Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 834: Is it male or female?

When the alarm went off, Aaron's face changed suddenly!

"No! There are intruders! Everyone is ready to fight!"

On the big screen, a race from the endless star sea appeared.

This is a team of nearly a hundred people, and at first glance it does not belong to the race on the ground of the Metaverse.

Among the nearly one hundred people, most of them are blue-faced and fangs, holding long death sickles in their hands, just like vicious ghosts, all in the realm of longevity.

There are also two leading ones, dressed in black and white, and their weapons are the mourning sticks, Sanhua Realm.


Along exclaimed, everyone's expressions became serious.

The ghost clan is also one of the races under the imperial clan, among which the main ghost is the ghost soldier, the realm of longevity.

Impermanence Ghost, Sanhua Realm, that is, the two that I saw before my eyes.

There are also judge ghosts and ghost kings, both of which belong to the realm of **** change.

Unexpectedly, meeting the ghost race here, everyone's heart is extremely heavy.

The main reason is that the number of this group of ghost tribes is a little too much. They have only 30 people who are full of money here, and there are 70 or 80 martial artists of the ghost tribe, which is more than twice as many as they are.

At this time, the team leader Bai Bing appeared and took the initiative to come out of the aircraft.

Facing the two impermanent ghosts dressed in black and white, Bai Bing said: "Second, we are not part of the power of the metaworld ground against the endless Xinghai race. I follow this route all the year round. In fact, it is with the endless Xinghai. There are more racial contacts. I hope that the two elder brothers can make it easier. The younger sister is willing to give you a generous reward. Please drink tea."

This is not the first time that Bai Bing has encountered this kind of thing. Sometimes when he meets someone who is easy to talk, it is really possible to get mixed up.

But this time she obviously miscalculated, and the black impermanence chuckled, "Stop this one. The endless star sea and the ground of the metaverse are enemies of life and death, and now the emperor has orders. Anyone from the ground race would rather kill wrong. Don't let it go, unless you call out everything and open up the inner world for my people to search, you can never leave!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's face changed.

They can accept the money, but it is absolutely unacceptable to open the internal world. Which warrior has no secrets, opening the internal world is unacceptable to anyone.

Bai Wuchang also showed a sneer on the ghost face: "Do you disagree? You know you won't agree, so save your life!"

Two impermanent ghosts waved their hands, and the ghost soldiers behind immediately swarmed up and killed the aircraft!

Along roared: "Protect these strange animals!"

As he said, he drew a long knife and directly met the white impermanence.

Bai Bing greeted the black impermanence. The four of them were in the three-flower realm, fighting each other in one place.

Bai Bing and Aaron dared to take this path, naturally they had two hands in their hands. They didn't lose much to the black and white impermanence, and it seemed that they couldn't tell the outcome for a while.

The remaining warriors swarmed out of the aircraft, fighting with the ghost soldiers.

The number of ghost soldiers is relatively large, and they wield the death sickle and attack fiercely.

Lin Zhen walked behind the crowd and saw Luo Huan rushing out of the aircraft, who was still eloquent just now, and was directly dismembered by three ghost soldiers, and the blood was flying in the void.

At this point, Lin Zhen no longer planned to stay in this team.

He also didn't want to participate in the sale of alien beasts, and after a month of teleportation flight, now it is no longer known how many light-years away from the surface of the Metaverse, even to the edge of the endless battlefield.

He wanted to find his son, and his goal was endless battlefields. Since he was almost at his destination, he should also leave.

In his opinion, the struggle of these people is nothing more than a dog biting a dog's mouth, and it's better to be dead.

I was about to leave the aircraft when I stepped forward, and suddenly there was a weak cry from behind.

The cry like a child, soft and delicate.

He looked back and saw that it was the little fox that was held in the cage, actually sitting up with support, and yelling softly at Lin Zhen.

There was a very obvious expectation in the cry. Although Lin Zhen didn't understand the language of the fox, he could clearly feel the little fox's willingness to follow Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen just agreed to buy this little fox, but it was because Luo Huan and the others really hated it, and didn't really have too much pity.

Because he could see that this little fox is very ordinary, not a foreign species, it can be said that it is not very valuable.

But the sorrow of the little fox at the moment made Lin Zhen feel a little bit intolerable.

"Fine! Since this happened, it proves that I have some fate with this little guy, so take it."

Lin Zhen knows that if the little fox is left here, it will probably be a dead end, and it won't affect anything with it, so just be a little pet.

As soon as he raised his hand, the Huayun sword appeared in his hand, and the sword was cut down, and the alloy iron cage broke!

With a gentle wave, a gravitational force attracted the little fox and landed on the palm.

I wanted to put this little fox into the body world, but when I thought of the body world there are still some things, such as the original mount of the Roc bird, such as the double-headed magic dragon, or the nine-headed lion. If you don’t explain it carefully, I’m afraid The little fox ate it.

Now there is no time to explain carefully, so I simply hold the little fox in front of his chest.

