Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 881: Tear face

The way back was not too smooth. Lin Zhen was torn apart the space and moved for the first time, a full ten light-years away.

After taking a rest for the second time, it was considered that the gap was controlled to several hundred million kilometers, and then Lin Zhen flew fast, and finally returned to the original location.

The clone still comprehend the shadowless step on the meteorite, and Lin Zhen's body arrived and immediately exchanged with the clone.

Just after the exchange, Moon appeared.

"Lin Zhen, the time is almost there, do you want to rest all the time? We don't have idlers in our team."

Lin Zhen stood up, stretched out his tired body from the long flight, and squinted at Mu En.

"Have I signed a contract to sell my body? I can't take a short rest? You are an idler after two days of rest? Then how many sacred stones have you found in these two days? See if it is better than me as an idler.

Mu En's face suddenly sank: "Don't talk nonsense, everyone is sensible, don't say something sour, I have my value in the team, and you can't replace it."

Lin Zhen also snorted from his nostrils, "What's your value? If it weren't for the sacred place of Falling Star Lake, I wouldn't agree to someone like you begging to team up with me."


Moon ranked fourth in the team, and he felt a little unhappy at first, but now even the fifth-ranked Lin Zhen can't suppress it. Doesn't this make him lose face at all.

No matter what today, I must also let Lin Zhen understand the reasoning of the order of the rankings, otherwise he would not ride on his head.

"Lin Zhen, others respect you as a saint master. It is because of your alchemy skills, not your strength. If you don't understand this truth, you can't survive in the eye of the storm by alchemy alone. If you don't understand it , I can help you understand the importance of strength!"

"Does it depend on you? Stop teasing."

Mu En angrily smiled back: "Hahaha! Well, since you are so stubborn, it seems that I need to wake you up."

With that, Mu En lifted his hand and blasted towards Lin Zhen with a punch!

Moon's star power is more than 410 million, while Lin Zhen's current star power is 375 million, but Lin Zhen can perform 100%, and the two are evenly matched.

Seeing Mu En's punch, Lin Zhen didn't evade, but also hit back!

The stars fall~~! ! !

With the same star power, Lin Zhen would not be afraid of anyone, relying on the strength of the body to fight hard.

He straightened his chest and took a punch from Mu En, and the same punch hit the opponent's chest.

Rumble~~~~! ! !

Two star forces exploded in the two people's chests at the same time, and Mu En's punch was driven by the impact of the star force, which slammed Lin Zhen into the meteorite, and his body sank in.

And Lin Zhen brewed a small starburst, and set Mu En a kite with one punch!

There was a **** blood in front of his chest, his sternum was shattered, and his heart was exposed. Mu En screamed, his body whirled, and flew into the depths of the starry sky.

Lin Zhen shook his body and broke free from the meteorite, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

If it weren't for the trouble to tear his face right now, Lin Zhen could have completely finished Mu En with a starburst.

The movement here attracted the attention of Lu Tianhua and others, and the three of Lu Tianhua, Chen Yuan, and Arudi rushed over.

Lu Tianhua's eyes were sharp, and he saw Mu En who was injured in the distance. He flew over and pulled Mu En back.

The breastbone was shattered, and it was not a fatal injury to a warrior. After Mu En took the life-saving pill, there was nothing serious for the time being.

But his eyes were staring at Lin Zhen, wishing to eat him, but there was still a trace of fear in his eyes.

He would never have thought that he actually lost in a head-to-head duel with Lin Zhen, and he almost lost his life with just one punch.

Although Mu En felt that there was a factor of his own care, he also knew that Lin Zhen's strength was definitely not as simple as he could see on the surface.

And now when he took a closer look, he discovered that after two days of absence, Lin Zhen actually advanced from the early stage of Sanhua to the middle of Sanhua.

Lu Tianhua was also very dissatisfied: "Lin Zhen, why did you sneak attack on Mu En?"

Lin Zhen laughed when he heard these words: "Sneak attack? Captain, which eye did you see that I was a sneak attack?"

Lu Tianhua did not expect Lin Zhen to have such a tough attitude. In his opinion, if it were not for Lin Zhen's sneak attack, how could Mu En be injured by Lin Zhen? Instinctively just questioned it, but he didn't expect Lin Zhen to give face.

Lin Zhen pointed to Mu En: "You said, did I sneak attack you?"

Mo En was about to follow Lu Tianhua's words to frame Lin Zhen. Lin Zhen added: "Don't try to lie. Before I feel something happens, I will record it in the dimensional universe. It's useless for you to lie."

Mu En wanted to export the false accusation abruptly back, and said very depressed: "No, we just had a face-to-face duel, and we had a trick."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was shocked. No one thought that Lin Zhen would be able to injure Mu En in the face-to-face confrontation.

Lin Zhen continued at this time: "Senior Brother Mu En wants to teach me the principles of being a human being, so that I understand the importance of strength, but now it seems that Senior Brother does not have a deep understanding of the importance of strength."

