Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 874: Lots of babies!

On the dragon cart, Lin Zhen leaned on his seat and opened the exchange panel in the Dimensional Universe. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

The rewards on this exchange panel are provided by the four gods.

The gods don't need money, and they don't need ordinary currency. What the gods need are **** stones, a lot of **** stones.

The **** stone can be used as a high-level currency between the gods, and it can also be used for the cultivation of the gods. It is said that the operation of the **** crystal is powerful and can be grown by absorbing and refining a large number of **** stones. Therefore, the **** stone is very important to the gods, but for the people under the gods. People are basically useless.

Everyone in the eyes of the storm is actually working for the four great gods, collecting the gods and getting the gods in exchange for good things, and they all get what they need.

"Wow! There are so many good things."

Opening the exchange panel, Lin Zhen's eyes lit up.

Three sacred stones can be exchanged for one sky spirit fruit.

The effect of the sky spirit fruit can restore the exhausted star strength of the warrior to an overflowing state instantly!

Not every warrior has the super stamina like Lin Zhen, a fruit that can instantly restore state is simply what many people dream of.

It's just that each person can only take one one in a month, but this does not prevent the warriors from wanting to reserve a few more in case of emergency.

Cultivation secrets, spiritual treasures, this kind of things are everything you need.

"The high-grade Lingbao Cold Edge Knife, the exchange price is 20 sacred stones, which is not too expensive."

"The top-grade Lingbao four elephant shields are exchanged for three hundred sacred stones. This is very powerful. The top-grade defensive Lingbao is almost indestructible."

"Flash gold training physical determination, the exchange price is 220 sacred stones, this is not bad, after training, the defense is almost catching up with my Kaihua."

"I'm going! The Supreme Sword! The exchange price is four thousand sacred stones! This is exactly the weapon of the gods, and it is actually used to exchange the sacred stones!"

"Actually, there is the Arcane Sky Axe, the exchange price is five thousand **** stones, and the exchange price is 8,000 **** stones."

Lin Zhen looked dazzled, there are a total of nine treasures that can be exchanged.

Knives, guns, swords, halberds, shields and hammers, plus a bow and quiver.

Every piece of treasure has great power and power, and when held in the hands of a warrior, it is a weapon for leapfrog battle.

"These treasures are good, but I feel that my divine clock seems to be better. Not only does it contain the law of time, it should also have special functions, absolutely above these treasures."

"The treasures these gods took out should not be their best things. They just take out some of them that they don't need and let these warriors work for them."

"But for the average warrior, the treasure is indeed crazy."

In addition to the treasure of exercises, there are also gods.

There are about a dozen **** crystals on the exchange panel, colorful, red is the **** crystal of the fire system, cyan is the **** crystal of the wind system, and the yellow is the **** crystal of the earth system...

Lin Zhen also had a **** crystal. At the beginning, his **** crystal was red. At first, Lin Zhen thought that all **** crystals were red. Later, he learned that **** crystals are also of a separate system, and the choice is the most suitable. It is most appropriate to absorb your own crystals.

If you absorb the **** crystals of different attributes, there may be some bad consequences, but Lin Zhen is still not sure what it is, and no one has explained these things to him.

The price of these **** crystals is basically three thousand **** stones for one, and the price is fairly uniform.

But since they have elemental attributes, they should have special attributes, such as ice, thunder, light, etc., but Lin Zhen didn't see it here.

Presumably the **** crystals with special attributes will be more expensive, but these gods have not been listed, and I don't know if they will be added in the future.

In addition to Shenjing, there are better things.

Inherit the crystal ball!

Inheriting the crystal ball is a warrior who records the most important and most essential part of what he has learned in his life in a crystal, and it is an invaluable wealth to pass on to future generations.

The inheritance crystal ball of the **** stone realm is a 500 **** stone.

The inheritance of the demigod realm is one thousand one.

The inheritance crystal of the powerful king, one 3,000 sacred stone!

The Hall of Fame inherits the crystal ball, one 10,000 God Stone!

One of the most eye-catching is a huge crystal ball, the inheritance of the gods!

This is left by a god, recording what the **** has learned throughout his life, and his practice, knowledge, and experience will greatly enhance the strength of a martial artist.

With the inheritance of the gods, there is a great hope of entering the realm of gods. This is the biggest attraction!

It is not the refinement of the crystals to enter the gods, but the self-cultivation to enter the gods. This is a world of difference.

The Crystal Ball of God’s Inheritance, the exchange price is 100,000 God Stones!

This is also the most valuable thing on the entire exchange panel, and it is also what almost all warriors yearn for.

Lin Zhen rubbed his fingers lightly, and secretly judged in his heart what kind of choice was best for him.

The eye of the storm took forty-nine years, and the sacred stone is definitely not so easy to find. You must make a careful plan to choose the most suitable thing for you, and you can't spend your money in unnecessary places.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Zhen felt a headache, there were too many things to exchange, so let's talk about it when it comes to the eye of the storm.

