Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 847: Break through the madness!

What Lin Zhen wanted to do was to go deep into the core of the star explosion to understand the specific circumstances of the explosion.

This idea is extremely bold and crazy. Not to mention that Lin is really a longevity. Even a demigod who enters the core of the star's explosion will definitely be wiped out.

But Lin is really dependent.

His reliance is the immortal spirit body. The immortal spirit body can withstand most of the damage and has a very strong resilience. As long as he can resist the power of the explosion and is not instantly destroyed, he will have continuous energy. restore!

And he has other hole cards.

Lin Zhen was already desperate for his own powerful martial arts.

His star power was still breaking through, and Lin Zhen resolutely opened Kaihua.

The body swelled suddenly, and a black scale covered the body surface.

This time Lin Zhen didn't have gold attached, and the metal was not insulated. It was okay to resist weapons when used in combat, but it was useless to resist the high temperature heat waves that could burn everything.

After Kaihua, Lin Zhen moved his body, and a white lotus appeared on the surface of his body.

Above Lin Zhen's dark star, there is a twin lotus, one is the lotus of light, and the other is the lotus of ice. This ice lotus can release a powerful cold current, and it is also Lin Zhen's support to go deep into the star.

The white freezing air immediately completely covered Lin Zhen's body, and a thick layer of frost quickly formed.

The color of this frost has turned blue, and the freezing air is placed ten meters away. It is no longer ordinary ice, but an existence that is colder and harder than Wannian Xuanbing.



Lin Zhen quickly galloped into the depths of the star!

At the beginning, the frost on Lin Zhen's body was still getting thicker and thicker. After so long of cultivation, Lin Zhen's grasp of coldness had reached minus 250 degrees.

This kind of temperature is definitely not what a normal flame can melt, so when he is outside, Lin really doesn't have to worry about anything.

Boom~~! !

The fragments of a star fell off, just like a burning continent, on which was a tumbling liquid like magma molten iron, golden yellow, overwhelming the sky!


Lin Zhen's figure flashed, appeared behind the flying continent, and continued to charge forward.

When he rushed to a range of 20 million kilometers, Lin Zhen’s body surface cracked with a violent noise, and small shards of stars came over like a torrential rain. Those burning shards of tens of thousands of degrees hit Lin Zhen’s body. The thick ice made a hole and a crack.

The Gun of Lantis!

Lin Zhen's spear appeared in his hand, and turned the spear wheel with one hand, spinning like a windmill, resisting the flying debris from the opposite side.

The star fragments rumbled on the spear, and Lin Zhen had a powerful star at the moment, and continued to move forward against the fragments.

The ice on his body also temporarily eased the melting, and stabilized again.

Brandishing the spear, Lin Zhen dashed another ten million kilometers away!

There are still 10 million kilometers ahead, and he has reached the body of the star. At this time, the hard ice on Lin Zhen's body has accelerated to melt again. His whole person is walking through the golden sea of ​​fire, and no hard ice can resist it. too long.

Snow lotus blooms!

The lotus was in full bloom above Lin Zhen's head, sending out a large frost, supporting him again to fly 5 million kilometers!

The deeper he goes, it is impossible for Lin Zhen to accelerate too fast. It is impossible to move at the speed of light, because there are all irregular and random flying debris in front of him. A little acceleration may hit a certain piece. On the debris like a small mountain continent.

Within five million kilometers, Lin Zhen finally released his trump card!

As soon as the Lantis gun was retracted, Lin Zhen fiercely opened his mouth!

The galaxy above his head loomed, and the black hole hovered in his mouth. Lin Zhen sent a black hole to swallow the countless fragments in front of him!

In an instant, a long space corridor formed in front of Lin Zhen, and all the heat wave fragments within this corridor were swallowed up.

"Lei Guangwing!"

The thunder wings appeared behind him with a bang, and Lin Zhen had to use the thunder wings to accelerate!

The whole person turned into an arrow from the string, the front was swallowed by a black hole to open the way, and the back was pushed by thunder wings, Lin Zhen once again moved forward 5 million kilometers!

This is already the surface of the exploding star. It is now when the explosion begins. Lin Zhen's vision is filled with large pieces of debris and heat waves. What is more deadly than the heat wave is the powerful energy shock wave formed by the explosion.

By this time, dodge is no longer useful, because within a few million kilometers, there are all powerful shock waves and debris. Unless Lin Zhen gives up observation, there is only one way to go.

Lin Zhen's black hole swallowing power has been exhausted, and finally bears the first frontal impact.

The violent shock wave entrained the stellar fragments, and slammed into Lin Zhen's body!

The ice was broken, and Lin Zhen's shoulder was the front contact point of the impact, and he broke instantly!


An armoured arm was softly broken, but Lin Zhen's immortal spirit immediately played a huge role, and the fracture began to recover immediately!

