Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 875: arrival

Seeing Lin Zhen stepping in front of him, Mu En's expression sank: "Lin Zhen, although your pill is effective for the team, it does not mean you can surpass it. Remember, in this team, you are the bottom. Child!"

Lin Zhen looked around and saw that a group of people behind was walking over, his eyes moved, and he snorted from his nostrils: "Since Brother Mu cares about position so much, then come here.

Mu En was not welcome, and strode over, squeezing Lin Zhen behind.

At this time, the team just behind came over, and Moon pushed forward, also squeezing them to the side.

The leader of the team looked over and stared at Moon like a knife: "Boy, you're looking for death!"

Mo En was glanced at by this person, and suddenly felt cold all over his body. At this moment, he felt that he would be pinched to death by the opponent at any time.

Mu En knew this person, but this person didn't know him. Few of the warriors in Tianfang City didn't know this person.

Heavenly City's king-level powerhouse, demigod, and soul chaser!

"Previous..... Seniors.............................. me.............................................................of.of. no. of no. of senior of

The huge power gap combined with the fear in his heart made it impossible for Mu En to speak a complete sentence.

The soul chaser laughed strangely: "It seems that you know me, so you should know why I am called the soul chaser. The person I am looking at will not survive his soul. Are you a warrior in Tianfang City? You dare to squeeze me, it seems you are really tired of living!"

The Soul Chaser walked in front of Mu En, his tall body seemed to cover him, and he stretched out a hand to directly buckle Mu En's heavenly spirit cover.

During this process, Mu En trembled all over, and his soul was out of control.

Before Lu Tianhua and others saw this situation, they wanted to come over and take a look, but the soul chaser was not himself, and the person with him was actually two demigods and two divine stone realms. Their cold eyes swept away, Lu Tianhua Waiting for people to dare not move.

This is the gap brought about by strength. In the face of absolute strength, no one dares to make a mistake.

Mu En felt like he was playing. The Soulchaser squeezed himself to death here, just like an ant was squeezed to death. No one can save him. If he wants to make the Soulchaser change his mind, he is at least at the level of the Soulchaser. Only the strong can do it.

But he Moon didn't know such a strong man, and no one would stand out for him.

At this moment, he extremely regretted why he had to care about Lin Zhenjin. If he observed carefully at that time, such a thing would not happen.

"Senior Soulchaser, this person is in a small team with me, can you give him a face?" A voice sounded.

All the people around who watched the excitement cast their eyes on the past.

On the other hand, Mu En had a face full of inconceivableness, because the person who pleaded for him was actually Lin Zhen!

Chen Yuan's faces showed anxious expressions. Although Lin is really a saint master, can he compare with the soul chaser?

That is the strongest man, who is the endless battlefield, what kind of big people have not seen? May not sell Lin Zhen's face.

But no one thought that after the Soul Chaser turned and saw Lin Zhen, his face would have a bright smile.

"Haha! It turned out to be Brother Lin, I didn't even see it just now, Brother Lin said earlier, since it is your teammate, then this matter today is a misunderstanding!"

As he said, the Soulchaser raised his hand to face Mu En, patted his palms and came to Lin Zhen's side, and hooked his shoulders and said, "Little brother, thanks to you last time, that **** crystal fits my attributes. After the eye of the storm is over, my brother, I will be promoted to become a god, and I will definitely repay my brother for your kindness."

"Don't say that, brother, you also paid."

"No, the ruthless guy bought one for seven billion, and I only spent six billion. I still earned it, and the attributes fit. My brother gave away charcoal in the snow, and helped me defeat Ruthless once, and gave me a sigh of relief. Brother Qing will never forget."

The Soul Chaser patted Lin Zhen on the shoulder: "This is not a place to talk. If we can meet in the eye of the storm in the future, we will have a good talk."

Lin Zhen nodded and agreed, and the Soul Chaser turned to face Mu En.

"Smelly boy! Today, for the face of my old brother Lin Zhen, I spared you a dog's life. Next time, remember to give me some eyes. There are countless people here who can pinch you to death, understand?"

Speaking of this, he really squeezed Mu En's cheek and tugged. Mu En's cheek hurt when he pulled it, but he had to nod his head and smile, and he didn't dare to make an angry expression.

"Okay brother, brother is gone, please feel free to call me if you have any questions!"

The two demigods and the two **** stones who were with the Soul Chaser also smiled and greeted Lin Zhen farewell, and went to the front.

There were a lot of people who lined up in front, but when they saw the Soul Chaser and others coming over, they all smiled and gave way. These people actually passed unimpeded all the way.

At this time, Lu Tianhua and other talents came to Lin Zhen's side. Lu Tianhua didn't even look at Mu En, but said to Lin Zhen: "Junior Brother, do you even know Senior Soul Chaser?"

