Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 880: 3 spend the middle, easy to kill!

Lin Zhen has successfully refined all the Huahua pills in the Sanhua Realm, and this time he took out the Huahua pills for the Flower of Qi and Blood.

The condensed formation of the flower of qi and blood represents the middle stage of entering the three-flower realm.

The biggest effect of condensing this flower is to greatly increase the martial artist's physical strength, endurance, and strengthen physical fitness.

Of course, the star power has also improved a lot, Lin Zhen has a high base, and every time he advances, his strength will leap forward.

The erysipelas in the body had been resolved, and the Yanghua Pill was swallowed. Under the action of the medicine, Lin Zhen immediately began to break through.

Protected by the guard of Guangsha, Lin Zhen's breath of breakthrough will not leak out, and there is no need to worry about being discovered by the three ghost warriors above.

The breakthrough of this small realm was very smooth. Twenty minutes later, Lin Zhen's barrier to promotion had been completely broken, and the flower of blood was successfully condensed.

Above the head, the second flower bone appeared.

After it appeared, it began to bloom quickly, and the pill that Lin Zhen took could make the flower bloom in half.

Star power circulated in the light evil shield, and finally stabilized when the flowers bloomed halfway through.

Although it was only a breakthrough in a small realm, it also brought about 25 million star power to Lin Zhen.

The star power of 350 million has been increased to 375 million!

"It hasn't reached the mid-term peak. After I take the drug again, the star power will reach its peak, and I will have 400 million star power by then."

"However, for the current situation, the current star power is basically sufficient. Although it is only an increase of 25 million, it just happens to be able to suppress the ghost clan's late stage of the gods."

After the realm stabilized, Lin Zhen quietly recalled the treasure hunter.

Treasure Hunting Teng had been released for a day, swimming back from the ground like a big snake, and quickly became smaller, and returned to Lin Zhen's hands.

Lin Zhen recalled it to help him fight, but Lin Zhen was stunned after seeing the treasure hunt Teng.

Treasure hunting tengs are like the ropes of sellers in the bazaar, full of objects.

However, these objects are all treasures, there are more than a hundred of the **** stones alone!

Lin Zhen raised his hand excitedly, picking down the **** stones one by one.

"One two three four five... Seventy seven seventy eight... One hundred fifteen... One hundred thirty!"

One hundred and thirty **** stones!

At this moment, Lin Zhen knew how much surprise Kris had given him. In this barren land, the treasure hunting Teng could bring back 130 sacred stones in one day!

If you are in a treasure place, how much will you gain in the forty-nine years? It is unimaginable!

And it's not just the sacred stone, there are also three spiritual treasures on it.

In addition to the first medium-grade Lingbao short sword, there is also a long sword and a long stick, both of which are medium-grade Lingbao.

Lin Zhen frowned slightly: "Why are they all medium grade?"

Chrissy gave Lin Zhen an answer at this time: "Master, you need to upgrade the treasure hunter. Lingbao is also a spiritual thing. The current level of the treasure hunter is not high enough. If you upgrade again, it can search. The top-grade spirit treasure is now, if you enter the Sanhua late stage, he will be able to find you the top-grade spirit treasure."

"What if I enter the divine consciousness period?"

"That's great. Treasure Hunting Teng will be able to find the treasure for you. There must be a treasure in the eyes of the storm with countless powerful deaths."

Chrissy’s voice seems to be full of expectation: "Master, don’t think that upgrading is a slow thing. With the treasure hunter, your medicinal properties can be quickly resolved, and in two days you will be able to It’s the mid-term peak. It is estimated that you will be able to reach the late Sanhua in more than ten days. As long as your medicine is enough, it will take about a month to reach the miracle.

Lin Zhen nodded slightly, and with the treasure hunting Teng, his cultivation of treasure hunting is equivalent to hanging up.

Besides, he still has time to slow down, which can be used for alchemy practice.

Putting away the harvest the treasure hunt Teng had brought to him, Lin Zhen quietly began to sneak on the ground.


Above the ground, the warriors of three ghost races are still there, and several people are studying what treasures to exchange.

This is also a common problem of these warriors. After having some sacred stones in their hands, many people can't help but want to exchange something.

It is necessary for one person to keep one Tianlingguo, which is a life-saving thing at a critical moment.

The rest depends on your own needs. Several people did not speak, but flipped through the articles, trying to find what suits them.

Without knowing that the danger is coming.

Lin Zhen's first target was the Qing Sha ghost in the late God Realm.

Of the three ghost tribes of the God Realm stage, the one that really threatened Lin Zhen was the Qing Sha ghost. Those two impermanent ghosts were nothing to Lin Zhen. As long as their star power did not exceed Lin Zhen’s people, there would be no one. It was Lin Zhen's opponent, even if it was two people.

The absence of the clone had a certain impact on Lin Zhen's combat effectiveness, but now there is a treasure hunter, which is also a help.

The treasure hunting Teng turned into a ten-meter-long rope, like a long snake, silently coming to ten meters below the ground.

