurt by Tao in the secret realm. He thought it was good at that time, but when he attacked the emperor of heaven, the Tao injury suddenly broke out, which made him fall short of success."

"When the great emperor died and fell behind, the origin of fire was inherited in the descendants of he family, but only in your generation did it finally play a role."

"However, half of this source has been used up when the great emperor attacked the Heavenly Emperor. With this source, you can only reach the height of the great emperor at most. If you want to break through the shackles and become the eternal Heavenly Emperor, you must obtain more source power."

Chu Hao listened and said, "you haven\'t told me such an important thing?"

"Hey, hey, it doesn\'t matter too much!" the fat cat laughed.

Chu Hao thought and said, "can\'t I break through the eternal emperor with my own understanding?"

"No!" the fat cat shook his head. "The eternal Heavenly Emperor transcends the law and is a part of heaven and earth. This is not what you can do when you understand the law. You must master the original power."

Chu Hao said, "that is to say, if I want to be the eternal emperor of heaven, I must go to this Tianhe secret land?"

"You must go!" said the fat cat, dancing. "You still have some origin of fire, which can resonate with the origin of water. The probability of finding the origin of water is countless times higher than others."

"It\'s like I just run over and make complaints about the waist. Who knows if someone is waiting to explode my chrysanthemum?" chuhao Tucao.

"You are so dirty!" the fat cat disdained.


Since the trip to the secret place was decided, Chu Hao went to tell lanran his decision the next day, which made lanran very happy.

Chu Hao knew that the Tianhe secret place had been opened as early as ten years ago. At that time, it attracted a large number of strong people to enter. With their exploration in the secret place, it seemed to trigger some setting of the secret place, making the secret place fully open.

——Before that, at least the domain owner was qualified to enter it, but now, there is no limit to this realm. Moreover, there were many places that could not be entered, but now they can also be entered.

Then there is the saying that the secret realm is fully opened.

Chu Hao was stunned. Did the leader of Qianhua domain go to Tianhe secret territory ten years ago, so the eight cloud star king died for three years, but he didn\'t respond. He thought that the Xingyu was too big, which blocked the transmission of news.

The college neither supports nor opposes the secret territory exploration, that is, you can go, but the college will not give special care.

Lanran revolved around and attracted many people, such as Tai Ruoying and Wang Ying. These people have stepped into the list of star masters, including Zhiqi water, Fengqian, sunny sky, etc. some still stay on the top star master, while others have stepped into the king of stars.

They agreed to leave in three days.

After Chu Hao told his family, he waited patiently.

Now his cultivation has reached the peak, star Lord. Next, he can integrate the four-level rule and advance into the king of stars. At this time, he is not in a hurry. He turns back to consolidate the foundation to avoid problems.

After all, at this stage of the star Lord, he rushed too fast and had to lay a solid foundation to avoid big problems when he hit a higher level in the future.

If he meets a strong enemy like the domain lord or even the domain Lord, he can also Yin his opponent by crossing the robbery and pull his opponent into the natural robbery. How terrible will the domain Lord robbery and world Lord robbery amplified by his evil deeds become?

Whoever you stare at will die. I\'m afraid the Immortal Emperor will call his father when he sees him.

Therefore, Chu Hao is also considering not joining the king of stars. He has an extra card. Even the world Lord and the great emperor have the power to fight.

Three days later, they set out.

There are many people in this group, including two younger generations, Zhiqi water and shuiwujun, as well as old acquaintances such as lanran and tairuofeng. There are about 100 people, but the king of the second-order stars is the one with the highest realm, but the star master is also the one with the lowest realm.

Overall, this team is very, very strong.

"Martial uncle!"

"Second uncle!"

When he saw Chu Hao, Zhiqi water and Shuiwu both saluted respectfully.

"Poof!" hearing the two people\'s names, lanran and others burst out.

What\'s the situation? How did Chu Hao become the elder of these two people?

"Ha ha, Zhi Qishui, the more you live, the more you go back. If you haven\'t beaten this Terran, you don\'t want to call each other\'s elders?" a king of stars began to sneer.

He and Zhi Qishui are competitors. Their strength is almost the same. Although Zhi Qishui broke through the king of stars before him, he was only two months late. For their long life, two months is nothing.

Zhi Qishui immediately showed his anger and said, "Weng Xingwei, how dare you insult my martial uncle?"

The crowd was not surprised. Zhi Qishui respected Chu Hao so much. Instead of mentioning himself, he mentioned Chu Hao first. It\'s too serious for Chu Hao. But Chu Hao\'s combat power is very evil and reaches the level of the king of stars, but it\'s not like this.

