Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 879: Treasure Hunt is born

After taking the Heavenly Spirit Fruit, Lin Zhen's state was completely restored, and Moren Teng received a new blood supply again.

The color quickly turned red and dark, and in the end, when Lin Zhen felt dizzy again and couldn't hold it, Moyunteng finally absorbed it!

The juice lost in its body was completely replaced by Lin Zhen's blood, which made it undergo a radical change in nature.

The blood of Lin Zhen's immortal body makes Moyunteng's tenacity a hundred times stronger instantly!

The quality, weight, and density have all been greatly improved.

Lin Zhen's mental power drives Moyun Teng, and he feels that the burden of mental power has suddenly become heavier. This Moyun Teng is definitely more than ten times heavier!

The internal atomic structure splits and reorganizes again, and the cell continues to fission.

Lin Zhen was dizzy, and only felt that he couldn't bear the weight of the brand new Morenteng.

"I can't hold on anymore, I have to land and take a rest, otherwise I may be called the first warrior who lost too much blood and died."

Just when Lin Zhen wanted to fall, he suddenly felt relieved of mental pressure!

The weight of Moreenteng seemed to disappear all at once. This cane, which runs through the sky and reaches hundreds of thousands of meters in length, is instantly as light as a feather, and no weight is felt at all!

"Acknowledge the Lord!"

Lin Zhen's dizzy mind was immediately cleared, and his spirit was refreshed.

After two infusions of blood throughout the body, this Moren Teng finally possessed a certain spirituality and successfully recognized the Lord!

It is very difficult for plant life to give birth to spirituality. Plants are ruthless lives and generally only act according to their instincts. If you want to generate spiritual awareness, you must have great opportunities.

This Moren Teng is uniquely blessed. It absorbs star crystals within the dark star and absorbs medicine. It already has a certain spirituality. In addition, Lin Zhen has come to a big exchange of blood, and it turns on spiritual wisdom and becomes a wise life!

Moren Teng twisted between heaven and earth, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

It was like a big incredible snake winding around Lin Zhen, not for strangling, but for showing closeness.

"Good guy, you really have a certain level of wit!"

Soon, Lin Zhen's sight was covered by Morenteng, and the surrounding circle was entangled, blocking all the light.

"It would be nice if it could be made smaller."

Lin was really thinking about it, but Mo Yun Teng was really getting smaller!

The speed visible to the naked eye shrank rapidly, and soon, this huge rattan of hundreds of thousands meters turned into a thick rope of ten meters long!

Lin Zhenyi beckoned, Mo Yunteng fell in his hands.

Holding the Moreten, Lin Zhen was surprised to feel that the actual weight of this Moreten was almost comparable to an asteroid!

At least planets like the Moon are definitely not as heavy as Moreenteng.

Moreover, its flexibility and tenacity have exceeded Lin Zhen's imagination, and now it is definitely not easy to cut Moyun Teng once again.

"Master, congratulations, your Mo Yun Teng has got its first evolution. After your body recovers, you can continue to exchange blood for Mo Yun Teng and turn it into a super baby."

"It can evolve?" Lin Zhen said in surprise.

"Yes, Moren Teng originally had the attribute of swallowing. Now that you get the blood of your black hole beast, the essence has changed. Let me tell you what level your blood is at. This Moren Teng has What level of power. Its future is almost limitless. It's just the next evolution. It needs blood with stronger vitality. That is to say, if you want it to be upgraded, you need to enter the middle of the three flowers."

Lin Zhen nodded: "This is not a problem, I will soon be in the middle of Sanhua."

"When the master enters the mid-term Sanhua, this Moren Teng also has the power of the mid-term Sanhua. In fact, it also has many functions, such as being turned into a close-fitting armor, and even used for attacks."

"There are so many uses?"

"Yes, but its greatest use is to find treasures. Your Moren it can be called a treasure hunter. You can try to let it go into the ground to search for treasures."

Lin Zhen lifted his hand, and the treasure hunting pan was on his arm, like a dark red snake.

"Go, look around here and see if you can really bring me some surprises, and it won't be in vain for me to exchange blood twice to feed you."

Treasure Hunter Teng seemed to be able to understand Lin Zhen's words, and his snakelike body twisted and dived into the sand on the ground.

Lin Zhen could clearly feel his existence, only to see the treasure hunting Teng crawling on the ground and getting bigger and bigger!

The bigger the rattan, the stronger the search for treasures.

"I don't know if my mental power can be attached to it."

Lin Zhen thought so and did so, and realized that he could really attach his spiritual power to it, as if he was walking underground.

The main difference is that Treasure Hunter has a strong sense of smell and can easily feel valuable things.


As the treasure hunter grew larger, a **** stone was directly sucked in the dirt by it and stuck to the cane.