Lin Zhen took a deep breath, feeling that his state had reached the best, and his thoughts moved.

"Do it!"


The treasure hunt is like an off-string arrow, rushing out of the ground at the speed of light!

Its target is the green evil ghost sitting on the mound!

The power of the late God Realm was fully manifested at this time. Although the treasure hunting Teng was not discovered by it, the dangerous instinct still made the Qingsha ghost react instantly.

"There are enemies!"

The body blasted into the air like a cannonball, avoiding the first impact of the treasure hunter.

The green evil spirit's mental power was released, and he immediately noticed the length of the treasure hunt. His sudden jump was just outside the length of the treasure hunt. In his opinion, it was enough.

The warrior does not need to waste extra energy to fight. Treasure hunting is only a dozen meters away. If he dodges 20 or 30 meters, it will waste energy and miss the opportunity.

But this time he made a wrong judgment. The treasure hunter can be as long as he wants. When his body stagnates, the treasure hunter has been winding up.


This green evil ghost was caught in the ankle by the treasure hunter!

The huge weight is like a planet hung on his feet, the green evil ghost howled and his body was pulled down raw!

Treasure hunting Teng is like a giant python, turning into a streamer to volley around, entwining the Qing Sha ghost to death!

Except for the head, the body was completely entangled into a mummy!

The thick spikes on the cane pierced into the body of the Qingsha ghost, and began to frantically absorb its blood!

At the same time, Lin Zhen appeared.

With the Emperor Tianhua Yun double swords in his hands, Lin Zhen had just appeared on the two impermanent ghosts in the middle of the God Realm.

Unexpectedly, the treasure hunting Teng was so powerful that it restrained the Qingsha ghost at once, so Lin Zhen temporarily changed his strategy to solve the problems of the two impermanent ghosts first.

Left hand sword, Sen Han!

Right hand sword, abyss!

The two swords come out together, the world fades!

The two impermanent ghosts were attracted by the abnormal changes in the Qingsha ghost. They thought that the treasure hunter was some kind of monster, and was about to go to help, but Lin Zhen didn't expect Lin Zhen to cover up from behind.

These two guys are below Lin Zhen's strength, let alone Lin Zhen still sneak attack, this attack is not suspense at all.

Puff puff~~~! ! !

Two black and white bodies were cut in half, from between the legs to the top of the head, they turned into four corpses!

After a successful blow, Lin Zhen didn't stay in his body, and instantly came to the front of the Qing Sha ghost, with both swords slashing left and right!

The poor Qing Shagui's abilities weren't used at all. He was bound by the treasure hunting Teng, his star power was completely exploded, but he couldn't break free immediately. The delay of less than half a second determined his life and death.

Without resistance, the head of Qing Sha Ghost was directly beheaded by Lin Zhen!

Lin Zhen didn't need to do the next thing. Treasure Hunt Teng twisted a few times, and even swallowed and digested the corpses of these ghost races.

This kind of master in the transformation period, the body is also an incredible treasure, with strong vitality and vitality, and it is a great tonic for treasure hunting.

And their sacred stone treasure hunting Teng couldn't be digested, they all hung on their bodies.

Lin Zhenmei went over and took the sacred stone in his hand.

There are more than one hundred and sixty sacred stones on the three ghost clan warriors!

These sacred stones plus the that Lin Zhen just obtained have reached 300!

Of course, there are the private goods of these three ghost clan warriors, but Lin Zhen also looks down on ordinary things now. After reading the treasure list given by the gods, the ordinary warriors' things are indeed rubbish.

Only a few warriors' spirit treasures were okay, one high-grade spirit treasure and two middle-grade spirit treasures were taken by Lin Zhen in one pot.

"Come on, master! After getting another two hundred sacred stones, you can exchange for an inheritance crystal of the sacred stone realm. As long as these inherited crystals are absorbed by me, I will have a lot of knowledge and learn and use it to the master. It helped a lot."

"Well, as long as you have five hundred sacred stones, I will exchange the inheritance crystal for you."

"Thank you, master. After redeeming a crystal ball for the inheritance of the Divine Stone Realm, I don’t need the Divine Stone Realm. Next, the master will exchange it for me in the Demi-God Realm, and so on. If the master can redeem the Divine Realm for me Inheritance, then I will be able to give the master a huge surprise."

Lin Zhen made a swallowing action. There is only one crystal ball of the inheritance of the gods, and one hundred thousand **** stones can be exchanged. It is estimated that no one has the ability to exchange it in a short time. I don't know if he can get it first.

But since it is good for him, Lin Zhen will do it without hesitation. After having the treasure hunter, Lin Zhen is already full of confidence.

And Lin Zhen has another gain, his star fighter points have reached more than four thousand points.

When he reaches 10,000 points, he will become a three-star warrior.

Looking at the time, Lin Zhen found that it had been almost two days since he had left.

"It's time to go back, deal with the matter over there, and immediately return to the endless race. This place is also a treasure place for wealth!"

Lin Zhen has become addicted to the feeling of having such a big harvest and quick promotion.