Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 833: Buy it

After walking around with Aaron, Aaron said to Lin Zhen: "See all the things here, catching these things will cost us a lot, and we will also face being caught by the police, by the army, and by the army. The risk of racial hunting of these little things."

"I hired you to prevent risks. If there are any accidents along the way, you have to give Lao Tzu the responsibility. I don't need to say more about this."

Lin Zhen nodded and squatted down in front of the last iron cage, looking at the little fox inside.

The little fox lay motionless, closing his eyes that had been opened just now.

Lin Zhen felt that he seemed to have an illusion, that this fox was nothing special at all.

Standing up and shaking his head, Lin Zhen followed Along and left the room where the alien beast was held.

Lin Zhen knew that the poacher's team had a total of more than ten people, and the leader was the woman in black, named Bai Bing.

Along is her number one thug, and there are more than a dozen others, most of whom are responsible for feeding the spirit beasts.

These people came from the other side of Tianling, the country of grassland.

In addition to him in this team, there are also a group of hired people, basically all of them are longevity.

Because Bai Bing and Aaron are in the Sanhua realm, they must not be hired to surpass them, lest there be any accidents and they can't control the situation.

After Aaron introduced the situation, he actually announced that the team was ready to set off.

They left in a hurry, as if they had received news that their team of poachers had been reported, and they had to leave as soon as possible, otherwise the police station would come and arrest people in a while.

Just leave, the whole room rumblingly moved, and then it rose into the sky!

It was also at this time that Lin Zhen noticed that this house is actually a flying machine!

After the aircraft took off, it accelerated directly to the nearest satellite and left the first teleportation array.

Lin Zhen had been near Qin Capital for quite a few days, and he didn't even know the existence of this teleportation formation.

By Lin Zhen's side, there were still several longevity mercenaries.

Next to Lin Zhen is a warrior named Luo Huan.

When Lin Zhen mentioned that this teleportation formation had never been heard, Luo Huan sneered: "You are a layman. Every line has the ability and characteristics of each line. If these people don't have a hole card, I'm afraid it would have been long ago. Caught."

A warrior next to him nodded: "That's right, this teleportation array is private and will not be announced to the outside world. Outsiders have no way of knowing it, and even the route they took is secret."

"Yeah, hey, don't talk to this kind of people anymore. This is leaving the metaverse ground. It's the first time I've been out of this kind of far door. This time I went to the country of the grassland. If I could earn 20 million If I do, I don’t want to come back for the time being."

"No, 20 million is a lot, but the homeland is hard to leave. I still have to return to Qin."

"Where rich is not a life, when I cultivate to the realm of longevity, Lao Tzu's relatives have long since died. I am a bachelor alone, and I will not be hungry when I feed myself and my family will not come back..."

Lin Zhen slowly closed his eyes as he listened to Luo Huan's conversation with the other mercenaries.

It is a long way to reach the endless sea of ​​stars, and he is now starting.


The aircraft chooses some difficult paths to follow, such as the meteorite area, such as the asteroid belt, and occasionally passes through an unknown teleportation array to an unfamiliar starry sky.

One month passed gradually.

Lin Zhen no longer knows how far they have gone, but one thing for certain is that they are absolutely far away from the ground of the Metaverse, and even passed the buffer zone between the ground and the endless star sea.

Because 20 days after the departure, Lin Zhen could no longer receive signals from the dimensional universe.

For the Dimensional Universe Company on the ground, the farthest place covered by the signal is the edge of the buffer zone. Inside the endless star sea, there is no Dimensional Universe signal.

Those who had the signal belonged to the company inside Endless Xinghai. Lin Zhen had no identity inside Endless Xinghai, and of course he could not receive anything.

This kind of totally closed days is also good, and Lin Zhen has nothing to do besides practicing.

Bai Bing and the others provide food to people like Lin Zhen every day, but there is no communication other than that. They are just employment relationships, so there is no need to say anything.

During this period of time, Lin Zhen was cultivating wholeheartedly, the clone was in the body to comprehend the shadowless stone stele, while the body was meditating.

He is now at the seventh level of longevity, and is working hard to resolve the medicine. After the resolution, he will be able to break through to the eighth level.

That Luo Huan seemed to have walked this route several times, and he was quite familiar.

There were also many warriors willing to ask him questions, which gave him a lot of opportunities to perform.