Mu En's face turned red to the color of pig liver, and he couldn't wait to find a place to get in. He didn't expect it to be like this in his dream.

Lu Tianhua was also a little embarrassed. Lin Zhen had been wronged just now. Before, he thought that Lin Zhen could refine alchemy. He was a bit strong but not strong. He didn't expect to be able to beat Mu En.

He slapped in the middle and said: "It's all misunderstandings, misunderstandings! It is a common thing for warriors to learn from each other. This time the incident has passed, and everyone will be good brothers in the future."

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhen said decisively: "Captain, it seems that I am an unwelcome person in the team. Rather than staying so aggrieved, I don't think I should quit the team."

Lu Tianhua's expression changed. If Lin Zhen left the team, their income would be greatly reduced. In the past two days, every time Lin Zhen went out to find the **** stone, the four of them could not guarantee the income of the four **** stones every day. Yesterday Mu En had no points. I arrived at the Shenshi, so I came to Lin Zhen in a hurry today.

He also knew that questioning Lin Zhen just now made the other person jealous, and quickly said: "Junior Brother Lin, everyone is the same, but you can't hurt your peace because of some small things. There are enemies everywhere here. Let's advance and retreat together."

Chen Yuan and Arudi also began to persuade them, not wanting Lin Zhen to quit the team.

Especially Chen Yuan, with a sincere tone and sincere attitude, he really felt that it was dangerous for Lin Zhen to go alone, and he didn't want Lin Zhen to leave.

Others Lin Zhen didn't care, but Chen Yuan still had to care about it. When he was about to talk to Chen Yuan, suddenly a voice sounded in everyone's dimensional universe.

"I am the Ruthless King of Futian City. Now I am looking for a person from all the ground race warriors. This person comes from Tianfang City and his name is Lin Zhen. He is a holy alchemist. Who can provide me with the exact coordinates of Lin Zhen, I Give him five hundred sacred stones!"

Everyone was stunned!

Those who can speak like this can only purchase the small golden speakers on the redemption page, which is one of the twenty gods!

It has been a month since the eye of the storm. Almost everyone's sacred stone assets are in double digits or even single digits. Twenty sacred stones are a huge wealth for everyone.

But the Ruthless King is really a big deal, so he bought a speaker with twenty sacred stones, and Lin Zhen is wanted all over the world!

Wanted Lin is really the point, but what is more important is the sentence behind the Ruthless King, rewarding five hundred sacred stones!

Being able to say such a thing proves that the Ruthless King now has at least five hundred sacred stones in his hands!

Five hundred sacred stones, you can directly purchase the inheritance crystal ball of the sacred stone realm.

You can buy a superb spirit treasure!

You can buy a set of exercises that suits you!

This is a huge wealth, which makes people feel enthusiastic and crazy!

Others may not know where Lin Zhen is, but the four people in this team are with Lin Zhen, how could they not know.

Moon's eyes lit up first!

The tongue couldn't help licking his lips up and down, and Mu En looked at Lin Zhen's gaze again, as if looking at a pile of gleaming sacred stones.

"Captain..." Mu En said to Lu Tianhua, although the words were not finished, the meaning was self-evident.

Lu Tianhua hesitated.

If Lin Zhen was willing to work hard for this, he would really be reluctant to hand over Lin Zhen, after all, Lin Zhen was also good at finding a **** stone.

But now that Lin really wants to leave, these five hundred sacred stones are too tempting.

He understood what Mu En meant, but as his mind turned, he rejected Mu En's proposal.

"No! Lin is really our brother, I will never hand him over, nor will he let him take risks alone."

After speaking, Lu Tianhua came to Chen Yuan: "Junior Brother, now is a very time, you can't let others discover Lin Zhen, you guys stay here, I'll go there to explain, and then we immediately leave here and go to a remote place. I don’t believe that the Ruthless King can find us."

Talking about Lu Tianhua, he turned around and left, and at the same time pointed to Mu En: "This heart of you is dead."

Mu En's face was gloomy, and he didn't look at Lu Tianhua.

Lin Zhen glanced at the two people, knowing their thoughts well.

But Lin Zhen didn't care too much. The Ruthless King wanted him, but that didn't mean he would succeed. Lin Zhen had already decided to leave immediately.

Turning his head to look at Chen Yuan, Lin Zhen said calmly: "Brother Chen, believe me, leave this place of right and wrong immediately."

"Are you leaving?" Chen Yuan asked.

Lin Zhen nodded, and Chen Yuan didn't ask any more. This kind of team also made him a little bit chill, but for a while he hadn't gone anywhere, hesitated.

The light from the corner of Lin Zhen's eyes swept away, only to see that Mu En had been hiding on the other side of the meteorite.

There is no doubt that he is going to exchange the trumpet to inform the ruthless king.

Lu Tianhua's purpose must be the same as that of Mu En, to find a place where no one saw it.

Lin Zhen did not leave immediately, but waited for their actions.

Sure enough, after a minute, the two voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Lu Tianhua and Mu En spoke at the same time and informed everyone of Lin Zhen's location!