Putting away the exchange panel and looking at the other people's appearance, Lin Zhen almost laughed.

Everyone is drooling at the void, obviously dazzled by the endless treasures on the exchange panel.

It is conceivable that after the eye of the storm, the **** stone is the lifeblood of every warrior. In order to compete for the **** stone, I am afraid that everything can be done.

Lin Zhen didn't watch it anymore, but chose to close his eyes to rest his mind, and once again comprehend the misty divine clock.

"Learn to slow down time as soon as possible and buy yourself more time. This is what I should do."

It is not easy to be able to resist the temptation of treasures and focus on cultivation. At this moment, Lin Zhen feels that his mood has improved, and he is overjoyed. This time he will definitely be able to gain something from his cultivation!

Lin Zhen began to cultivate, while the others were immersed in the temptation of the baby, almost unable to extricate themselves, six days passed in a blink of an eye.


With a long chant of the blue dragon, the speed of the dragon cart slowed down.

Lu Tianhua's driver turned his head and said to the people in the car: "Mr. Lu, several people, the Eye of the Storm has arrived."

"Oh! It's here so soon."

Lu Tianhua came back to his senses and shook his dizzy head, feeling a little ashamed.

In the past few days, he has almost entered a state of selflessness, calculating what kind of treasure he should strive for, who might compete with him, how strong he will be after getting the treasure, and so on.

Being immersed in the treasures and forgetting to practice, this is not what a martial artist should do.

Looking back, Chen Yuan, Mu En, and Arudi were still intoxicated, which made his heart feel better. It seemed that these people were not as good as himself.

But when he saw Lin Zhen, he found that Lin Zhen's eyes were slightly closed and he was slowly exhaling a suffocating breath, apparently just recovering from the state of cultivation.

" is it possible? Lin Zhen is a martial artist in the Sanhua realm, who can resist the temptation of many treasures? There is still time to practice now!"

Lu Tianhua was shocked, and it seemed that Lin Zhen's strength needed to be reassessed.

Now Lu Tianhua was a little embarrassed to face Lin Zhen, and quickly turned around and acted as if he had just finished his cultivation, lest Lin Zhen laugh at his senior.

But because of this, he ignored the spitting breath that Lin Zhen just exhaled, and the jet speed was much slower than usual. This is very unreasonable!

After a cough, Lu Tianhua turned around and patted his palms.

"Papa Papa~!!!"

"Okay, brothers and sisters, our goal has arrived, and now we have reached the Eye of the Storm star field, hurry up and wake up, we are ready to get off."

The remaining few people also awoke from the temptation of the treasure one after another, and they all laughed embarrassedly.

"Hey! Looking at the crystal ball of God's Inheritance made me look stupid. I was wandering beyond the sky. I didn't expect to get to the eye of the storm so soon. I am really ashamed and ashamed, or the captain is powerful, and I don't even care.

Lu Tianhua waved his hand when he heard Chen Yuan’s words: "I just woke up soon, let’s not talk about it. Although the treasure is good, it is not ours now. Only when everyone cooperates sincerely and earns a lot of sacred stones can I hope to get what I like. Okay, get ready to get off."

Several people stood up and filed down.

After leaving the dragon cart, everyone was shocked by the sight in front of them!

The place where the dragon cart stops is an asteroid with a diameter of less than 100 kilometers. Standing on the planet, you can see the huge storm eye galaxy in the distance.

Just like an ant standing in front of the sun, the storm's eye galaxy is huge and unimaginable.

Pieces of light blue planet fragments sharp as knives slowly rotate as if driven by inertia.

From where they can see, to the end of their eyesight, they are filled with this blue, boundless!

The entire galaxy is rotating, and this spectacular scene is deeply shocking!

And on this small planet temporarily docked, many people looked at this huge rotating galaxy dumbfounded just like them.

Although the galaxy may still be tens of millions of kilometers away or even hundreds of millions of kilometers away, the tremendous force that drives the overturning of the universe and the shaking of the universe is still exciting.

"What a storm's eye!"

Lu Tianhua sighed softly. After everyone was shocked, they looked ahead, and there seemed to be a temporary inspection center.

The people of the ground race heading to the eye of the storm are lining up here, preparing to pass the checkpoint before being allowed to enter the eye of the storm.

"Let's line up, follow me, after the checkpoint, we can go to this new world for adventure at any time."

Lu Tianhua is the captain, leading the way, followed by Chen Yuan and Arudi.

After that, it should be Mu En, and finally Lin Zhen, but Mu En stared blankly at this place for a long time without moving. Lin Zhen behind him watched him not move, and the other teams behind him had to surpass and simply walked over. He gave him a hand in front.

"Senior Brother Mu En, it's time to go."

Mu En slowed down and saw Lin Zhen walking in front of him, his face suddenly sank.