Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 876: Practice time slow down

Several people got out of the dragon cart and looked ahead. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

There is a chaotic planet and meteorites ahead. They don't look very regular like a normal starry sky at all, but are crowded together in disorder, like a fragmented land.

"It looks messy here."

"That's it. The battle of the eye of the storm disrupted everything, especially the last space storm, which caused the energy of the stars to be lost in the storm. After millions of years, those stars died without the gravitational attraction of the stars. It works, it's completely messed up here."

"The star dies? Wouldn't it explode to form a black hole?" Chen Yuan said.

Lu Tianhua shook his head: "These stars are clean and dead with energy loss, just like the euthanasia of human beings, they die silently and will not explode."

"It seems that this is a barren land of death, so let's go over and take a look. I think there are still many competitors."

Streams of light in front swept forward, all the warriors who entered the eye of the storm.

"Let's go, remember, we are here to ask for money, not to fight, try to avoid fighting."

Lu Tianhua said, several people moved forward quickly and went straight to the broken area ahead.

With Lin Zhen and the others gathered hundreds of millions of kilometers away, a white-haired warrior was slowly moving forward.

This person was dressed in a white robe, and his long hair was snow white, and behind him was carrying a long sword that was condensed like frost.

This person is the ruthless king that Lin Zhen met at the auction house.

Stopped in the starry sky, the ruthless king took out a map and looked at it.

"Interlacing continents..... There is my experience place."

The ice sword was pulled out behind him, a sword slashed over, and the space was torn apart!

The Ruthless King dodges himself and directly enters the space crack, which is actually a method similar to Luo Tian's escape method.

In the next moment, he had already appeared in the starry sky of intersecting continents.

Looking at the land running through the sky and the layers of planets, the ruthless king closed his eyes slightly.

"If there is a misty divine clock, my cultivation progress will definitely be greatly improved, but it is a pity..."

"Lin Zhen, I must get the divine clock back, you never want to escape."

The ruthless king opened the exchange panel and glanced at the two commodities on it.

A small golden horn is called a human horn.

A small silver horn is called the Mozu horn.

The price of each speaker is twenty **** stones.

This kind of horn has no role in assisting cultivation, nor does it have any lethality. The only role is to be able to let the corresponding race hear the news released by itself in the eyes of the storm.

Just like a full-screen speech in the game, everyone can hear what the publisher said, similar to an advertisement.

The ruthless king's plan is very simple. He must first collect twenty divine stones and exchange for a golden horn, so that all ground race warriors can hear their own speech.

He wanted Lin Zhen to be wanted, and he was given a heavy reward. As long as he could catch Lin Zhen and get back the misty divine clock, even if he paid hundreds of thousands of divine stones, it was worth it to him.

The misty divine clock can give him a lot of time, which is the key to making him a **** quickly.

"Lin Zhen, you wait, when I get enough sacred stones, it will be your death date!"

The body turned into streamer, and the ruthless Wang Fei escaped and entered the intersecting continent.


"Found one!"

There was an excited cheer from afar, but it was not from Lin Zhen and his team.

Not far away, Lu Tianhua raised his head, showing a look of envy.

"Found one here, hahaha!" Another voice came.

This sporadic shouting is like a stimulant, filling everyone with energy.

Lin Zhen looked at several of his companions occasionally, but now he still found nothing.

Lower your head and explore your mental power.


Lin Zhen stopped suddenly, and in a rocky area, Lin Zhen found a bright light blinded by mud.

This feeling was very familiar. Lin Zhen still had three sacred stones in his hand, and sometimes he would take them out to play with, and immediately raised his hand, and the force of gravity was released.

Whoosh~! !

A sacred stone flew out of the soil and fell straight into Lin Zhen's hands.

"The first one is here!"

Lin Zhen raised a finger, and Lu Tianhua and others in the distance cheered excitedly, and even ran to Lin Zhen to watch.

"Haha! I really found the sacred stone, okay, you kid!"

"Let's see, I haven't been in vain on the research of the eye of the storm for so long. I have long seen that there will be sacred stones in this area. Even if the eye of the storm has been opened twice, it is impossible to find all the sacred stones."

Mu En looked at the sacred stone in Lin Zhen's eyes and suddenly said: "According to our distribution rules, the sacred stone found needs to be divided equally. Should this first sacred stone be given to the captain?"

Lu Tianhua was about to wave his hand in humility, and Mu En continued: "Captain, there is no rule to make a circle. Our divine stone allocation method has long been agreed. For five people, the allocation ratio is Except for the captain, you get three of them. Besides, the four of us all took two. If you don’t take yours first, the four of us won’t be able to take it next."