"Yeah! It's really good, and we will find a **** stone!"

Lin Zhen's eyes lit up suddenly, but before he was too surprised, the second sacred stone was posted again.

"Sure enough.... Sure enough, the treasure hunter can find the treasure in the mud, and this is not a planetary cemetery or a cross continent. It is just an ordinary continental location, and there is such a harvest. This time I really found the treasure! "

The treasure hunter is like a huge moving magnet. All the treasures are metal, and they are quickly attracted by it.

Not only the sacred stone, but also a variety of strange metals, all like moths fighting a fire, clanging against the treasure hunter.

When some metal hits the treasure hunter, it is directly absorbed by the treasure hunter.

Lin Zhen was a little worried: "The **** stone will not be absorbed by it, right?"

Chrissy said: "No, only the gods can absorb the power inside the sacred stone. If one day the treasure hunter will directly swallow the sacred stone, then it will prove that it has the power equivalent to the gods."

Lin Zhen was a little speechless, so it seemed that this treasure hunting Teng would grow up with him forever. I wonder if it can swallow the refining crystal one day?


After a sound, Lin Zhen's pupils became larger.

Behind the treasure hunting Teng, a dagger clung to it!

"This is...Lingbao!"

A middle-grade Lingbao was actually absorbed by the treasure hunter.

"Master, don’t be surprised. Treasure hunting is originally a treasure hunter's skill. Finding a middle-grade spirit treasure is nothing. You need to let the treasure hunter evolve as soon as possible. If it evolves again, the treasure hunting ability will continue to improve. Maybe it will give you. A big surprise."

"Then I am really looking forward to it."

Lin Zhen got a piece of spirit treasure, and secretly calculated that if he used Moyun Teng to find many spirit treasures, he could try to sell these spirit treasures to other warriors in exchange for the **** stones.

After confirming the treasure hunter's ability, Lin Zhen stopped paying attention to it, but began to concentrate on recovering his strength.

Although he has lost most of his blood, Lin Zhen is not an ordinary person, and the immortal spirit body can quickly recover. During the period of talking with Chris, his blood has been replaced by nearly half.

The body was sitting in the ground, and Lin Zhen waited for his power to be fully repaid.

When his strength is restored, he will immediately break through to the middle of the Sanhua period, when Moyunteng can evolve again.


A sound of footsteps came from a distance, and the three warriors of the ghost race came to the ground where Lin Zhen was.

"Let's take a break!"

The three ghost clan warriors sat down, as if eating something and talking.

"Have you heard, Qingqiu Mountain seems to be fighting fiercely for power."

"Jie Jie~! I heard that in the women's war, the sisters are fighting, just for the position of the emperor."

"We don't care about those things, and we can't care about it. Let's just think about what baby we can exchange this time."

"This sacred stone is also too difficult to find. It has been almost a month since I came to the eye of the storm, and I only obtained less than fifty sacred stones. It is not enough to exchange some good things."

"Don’t When we get to the planetary cemetery, we will meet the **** of the ground races. Then we will kill a few. Their **** stones are all ours. I see here. It’s better to find the enemy and kill it if you are looking for a sacred stone. That is the fastest way to get rich."

"That's right, but we are all in the God Realm period, so we can only go to the planetary cemetery. I dare not go to places like the intersecting continent."

The conversations of several ghost tribes entered Lin Zhen's ears without fail.

The people above Lin Zhen's head were three ghosts of the God Realm stage, two in the middle and one in the later stage.

The strength of the ghost clan in the later stage of the God Realm was about the same as that of Mu En, so Lin Zhen was still not sure about it.

"Chrissy, analyze the strength of these three ghost races."

"Master, the strength of these three ghost races is good. One Qingsha ghost and two impermanence ghosts. The strengths of black and white impermanence are both in the middle of the gods. The star power is about 350 million, which is equivalent to the master's strength. The evil spirit star has a force of four hundred and two hundred thousand, which is difficult to deal with."

"400 million star power..... At this level, there are almost all super gods, which is 90% of the performance, which is equivalent to more than 370 million star power. I can try it again, but unfortunately there are two impermanent ghosts here."

"Does the master kill these three ghost races?"

"Since I met, of course I have to try it. Killing three of them still has 3000 points. If I kill a few more, I can be promoted to the three-star warrior."

Lin Zhen let out a deep sigh: "Let me advance to the middle of Sanhua first. I will be able to succeed then."

After making up his mind, Lin Zhen raised his hand, Guangsha turned into a protective layer, wrapped himself in it, and then took out the flower pill and swallowed it.

His body has been restored to an intact state, and the medicinal properties have been completely ablated by Moreenteng, and it is time to advance!