Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 846: At the time of breakthrough, peerless crazy!

Hearing what Lin Zhen said, Bai Susu stopped щww{][lā}

turned his head to look at Lin Zhen, Bai Susu said, "I understand what you mean, is it the experience of the state of mind?"

"That's right, but more importantly, the place where the firework was released is outside the city of Heaven. You can't leave the city of Heaven now. It's better to wait patiently. After the breakthrough, I will send you outside the city. I'll be back, and I won't delay your meeting with your family. What do you think?"

Bai Susu looked at the direction of the fireworks, with a slight hesitation in his eyes, but he settled down quickly.

"Well, since you might be finished, I will stay with you for a while."

"Why do you say I am going to die?" Lin Zhen asked strangely.

"It's not easy, you plan to participate in the experience of the eye of the storm, right?"

"Is there any problem with this?"

Bai Susu smiled arrogantly: "Of course there is a problem. The people in the eyes of the storm are not only from your ground races, but also from our endless races. In the battle for the sacred stone, your ground races are defeated. It cannot be our opponent."

Lin really smiled: "How can you see it?"

"Strength, I have been to the ground of the Metaverse. Although I have not fought against the ground people, but seeing those pet dealers who have been chopped up by you, you know that the ground race people are very weak. There is no competition in the eyes, and if you meet someone on our side, you will lose."

Speaking of this, Bai Susu's eyes were sad: "Lin Zhen, you should try not to go to the eye of the storm, otherwise you might die."

Lin really took a sip of wine: "That's not necessarily true. You should probably worry about people of your race. If you meet me, I won't have the slightest mercy."

"You...huh! Stubborn!"

Bai Susu didn't want to fight with Lin Zhen anymore. She already knew about the coming of the tribe. She was now back home. She wanted to break through immediately, and then went to find the tribe.

The rapport between the two is a bit embarrassing.

Lin Zhen raised his hand to put away the food and drink, turned the light evil spirit into a shield, grabbed Bai Susu's hand into the body world, and then continued to fly fast!

Three hundred thousand kilometers in the blink of an eye!

After    moved here at the speed of light, Lin Zhen released Bai Susu again.

"This is already in the starry sky. Breaking through here will not be noticed by the people in the sky city."

Bai Susu nodded and said nothing else. After all, for the two of them right now, breaking through the realm was the most important thing.

Lin Zhen didn't talk much anymore, maybe this was the last time he and this Qingqiu Mountain Emperor Ji, who might become the most honorable woman in the universe, would spend their last time together. He didn't want to argue any more, leaving some unpleasant memories.

After tens of thousands of meters apart, Lin Zhen began to adjust his breath.

The star power in his body has already reached the point of overflowing, and Luohu's dark star may be lit at any time.

It stands to reason that he has reached the perfect time for a breakthrough.

But in Lin Zhen's heart, there is still some unwillingness, he thinks he can do better.

Looking around, the starry sky is vast, and everything seems to be eternal.

Suddenly he felt a little movement!

Lin really thought, and took out the celestial disk from the space ring.

This is what Michelle obtained on the Grave Star and gave it to himself. Lin Zhen found the black hole based on this thing.

And now on the astronomical chart, there is actually a little star shining!

Compared with the small pinpoint light spots of other stars, this light is obviously brighter.

"This is...this is a star explosion!"

Lin really opened his eyes a lot.

He has seen stars fall, black holes swallowed, and even the destruction of planets, but he has never seen a real explosion of stars before his eyes!

The power that the black hole swallows is very large, but if you want an instantaneous explosive power, it definitely cannot be compared with a planetary explosion.

Even the formation of black holes is often caused by the explosion of a supermassive star and the collapse of space will form black holes.

Lin is really star-falling in five forms. The last starfall is the falling of a planet, and the power of starburst is definitely not the same.

Seeing this, Lin Zhen wanted to go over and take a look the first time.

My fingers moved inch by inch on the star disk.

"Fifty..... One hundred..... Five hundred.... If the speed of light moves, it is about fifteen days away, but I can use the Luo Tian escape method now, which is actually very close. I should give it a try."

Lin Zhen glanced at Bai Susu, who had already entered the cultivation state, then turned around and went!

Although he is not very accurate about the distance of the space crack, Lin Zhen still dares to try this kind of movement facing the vast starry sky.

The photoelectric looms on both hands, and strikes at the speed of light!


The space was torn open by Lin Zhen, and Lin Zhen went directly into the space.