Lu Tianhua was a little embarrassed, after all, Lin Zhen found the **** stone, and he didn't contribute much.

Instead, Lin Zhen took the initiative: "Captain, take it, it's all agreed."

"Well then, I'll accept it."

Lu Tianhua nodded, carefully took the sacred stone back, and looked at it with love for a long time before entering the body world.

"Keep on! Keep looking. If we can get a hundred thousand **** stones when the eye of the storm is over, then we will exchange the crystal ball of the god's inheritance!"

Everyone has their own goals, and they are full of energy at this time.

Lin Zhen handed over the sacred stone and walked casually here, but his spiritual power covered all the surrounding areas.

"Huh! There is another one!"

Soon Lin Zhen had a second harvest, finding one from a crack in the rock.

Another nearby warrior, Billin, discovered it a second later, but was so close to Billin. Just about to **** it, Lin Zhenyi raised his hand, and gravity quickly pulled the sacred stone into his hand again.

The warrior of the God Realm stage glared at Lin Zhen fiercely, but he was also in the mentality of seeking money and did not say much.

However, he subconsciously stayed away from Lin Zhen and couldn't rob Lin Zhen, so it was better to avoid him.

"The second one is here!"

Lin Zhen raised two fingers, and several people ran over again. After being happy for a while, the second divine stone was handed over to Chen Yuan.

I thought that others could gain something, but I don't know what happened today. Three hours later, only Lin Zhen found two.

At the fourth hour, it was Lin Zhen who found the third sacred stone.

The faces of several people were a little embarrassed, and the **** stone was handed over to Arudi.

"Haha! I also have a sacred stone, thank you Junior Brother Lin."

Lin Zhen nodded without speaking, and continued to search hard.

The whole day passed, the people of the team gathered together and counted today's harvest.

On this day, the team of five people tried their best to find and harvested a total of ten sacred stones.

Among them, Lin Zhen received five dollars, and Lu Tianhua, Chen Yuan, and two each found two dollars. Arudi got one piece, but Moon got nothing.

Lin Zhen's mental power is strong, and he has gravity in his hand, and his speed is fast, and the speed of grabbing things is unparalleled. Together, the four of them will have the same harvest as Lin Zhen.

"Lin Zhen, great!" Chen Yuan happily patted Lin Zhen on the shoulder.

Lin Zhen weighed a piece of sacred stone in his hand, smiled and said, "Nothing, we will gain more tomorrow."

The ten sacred stones were allocated in order, each of them had two, and the next one would still belong to Lu Tianhua.

Several people in Lu Tianhua thought that Lin Zhen was a bit at a loss, but the rules were set and no one said anything.

When it was time to rest, Lin Zhen sat cross-legged alone and began to adjust his breath.

What is now participating in the search is only the clone of Lin Zhen. His body is now in the body of the clone, cultivating the misty divine clock with great concentration.

The realization of double time slowdown gave Lin Zhen more time to practice.

One day outside, Lin Zhen passed two days, and during these two days, his cultivation time was accelerating.

A long-flowering orchid was in full bloom in front of him, and Lin Zhen deduced and calculated in his heart over and over again.

According to his judgment, it takes about twenty days to realize the three times the acceleration.

Twenty days is only ten days for him now.

It will take about a month to realize the triple deceleration.

For Lin Zhen, one month is fifteen days.

"Twenty-five days, after twenty-five days, my triple time will be reduced. Then I will have more time to practice. At that time, I can almost enter the middle of Sanhua. Because of the current income from the sacred stone, cultivation is affected."

Thinking in mind, the speed of cultivation has not slowed down at all.

On the first day, the team received ten sacred stones, on the second day, twelve, on the third day, eleven, and on the fourth day, ten more.

It is not easy to find too many sacred stones in the periphery of the eye of the Lin Zhen only has about two sacred stones a day.

On the contrary, in terms of search efficiency, Lin Zhen found the most.

No one in the team said much about this matter. Now Lin Zhen is their biggest source of income guarantee. They think that they have protected Lin Zhen in exchange for more sacred stones, but sometimes Chen Yuan will treat Lin Zhen. Showing guilt.

"Junior Brother Lin, I asked you to come to this team out of good intentions, but now you are losing a lot. Brother, I really feel embarrassed, or I will give you one more sacred stone every day in my income. "

Lin Zhen patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder: "Brother Chen, I don't need to say anything like this. Thank you for considering me, but I have my ideas."

Chen Yuan nodded, but the guilt was still unabated.

In an instant, twenty days passed.

Lin Zhen already had more than forty spirit stones in his hands. He hadn't decided what to exchange, but his intelligent life Chrissy called Lin Zhen on his own initiative.