But the second fragment and the third fragment hit one after another.

The lotus flower bloomed on Lin Zhen's body, and the cold air was released, and there were still many damages on the body.

Guangsha! Mental power shield!

Lin Zhen continued to plunge into the core of the planet, and the immortal spirit could still support it!

Bang bang bang! ! !

The continuous impact of fragments caused Lin Zhen to spray out a mouthful of blood.

"No, I can't reach it this way, I can only tear it with space!"

"Kris, have you calculated the distance to the core of the planet?"

"In the process of calculation, if you go three kilometers ahead, Master, I can reduce the error to within ten meters!"

Lin Zhen roared, and the coldness on his body was released again, and the spear of Lantis in his hand sent out the cold of winter, like a drill bit through a mountain, breaking through the layers of fragments and moving forward again!

There was a series of explosions, his body was scarred, and two mouthfuls of blood were vomited, Lin Zhen moved forward three kilometers again.

"I have the answer. Master enters the space crack and moves 7.63 meters forward to reach the core of this planet!"


Without waiting for me, Lin Zhen once again split his hands and opened a crack in the space.

The figure flashed, and Lin Zhen entered the space crack.

According to observations, the diameter of this star is about twice larger than that of the sun. Lin Zhen entered the crack in the space and accurately crossed a distance of 7.63 meters.

Leaving the crack in the space, Lin Zhen's whole body burned!

Here is already the core of the star explosion. This powerful heat wave and energy have exceeded the limit of human imagination. This fire almost turned Lin Zhen into ashes!

"Fire Qilin, devoured by nature!"

The clone of Lin Zhen and the ontology quickly exchanged, and the clone displayed the most basic talent skill of the Fire Qilin clan, swallowed by nature.

A mouthful of real fire from the core of the planet came, and the fire supergalactic beast of the fire Qilin almost turned to ashes. Fortunately, Lin Zhen's body took a breather after this opportunity and replaced the clone again.

After avoiding the first flame at the core of the planet, Lin Zhen had a chance to adjust.

"Up to now, there is no other choice. To observe the explosion of stars, only here is the best place. Black holes have been swallowed. The only way I have now is the domain. Use the planets in the domain to block these. energy!"

"Galactic Realm...Open!"

With a thought, the surrounding galaxies appeared. The twenty-odd neutrons that Lin Zhen can currently control, in fact, are the appearance of more than 20 planets, squeezing and twisting their positions, blocking the flames of the stars!

The flame of a star is very powerful, but it is still impossible to burn more than 20 planets in a short period of time, not to mention that the planet is still compressed with high density.

If this continues, Lin Zhen still has a chance to truly feel the explosion of the planet.

But he overlooked one thing, that is, under the impact of the extremely powerful energy turbulence around him, his star power is insufficient!

Kakaka~~! !

Six or seven consecutive planets shattered under the impact of energy turbulence.

"It's over!"

If these neutron planets cannot resist the star explosion, Lin Zhen will be wiped out.

"Broken, or The star power is insufficient, if the body explodes, it will be vaporized instantly, and there is nothing..."

When Lin Zhen closed his eyes, he was still reckless this time, thinking that with the protection of immortal spirits, black holes and cold air, he would be able to forcibly break into the core of the star's explosion, but he lost his life.

He doesn't think that he will have a second chance to be born again.

At the critical moment, the barriers between Lin Zhen's longevity and three-flowering period were broken at this moment!

At this moment, the star power formed a powerful blowout, a layer of rich and substantive starlight, which instantly enveloped Lin Zhen's body in a radius of 100 meters, even forcing the surrounding energy back!

Lin Zhen fiercely raised his head and raised his head to the sky and let out an angry roar!

Two golden sulphur-flavored fireworks shot directly tens of meters away, with long hair flying above the head, the body that was already burning was instantly stabilized, and the flame went out!

The starlight rushed towards Xiao Han, unexpectedly emitting a beam of light among the huge fireball-like star!

Lin Zhen sat cross-legged in this beam of light, and above his head, a cyan flower began to bloom!

The blue, white and green leaves have distinct lines. The flowers are blooming. Lin Zhen only feels the comfort of his body for a while, and the power he consumes when he fights with the explosion of stars is wiped out!

This flower is the most important sign for the eternal warrior to enter the three flowers, the flower of energy!

Eternal life into the three flowers, the three items of spirit, energy and spirit condensed into flowers, representing a substantial leap in the strength of the warrior.

The appearance of the flower of energy means that the barrier in Lin Zhen's body has been broken, and the star power has begun to skyrocket!

Those crumbling neutron planets that were impacted by the stellar explosion received a large amount of stellar power and became stable all at once!

At this moment, Lin Zhen Xingli is like the mercury column on the thermometer, placed in a boiling oil pan, heading straight to the top, about to explode!