"Well, there was contact."

"That's great. The Soulchaser is a powerful king. If you encounter danger in the eyes of the storm, you can still report his name. Many people will save face."

Lin Zhen smiled: "Try not to report it as much as possible."

"Well, yes, keep a low profile."

After Lu Tianhua finished speaking, he looked at Mu En with an ugly face: "What did you do? If it weren't for Lin Zhen to know the Soul Chaser today, our team might be implicated by you. As a warrior, it's not even a matter of fearing the strong. Are the rules unclear?"

Mu En hung his head and did not speak, looking extremely depressed.

Lu Tianhua didn't say much, and continued to line up with a few people.

After queuing for more than an hour, they finally arrived at the checkpoint.

The so-called inspection is to check the identity, determine that they are qualified to enter the eye of the storm, and prevent some other warriors from entering.

At the checkpoint, the inspectors carefully checked their identities.

Five of them can enter the eye of the storm, but other intelligent beings cannot enter at will, such as Lin Zhen’s nine-headed lion and two-headed magic dragon. During the period of the eye of the storm, they are all prohibited from leaving Lin Zhen’s body. , This is to prevent people from carrying a large number of other life bodies in the body world and sweeping into the eye of the storm.

Including Lu Tianhua’s dragoon driver, was also forbidden to leave Lu Tianhua’s inner world.

"Okay, the team from Tianfang City, you can go to the eye of the storm, but before entering, I still want to remind you that if you find the **** stone and want to exchange the treasure, you need to place the **** stone in the inner world with a trace After you take out your world power, exchange the treasures you need on the exchange panel, there will be a divine envoy to find your position based on your world power, and then exchange it with you, and take out how many divine stones you need to exchange How much, understand?"

Several people nodded one after another to make it clear.

"Also, when you encounter endless races, you can also earn points for fighting, which can increase your star rating. Therefore, endless battlefields encourage fighting, but you won't get points for killing ground races."

After Lin Zhen made it clear, they passed the inspection quickly and passed the inspection gate.

After passing the checkpoint, there is a suspended bridge in front of it, which is hundreds of meters long, and the bridge head points directly in the direction of the eye of the storm.

The storm that had been moving slowly before has stopped, and the eye of the storm can already enter.

After boarding the bridge, Lu Tianhua summoned the Qinglong car, and everyone got on the car.

Without the coachman, Lu Tianhua personally drove this time.

"set off!"

Qinglong groaned again, shook his head and waved his tail and went straight to the Storm Eye galaxy.

This time the flight took almost a day, and several talents gradually entered the storm eye galaxy.

Looking out through the car window, there are floating light blue fragments everywhere. After losing the wind, these things float in the air, and the dragon cart needs to be carefully avoided when it moves.

Occasionally encounter a planet, the planet seems to be fragmented, like a broken ball, I don't know what force destroyed it.

On the dragon cart, Lu Tianhua was spreading out the map to view.

"I have checked the terrain when I came. Our goal is the planetary cemetery. It is a battlefield for a large-scale battle. It is suitable for our exploration. Even if there are opponents, they should be about the same strength as ours. The cemetery is ready, even if the eye of the storm is not in vain."

"Can you determine the exact location of the planetary graveyard?"

"It can be determined based on our current coordinates. The planetary cemetery is 50,000 light-years away in the west, and the intersecting continents are 80,000 light-years away in the east. There are several teleportation array coordinates in the middle. I will send them to you in a while. "

Arudi asked, "What about Wind and Thunder Valley?"

"Fenglei Valley has been moving forward. About 100,000 light-years away, these three places are the three main outbreak points of the war. The planetary cemetery is the largest and the death toll is the largest. The intersecting continent is an elite battlefield. Fenglei Valley is the final battlefield."

"Then are there any **** stones in other places?"

"There is but relatively few. We pay attention to it on the road. If it goes well, we will be able to reach the planet cemetery in about a year and good days will come."

Hearing that there may also be sacred stones in other places, several people looked out of the car.

"Boss, if we are walking in the car, even if there is a sacred stone on the road, we will miss it. I don’t think so. The five of us spread a little distance and searched forward a little bit so that we won’t miss the sacred stone. The total is distributed according to the previously agreed rules."

Hearing Chen Yuan's words, Lu Tianhua nodded. After reading the list of those treasures, everyone wanted to find the sacred stone immediately.

Three sacred stones can be exchanged for a heavenly spirit fruit. If this kind of fruit is sold to the outside world, it may cost millions, or even tens of millions!

"Well, since everyone has no opinion, let's take action now."

All five people left the dragon cart, each one was 10,000 meters apart, ready to start pulling the net forward.