The terrifying space storm formed by the elemental energy of the surrounding water, fire and wind strikes, Lin Zhen basically ignores these things, using the star power to protect the body, silently calculating the distance to move, moving!

One million to one, the distance of fifteen days, Lin Zhen is about 1.3 seconds, moving at the speed of light!

唰~~~! !

The    elements were rushing in front of him, and when Lin Zhen left the space, he felt the powerful energy coming from afar!

It is a white dwarf star about to explode, and it is about to enter the stage of destruction.

The distance that Lin Zhen has traveled through space is slightly beyond, so there are still tens of millions of kilometers away from this white dwarf star.

This distance is the best viewing angle.

A dazzling flash of light is whizzing ahead, and the planet explosion is about to release its last powerful force.

Lin Zhen sat there, ignoring the tens of thousands of degrees of heat around him, and resolutely swallowed the medicine that he had prepared.

He is about to hit the three-flowering period!

The star power in his body has already reached the level of overflowing, just like a cup filled with water, the water has been filled to the cup and can no longer contain a grain of sand.

And Lin Zhen now puts a lot of sand into it, and the water in the cup will overflow. The overflowing water is the key to breaking the barrier of eternal life to Sanhua!

At this time, there is no longer any need for Lin Zhen to do anything deliberately, Xingli has already responded!

It seemed like a bucket of oil was thrown into the flames, causing the star power in Lin Zhen's body to boil instantly!

"Come on, my three flowering period!"

"As long as my main body star power exceeds 200 million, it is equivalent to a God Realm Transformation with the lowest strength. With 100% of my star power, it is enough to be equivalent to the initial stage of a general God Realm Transformation!"

"200 million star power, this is the minimum standard for my breakthrough this time!"

Once the medicinal power was absorbed by the black hole in the dantian, Lin Zhen felt a huge change!

Except that the star power began to ascend like the ocean tide, violently impacting the barrier of the Three Flowering Stage.

At this most critical moment of breakthrough, Lin Zhen's attention is not focused here.

His eyes were shining brightly, his gaze focused on the front, above the huge star that was heading for destruction!

"I study Sun Luo swordsmanship and Lantis's marksmanship. Both marksmanship and swordsmanship have their limitations."

"Always learn other people's martial arts and tactics, but never have anything of your own, so you can't reach the peak in martial arts. Look at the stone tablets in the holy land, the names on those stone tablets, only you can leave the stone tablets in the holy land. Only those who are true martial arts masters can have their own unique insights and leave things for future generations to learn."

Lin really remembered the conversation with Jin Nuo. Jin Nuo said that if Lin Zhen wants to stay in the Holy Land a hundred years later, he must get through the twentieth floor of the 33 Heaven Tower.

There is another meaning of opening the thirty-three sky tower on the 20th floor, that is, to leave a stone monument in the holy place.

But for the current Lin Zhen, even if he was able to advance to the Divine Transformation, he would not be able to leave a stone monument, because what he knew was something that predecessors knew, and he didn't have his own understanding.

"Among the tactics I've learned, the star-falling five style is a universal combat technique, but the star-falling five styles can basically only be used by ordinary world kings and eternal warriors to practice. The three-flower warrior may still have some use in the final star landing. , But for Shenbian, the Star Falling Five Form is a bit worse."

His eyes penetrated the huge wave of destruction in front of to reach the core of the star.

"A stellar explosion is, in a sense, the most powerful force in the universe. The energy quality of a star is not at the same level as that of a planet. This is something that can even evolve a black hole. The force generated when it explodes. , That is the incomparable destructive power!"

"The planet fell...that's nothing, the important thing is that it exploded!"

At this important juncture of breakthrough, Lin Zhen stroked his hands slightly, drawing a mysterious trajectory in the air.

He wants to create his own martial arts, a powerful combat technique unique in the world!

"First of all, I need to master the power of star explosions and understand the nature of this phenomenon, so that I can create martial arts."

"There was a weapon on the earth called a nuclear weapon. When it exploded, its power could change astonishingly. However, compared with the explosion of a star, nuclear weapons are the difference between firecrackers and missiles.

The blazing light and fire roared in front of him, and the lotus on Lin Zhen's body kept opening, isolating these energies.

But he soon discovered that this kind of isolation would only affect his comprehension and observation.

"That's fine, if you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't be a tiger. If you want to truly learn the meaning of planet explosion, then you need to truly observe, understand, and learn from the depths of the explosion!"

Lin Shinichi gritted his teeth and made an extremely bold and crazy decision. )!!