Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 848: 3 flowers!

The three-flowering period is too important for Lin Zhen.

After reaching Sanhua, Lin Zhen was no longer at the bottom in the endless battlefield, and he was no longer behind in realm.

As for the actual combat effectiveness, Lin Zhen, who reached Sanhua, would be even more immeasurable.

When the flower of energy appeared, Lin Zhen's star power began to explode.

Lin Zhen's original star power was 140 million, of which the star power in the Dantian Qi Sea accounted for about 97 million.

Another 42 million are from the evil and dark stars.

A breakthrough in the great realm, when the star power is overflowing, will directly double the star power!

From Changsheng to Sanhua, this is a great realm. The star power in Lin Zhendan's Qi Sea directly skyrocketed and doubled! ! !

The star power of 97 million soared to 194 million in an instant! ! !

Coupled with the star power of the world in his body, Lin Zhen is promoted to Sanhua, and his star power has reached 236 million!

But such star power is not the end.

Now that he has broken through, Lin Zhen certainly will not be so simple, his realm is still rising.

The Sanhua period is different from all the previous realms, except that it is divided into three periods: the early, middle and late stages of Sanhua.

Taking advantage of the breakthrough in the realm and the medicinal properties were all resolved, Lin Zhen decisively swallowed a handful of Huahua pills he had prepared!

He wants to start growing flowers at this time, so that his energy flower can really bloom!

In the black hole, the Yanghua Pill was suddenly involved, and the huge medicinal properties came into play again.

The most intuitive manifestation is that above Lin Zhen's head, the flower bone of the flower of energy finally opened a crack and slowly opened.

There is no floral fragrance, only the opening of the petals, getting bigger and bigger!

After taking the Huahuawan, Lin Zhen did not continue to pay attention to the blooming situation of the flower bones. He wanted to take advantage of the present to light up the last fierce star, Luo Huo!

The seven fierce stars, the previous sixth star of the capital, provided Lin Zhen with 22 million star power.

But Ji Du couldn't compare with Luo Hu. When Lin Zhen concentrated his star power and peeled off the veil of Luo Hu's star, the powerful star power came again like a tide, flooding Lin Zhen's inner world.

58 million!

In Lin Zhen's body, the six fierce stars, the dark star, and the two lotus flowers, the total star power is only 42 million, and together they are not the largest and brightest Luohuduo.

Luohu's star power poured in, and the star power of Lin Zhen's body had reached 100 million!

Now the Dantian Qi Sea plus the body world, the total star power has reached 294 million!

Lin Zhen sits in the void, the flower of energy above his head is still slowly opening, and the star power is still slowly increasing.

This kind of star power is enough to support nearly twenty planets around and resist the impact of the turbulence of star energy.

As for how the star power will increase, Lin Zhen doesn't have time to pay attention now. As long as the medicinal properties are not exhausted, his star power will continue to rise.

His current energy is focused on the observation of star explosions!

In his eyes, the faint starlight flickered, and the surrounding heat waves were hard to invade, like a divine eye that broke away all illusions, and directly saw the most real side.

In front is a hot energy body, which is the core of the star, the most powerful place on this planet.

But this star has survived for too long, and it's time to die.

This group of energy bodies is fissioning, all the atomic flying pieces split, quickly reorganize, and then die and collapse!

This process is difficult to explain with science. Although scientists say that science is omnipotent, no one has ever seen what happens inside a star when it explodes.

So all scientific explanations are actually just guesses.

Lin Zhen didn't want to use science to prove the reason for these changes. What he was concerned about was the process of this change and how to use it for his own use and incorporate it into his martial arts.

At this moment, he forgot that there were endless dangers around him, that he was still breaking through, and his mind entered a state of emptiness. Only the changes in the core of the planet were in his eyes, nothing else.

Bai Susu didn't know everything that happened here in Lin Zhen.

During this time period, Bai Susu has completed his breakthrough.

Unlike Lin Zhen's real breakthrough, Bai Susu originally had such a realm. Her breakthrough was actually to restore her own strength with the help of medicine.

After returning to the divine consciousness change, Bai Susu felt that his state was too good.

Before that, Bai Susu had thought about it many times, once she resumed her spiritual change, she must pass through the dimensional universe and immediately tell her sister Bai Xue the news.

Let my sister share her happiness, I believe my sister must be very happy.

But when this moment was really reached, Bai Susu's first thought was to tell Lin Zhen about it.

Bai Susu was extremely lucky to be able to restore his divine consciousness change, because he was a holy alchemist, and he didn't have the ability to change to another person.

