Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 849: I'm really a huge change!

The surrounding energy elements are powerful to an incredible realm. X23US. COM update fastest

Light energy, heat energy, elemental shock wave, space collapse!

All kinds of forces are gathered together, it is enough to destroy the world!

At this energy core that could destroy the world, Lin Zhen realized that it had reached a critical moment.

Around him, twenty stars in the galaxy field formed a protective layer to isolate Lin Zhen as much as possible.

On his body surface, the cold air is still released continuously, blocking the remaining waves of attack.

The lotus flower and the scale armor are all protecting Lin Zhen. Of course, the most important thing is that his star power is supporting the realm. This is the key to his survival in the core of the star explosion.

"The position where I am now is the core of the supernova. With the help of my breakthrough to Sanhua, with the help of the planet evolved in my galaxy domain, it can withstand most of the temperature, plus my freezing gas and firepower, plus My lotus and scale armor can only survive temporarily when I have the support of the stars."

"A supernova explosion requires a powerful carrier, such as a star such as the sun, or even a star with a mass greater than the sun, as a carrier, in order to have practical success."

"The mass of this unknown star at the moment is about twenty times that of the sun. Its own energy is still not enough to support its weight, so he is heading for destruction."

"I vaguely remember that when a supernova explodes, its internal temperature will reach 10 billion times the luminosity of the sun!"

"Photons, atoms, molecules, particles... the basic constituents of all kinds of matter are collectively rioting at this moment, and their laws of operation... I can probably grasp it."

Lin Zhen's eyes are piercing, observing the movement of the inner core, observing the fragments of the celestial bodies that have collapsed, observing the movement of the shock wave in it, and making some strange movements dancing and dancing.

"Yes, yes, yes...that's it, this kind of antimatter movement can cause a big explosion!!!"

"Huh? There is something wrong, there are still some problems here..."

Around Lin Zhen, those neutron planets are melting rapidly.

Even stars cannot withstand the high heat when they explode.

But Lin Zhen didn't realize it, and was immersed in the research of star explosion.

When he finds a certain pattern, he will be ecstatic, when a certain place fails, he will scratch his head.

'S clothes have completely turned to gray, and all the hair, such as her hair, eyebrows, and so on, has burned out.

Even his ice-covered body would burn occasionally. Fingers, toes, and even somewhere in the lower body would often burn off. If it weren’t for the immortal spirit body, it would be able to recover if it burned. Can't count as a man.

In the later stage, around Lin Zhen's planet, there are only the last six left.

These six neutrons are the largest neutrons in the black hole, and now they are getting smaller and smaller, and they are about to melt away.

Once these planets melt completely, Lin Zhen will undoubtedly die!

But at this moment, Lin Zhen finally realized something!

"Molecular motion, atomic motion, all these things have been deduced successfully!"

"I understand, I understand... This is the core essence of a supernova explosion. The temperature and energy are concentrated together to create a substance similar to a star... and then... the energy leaks, Explosion formed!"

"This kind of explosion needs to be displayed artificially. There are about two ways, one is the energy explosion that can be used at hand, and the other is the real explosion that has accumulated over time."

"However, even the energy blast that can be used at hand, its power is far above the stars."

"Moreover, this move seems to be connected to the falling stars. It can be played with one move. It can be an ordinary move or an explosion. This is my martial skill!"

Just when Lin Zhen thought he had understood all the meaning, the star explosion finally reached the final moment!

In the final explosion, the energy body completely shattered Lin Zhen's five body-protecting planets, and radiating rays of light swept the universe. At the center, a small naked singularity was quietly born.

The naked singularity has just appeared, spreading rapidly and enlarging rapidly like a plague!

"Ah! Black hole!"

"Black hole formed by supernova explosion!"

Lin really froze. The appearance of a black hole is a good thing. The black hole in his body is just a black hole with a constant star. If he can swallow the power of another black hole, he will be promoted to become a superstar-level black hole.

But Lin Zhen discovered at this moment that a black hole was formed after a supernova explosion, which seemed to be very inspiring for him.

"The star falls...the star explodes...the black hole is born. If these phenomena are connected...I am afraid no one can resist."

remembered the picture of this moment in his heart, the black hole in Lin Zhen's body rotated, directly swallowing the black hole just born in front of him.

Although it is only a small naked singularity, it is still a black hole, and it has the energy to evolve into a superstar-level black hole.

This naked singularity was swallowed, and the surrounding space energy gradually returned to normal. The horrible picture formed by the supernova explosion will eventually be dissolved by the endless universe.

But in Lin Zhen's body, an astonishing change has taken place.

Within the dantian, that huge black hole like a hole expanded a few times, and then suddenly bulged!

If the diameter of the black hole before was one meter, it is now ten meters!