Weng Xing sneered and said, "so what?"

"Well, well, everyone is competing for opportunities. Why make trouble for a little thing? How about shaking hands and making peace in my face?" Feng Qian stood up and made a round.

"Hey hey, brother Feng\'s face naturally needs to be sold." Weng Xingwei said faintly. He didn\'t lose anything anyway.

"No, he humiliated my martial uncle. You must apologize to my martial uncle, otherwise, he won\'t have me in this secret land trip!" Zhi Qishui was reluctant.

I\'m kidding. The martial uncle gave him a lot of meeting gifts, which surprised him. In addition, the Lord easily killed 12 high-level star kings. What terrible strength is this? Zhi Qishui is certainly in awe of Chu Hao now.

"Apologize?" Weng Xing sneered. "Isn\'t it a joke that I should bow my head to a star Lord? Tell me, if the king of stars apologizes to the star Lord, is there any reason in the world?"

"Weng Xingwei, fight with me!" Zhi Qishui immediately shouted, boom, the four-level law moved, forming a torrent behind him, with an extremely amazing momentum.

"I\'m afraid you won\'t!" Weng Xingwei naturally won\'t be afraid. He and the other party are old rivals. They have been competing since they entered the ancient academy. They know each other\'s combat power.

"You don\'t have to see him!" Chu Hao opened his mouth. Since Zhi Qishui clashed with each other for him, he naturally wouldn\'t sit idly by.

"Yes, martial uncle!" Zhi Qishui said respectfully at once. His hands were close to his legs, as if facing his mentor, which surprised everyone.

Chu Hao looked at Weng Xingwei and said, "are you very dissatisfied with me?"

"What do you think?" Weng Xing said coldly. He also saw the battle between Chu Hao and Zhi Qishui. Although he admitted that Chu Hao was strong, he was not in awe. What\'s more, the star king\'s absolute suppression of the star Lord, how can this sense of superiority be easily eliminated?

Chu Hao raised his right hand and said, "then take my palm. As long as you can take it, it will be regarded as if it hasn\'t happened. If you can\'t take it, ha ha, I don\'t think you have the ability to go to any secret place again. Lie down and recuperate."

"Terran, you are too crazy!" Weng Xing said angrily.

A star Lord said to the star king, can you take his move?

Are you kidding? It\'s humiliating!

Chu Hao doesn\'t care. He pushes it out with his right hand and shoots it at Weng Xingwei.

The clouds are light and the wind is light. It seems that it has no power at all.

"Hum, I thought it was so great!" Weng Xing sneered and clapped it with one palm and rushed to Chu Hao.


Chu Hao\'s palm suddenly disappeared, and then immediately appeared in front of Weng Xingwei. It had turned into a giant fist the size of a mountain, wrapped with dense divine patterns.


"Four level rule!"

"How many ways is this!"

The crowd immediately exclaimed again and again. There are many kings of stars here. Of course, they are not unfamiliar with the four-level law. They can see it at a glance.

A star master can run four level laws, which is already an incredible thing, but what\'s more amazing is that Chu Hao has so many four level laws, at least two thousand.

This is too exaggerated. You know, the strongest one here is only the second-order king of stars. They only master more than 400 laws. They are already extremely powerful. One can easily suppress the star kings who have not broken through for a long time, such as Zhi Qishui and Weng Xingwei.

Chu Hao has mastered more than 2000 four-level laws, which is terrible. Weng Xing is miserable.

The crowd saw that Weng Xing, as an opponent, was more aware of nature. He was shocked and frightened. Then they knew why Zhi Qishui was so awed by Chu Hao. There were more than 2000 four-level rules. It was more than enough to be a martial uncle and a Grandmaster!

He can only try his best to run the law, not to hurt the enemy, but to block this move. I believe Chu Hao will not make a second move since he says only one move.

But how could he stop it?

There is a difference in the law, and the combat power is very poor, not to mention two thousand ways?


With a clap of his hand, Weng Xingwei was immediately shocked and flew out. His body was torn apart and turned into flesh and blood in an instant.

Fortunately, the king of the stars is not so easy to die. Weng Xing immediately reorganizes his body, but his face is very ugly. His origin has been seriously damaged. If he doesn\'t calm down and recuperate for several years, his origin will never recover.

He didn\'t even dare to fart, so he turned around and left immediately.

At this time, the people came back from the shock and looked at Chu Hao with strong awe.

The combat power of the high-level king of stars!

Zhiqi water and shuiwujun are also extremely shocking. Although they heard from the king of Chihe star about the power of Chu Hao, they heard and saw with their own eyes that this shocking effect is naturally incomparable.