A pair of beautiful eyes searched in the air, she wanted to see where Lin Zhen was, but there was a void, eternal silence, and there was no shadow of Lin Zhen at all.

"Where did the man go? When I was about to break through, he was obviously not far away?"

Bai Susu was a little worried, and looked everywhere, but there was no shadow of Lin Zhen at all.

"Sure enough, if you are not my race, their hearts will be different. They said how to protect me, but when I broke through, I ran away by myself. Forget it, let him go. I have recovered most of my strength. My people met."

When Lin Zhen was missing, Bai Susu first checked her Dimensional Universe unhappy, and if she could use it, she planned to contact her sister first.

But at this time, Lin Zhen's words to her suddenly popped out of his mind.

"Let me teach you another lesson. When encountering things, there is always nothing wrong with being calm..."

"Be more stable.... Be more stable..."

Bai Susu sighed, and for some reason, temporarily suppressing the desire to contact her sister, she decided to see who came to her first. Maybe she could quietly return to Qingqiu Mountain and surprise her sister.

Bai Susu could go to the place where the fireworks lit up, but after hesitating, she did not do so.

She wanted to stay here, if Lin Zhen came back, she would not be able to find herself after she left.

"He saved me once and should say goodbye to him."

But instead of looking for someone, someone else would come to him. Bai Susu opened the world in his body and took out the planetary fireworks that he used to contact the endless sea of ​​stars.

Lin Zhen was still a little bit emotional when he saw the fireworks, but in fact this kind of fireworks is amazing. The production cost of each firework is even comparable to that of a spacecraft. When the fireworks explode, it is almost comparable to a satellite. The size, so that it can be more conspicuous in the vast universe, otherwise how can it be used as a connection.

With a flick of the jade finger, a ball of flame lit the firework.

Whoosh~~~! !

Like a rocket lifted into the sky, the firework flew hundreds of thousands of meters, and then exploded in space.

Bang~~~! !

The sky was full of fireworks, with colored lights shining, and Bai Susu stood under the fireworks, waiting for the arrival of the tribe.


Outside the city of Tianfang, on a floating road, Demon Warrior Nani suddenly stood up!

"Look over there, what is that?"

Several Demon Warriors around him all stood up and looked over at the same time.

"Boss Nani, that's Di Ji's signal, Di Ji's signal to us, she is calling us!"

In the past few days, a few of them demon martial artists have been looking for a person named Lin Xun, but this person is like a stone sinking into the sea, and their efforts have been fruitless. It seems that there has never been such a person.

This made Nani and the others couldn't help but be a little skeptical, didn't Lin Xun never enter Tianfang City at all? But the few dead warriors didn't seem to be lying.

Unexpectedly, they could only wander outside the Tianfang City in desperation, occasionally releasing a firework that they used to make contact, hoping that if Di Ji could see it, they would respond to them.

Originally, this most hopeless stupid method actually had a miraculous effect, and Di Ji really responded.

The fireworks released by Di Ji is different from everyone else. It has a dazzling color And depending on the location of the fireworks, if Di Ji releases it, then she should be in the starry sky outside the city. In the past, they would not worry about provoke the people in Tianfang City.

"Hahaha! This is really nowhere to be found by breaking through the iron shoes. I didn't expect that Di Ji was actually in Tianfang City. It is time for us to make a great achievement. Let's go, brothers, follow me Come, let's also see and see the famous Qingqiu Mountain Di Ji, what a beautiful woman!"

The warrior of the spirit dog clan followed behind the demon clan warrior and said with a grin: "Boss Nani, this time saving Di Ji, we will definitely be rewarded by Di Ji, your boss is rich, and we small ones can follow Soup."

Nani's footsteps suddenly stopped and looked at the warrior of the Spirit Hound Clan, "Do you think we are going to save Di Ji?"

The warrior of the spirit dog clan froze for a moment: "Isn't it? The brigade is full of people looking for the universe, isn't it to save Di Ji?"

The demon martial artist suddenly smiled: "Well... you are right, he is a loyal and good boy, let's lead the way."

Le Dian, a warrior of the spirit dog tribe, ran ahead, but as soon as he turned around, a black claw pierced his chest and pinched his heart out of his front chest cavity!


The heart was smashed by the demon warrior Nani. Before the death of the spirit dog warrior, he only heard Nani say: "Boy, since we are not all the same, then it's really hard to keep you!"

The spirit dog warrior died in a daze. When he was about to die, he felt that he had discovered some secret.

Killing the spirit dog warrior, Nani shook his hand: "Hey, there are no flies disturbing people this time. This time, I want to really see what it is like to Di Ji!!!"