After so many years, after swallowing three black holes in a row, the black hole in Lin Zhen's body finally turned into a superstar-level black hole!

At this moment, Lin Zhen's body transformed uncontrollably!

The black hole beast appeared!

hissing~~~! !

Lin Zhen yelled to the sky, his body swelled rapidly!

Before, Lin Zhen's body was more than 20 meters long, but now it has reached more than 50 meters in an instant. It is as majestic as a high-rise building. With a roar, the black hole hovered above his head, shaking the air!

The three destructive thunders have become more massive and majestic, the blue and black thunders are daunting, and they have the power to break the world!

Mature period!

Entering the black hole of the superstar level is the biggest tonic after Lin Zhen's transformation, directly allowing him to enter the mature stage from the peak of the growth period.

The black hole beast in the mature stage has directly turned its power several times, and the power of the fangs and claws is incredible. Even the scales of Lin Zhen can feel the strength of entering the Lingbao level!

This means that after Lin Zhenkai is transformed, this powerful scaled armor will not be afraid of most Lingbao level attacks!

But Lingbao, such as Zhan Kong, can't even cause Lin Zhen's scales to cause any damage!

Only weapons such as the Spear of Lantis, Huayun, and Emperor Tian, ​​can cause some damage to Lin Zhen while maintaining high-intensity output.

After    Black Hole Beast was promoted, Lin Zhen's star power also had a huge improvement!

swallowed a naked singularity, Lin Zhen's star power once again increased. Before, there was a flower pill to improve Lin Zhen's strength. After supplementing the black hole energy, his energy flower finally opened up completely!

The early peak of Sanhua!

This is Lin Zhen's current state.

Star power is as high as 350 million!

This is Lin Zhen's star power situation.

And Lin Zhen's body was promoted at the same time, and there was Lin Zhen's clone. The clone had directly reached the initial peak of the divine consciousness change, which was close to the mid-stage.

At first, the star power of the clone was 200 million, which was still much stronger than the main body, but the promotion potential of the clone could never exceed the main body. Now, the star power of the clone is 400 million.

Although the total amount is still more than that of the main body, but the increase is not as good as the main body, and the combat effectiveness between the two is still about the same.

When Lin Zhen enters the divine transformation in the future, he may gradually surpass the strength of the clone, but it is also relatively speaking. Compared to other people, the potential of this clone is already incredible.

The body shook, and Lin Zhen changed from the state of the black hole beast to the state of the human race.

The body was sitting cross-legged in the void, and there were some flying star fragments slowly wandering around, and there were countless explosions remaining in the air, forming a huge foamy air mass.

In such chaos, Lin Zhen let out a long breath.

finally advanced, Sanhua Realm!

After reaching Sanhua, Lin Zhen's star power has made a huge leap, with a star power of 350 million, which is already the level of the gods.

The standard for entering the Divine Mind Transformation is 100 million, and entering the Divine Realm Transformation is 200 million. Among them, a good one in the early and mid-term of the Divine Realm Transformation is probably the current level of Lin Zhen.

And they still don't have Lin Zhen's 100% star power method. Lin Zhen's 350 million star power is basically equal to other people's 400 million star power.

Star power is always the most important thing for a warrior. With such a powerful power, it is Lin Zhen's greatest capital for walking in the universe in the future.

唰~~! !

opened his eyes, Lin Zhen took a step forward, and reappeared in the torn space, already before a planet.

This is a desolate star of death, barren land.

Lin Zhen lifted it up with one hand, without using a sword or a gun, just blasted out with a punch.

The stars fall!

A large energy column is emitted at the speed of light, and the front end of the energy column is a light ball, that is a star!

hit a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers with a fierce punch, bombarding the planet, the internal energy structure changed, the star burst!

The devastating explosion appeared again!

At this moment, a planet comparable to the earth was shattered on the spot under Lin Zhen's starburst!

Countless planet fragments flew everywhere, magma burst out of the earth's core, swaying in space.

The core point of the Lin Zhen's heart moved, and a black hole appeared!

A black hole that has reached the level of a superstar, it is expected to cover an incredible range of radiation, and it will directly swallow the entire planet fragments.

The fragments entering the black hole will be compressed and condensed into a neutron over time.

Lin Zhen lowered his head and looked at his hand.

"A strong attack. Stars fall, starbursts, black holes come out. These are the martial arts that belong to me, Lin Zhen."

"This is just an attack from a pure energy body. If I can condense a neutron with a mass comparable to a star in a black hole and fill it with energy, I can even issue an explosion like a real star, even The artificial creation of black holes."

Lin was really excited and let out a long breath.

looked up at the universe again, and it was not until this time that Lin Zhen felt that he finally had a place of his own in this vast universe, the great metasphere! ) Download the free reader!!