The little fox is the size of a puppy, and it doesn't affect anything. Lin Zhen is very confident that these people can pose no threat to him at all. Now he is on the edge of the endless battlefield, and he doesn't have to endure anything anymore.

A pair of big round eyes appeared in Lin Zhen's arms, and the little fox looked at the outside world, at the hideous ghost races, with a hint of fear in his eyes, as if he was very scared.

Lin Zhen waved the sword in his hand again and cut off all these iron cages so that the strange beasts inside would not have to be trapped here to die.

However, Lin Zhen couldn't take them away, and it would be considered as his best benevolence to do this step.

Stepping out of the aircraft, the movement inside attracted Aaron's attention.

Looking back in the gap of the battle, Aaron couldn't help but roared: "Lin Xun! You **** is crazy! These strange beasts ran away, can you **** afford it?"

Lin Zhen glanced at Along, and a spirit force roared out!


Along's head was blown out on the spot, and he died without saying a word.

This shocked the people around him, shocked the impermanence of black and white, and the little fox in Lin Zhen's arms also looked up at him, but he couldn't see too much emotion in those big eyes.

Killing Aaron with one move, Lin Zhen stepped through the void, and some ghosts pounced on him. Lin Zhen waved his hand to transform the sword, and simply did not stop doing two things, and started killing!

Whether these three flowers or longevity, in Lin Zhen's eyes, they were like chickens and dogs, completely vulnerable.

Wherever he went, no one was left alive!

Lin Zhen knew very well in his heart that if he was an immortal warrior showing such strength, it was better not to expose it first, then these ghost races, poacher teams or mercenaries could not stay.

As Lin Zhen started to kill, these people were terrified!

In the face of a tough and invincible enemy, no one can maintain the will to fight, and someone immediately ran away.

However, since Lin Zhen decided to take action, he would not give them another chance. He simply opened his mouth and fired a series of unicorn guns, a series of bullets were fired, and none of the people on the scene remained alive!

Those ordinary longevity mercenaries and ghost soldiers could not resist Lin Zhen's unicorn gun at all, and immediately fell dead after being shot.

Only the three-flower realms of Baibing and Black-and-white Impermanence can support one or two under the attack of the unicorn gun.

Bai Bing frantically waved the sword in his hand to resist the bullet, ignoring the black impermanence around him, and yelled frantically: "Ah! Kylin Spear! I know who you are, you are Lin Zhen!"

The black and white impermanence was also taken aback when hearing Lin Zhen's name, and then cried out strangely: "Lin Zhen, you are so bold! Di Ji personally said that you are the enemy of the endless star sea race, so you dare to appear here!"

"It seems that you all don't like me very much, but it doesn't matter. I am here not to make you like me, but to kill you!"

Lin Zhen stopped firing the unicorn gun, and after saying a word, suddenly the heart sword was sent out!


An invisible sword net broke through the air, and the three three-flower realms, Baibing and Black and White Impermanence, were all cut into pieces of meat!

Looking down, the little fox in his arms was looking at him motionlessly.

"Haha! What did the little guy hear? I know that I am Lin Zhen, but you can't understand it. I don't know what the name Lin Zhen But it doesn't matter, wait for you later I’m older, I’ll understand it later."

After gently stroking the head of the little fox with his palm, Lin Zhen found that its fur was surprisingly silky.

Some curiously took the little fox out of his arms, and Lin Zhen glanced at it: "Are you a male or a female?"

The little fox whimpered slightly, and a big tail actually covered his lower body.

"Huh! Can you understand what I'm saying? It doesn't seem to be a very ordinary breed?"

As Lin Zhen said, he looked at the big tail of the little fox covering his lower body, and suddenly showed a weird smile: "I actually know that it is shy to cover, is it a male or a female? Let me check for you."

With that said, Lin Zhen stretched out his hand to lift the big tail.

The little fox eagerly twisted his body, making a soft little milk noise in his mouth. In anxiousness, he actually bit Lin Zhen's finger.

It's just that its baby teeth are too small, not to mention that Lin Zhen's body is outrageously strong, it is just an ordinary human body, I'm afraid it can't be bitten.

Lin Zhen laughed and touched the head of the little fox: "It seems that I have good luck. You are not a very ordinary fox, but I don't know what the specific breed is. Maybe you will know it gradually when you grow up. ."

Speaking that Lin Zhen wanted to send the little fox into the inner world, the little fox's two small front paws suddenly hugged Lin Zhen's hand firmly, and he didn't even want to enter the inner world.

"Alright, you may not be able to survive on your own when you go to the inner world, so follow me temporarily."

Putting the little fox on his chest again, Lin Zhen raised his head and looked into the distance.

In the distance, deep in the dark starry sky, is a place of boundless brokenness.

Meteors, meteorites, space junk, space-time turbulence, and fragmented planetary fragments form an endless chaotic landscape.

The endless battlefield is here!