"Brother Huan, where are we now? How long will we be able to reach the destination? My **** hurts all day while sitting."

"Our current position is to walk on the edge of the buffer zone and the endless battlefield. The advantage of this position is that you can enter the endless battlefield area at any time, and you can also enter the buffer zone at any time, making it easier to escape."

"Then we are safer now?"

"Safety cannot be discussed. During this period of time, it is not peaceful, and there is no place of absolute safety, but I believe that everyone will not be so lucky and encounter the race of endless stars."

A martial artist said: "Whether we meet, what are we doing here? Isn't it just a protector? When we meet the team of endless Xinghai, it's a good time to practice."

Luo Huan chuckled: "That's right. I have seen the race of endless stars once. It was not as terrifying as everyone thought. We were still at war with them. We were injured and then retreated from each other. Generally speaking, we walked out. The endless star sea races almost all have the strength of the peak of longevity. We are all the peaks of longevity, and we can fight if we meet!"

As he said, he also glanced at Lin Zhen over there: "Some people have not reached the peak, they just come out to fill up the commission, these people, Luo Huan is not in my heart, if there is any danger, I Never mind his life or death."

"Haha! Brother Huan is right, we are here to protect those alien beasts, not to protect some unimportant people."

These warriors are all at the pinnacle of longevity. Naturally, they don't like Lin Zhen who hasn't reached the peak. Although the gap between them is not very large, they still have an inexplicable sense of superiority.

Lin Zhen just moved his brows slightly in response to such a provocation and continued his cultivation.

At this time, Aaron walked by from the other side, Luo Huan said: "Boss, let's have something delicious, these days on the aircraft, a bird will fade out of his mouth."

Aaron glanced at them: "Where do I go to make it delicious, everyone is rough, and no one can prepare some fresh meat in the internal world. There is not much dried meat, so stick to it."

Luo Huan rattled his teeth: "I think there are some things in the alien beasts that are not very valuable. Why don't you give the brothers a tooth sacrifice?"

Along's eyes stared: "Nonsense! How can there be unworthy monsters? You can eat mercenaries if you want to, and if you pay, I'm afraid you can't afford it."

Luo Huan chuckled: "I heard that there is a little fox you want to kill and make it into a cloak, so it's better to give you the fox skin, and we will stew the rest of the meat in the soup. Everyone's life is really good. hard."

Aaron is a businessman, and of course he won't do business at a loss. He rolled his eyes: "It's not impossible to study, but the meat is also paid, one hundred thousand yuan!"

Luo Huan and several people researched it. There were nine people who wanted to eat meat. It was not a problem for each of them to give out 10,000. So someone asked Lin Zhen, "Hey! Lin Xun, you also give out 10,000. Let's eat together. how about it?"

Lin Zhen opened his eyes and shook his head slowly.

Luo Huan's face sank: "Forget it, I pay 20,000 yuan, some people really don't know how to praise!"

Seeing that the other party was willing to pay, Along immediately ran to the back room. This kind of iron cage had wheels, and he pushed out the cage with the little fox directly.

The little fox came out, seeming to know the fate of his imminent death, and his small body was trembling in the corner.

"Prepare the pot, boil the water, wash and peel this fox, and put it into the pot. Although this one is small, it doesn't have the sorrow of those big foxes. It must taste good when it is stewed into a pot of soup!"

Along looked at Luo Huan, who was about to do it, with a smile, as long as he made money, he didn't care about anything.

Seeing that Luo Huan was about to open the cage, the little fox shrank in the corner. There were teardrops rolling in his eyes, and Lin Zhen frowned.

Although he has killed countless people, he doesn't like the feeling of bullying and weak and Luo Huan has repeatedly provoked, Lin Zhen is also a little unhappy, and simply said to Aaron: "I bought that fox, and I hate practicing. There was a smell of blood next to it."

"You buy? How much can you give?" Aaron asked.

Lin Zhen stretched out two fingers, "Two million, but I don't have any cash. When I get to the place, as long as I'm still alive, you can deduct it from my commission!"

Along immediately calculated that this little fox has a good fur, but he is too small to do anything big. At most it is a shawl, and he took it back to the country of the grassland, which is 1.8 million yuan. Lin Zhen made two. Millions, this sale is definitely a good deal. "

"Okay, then it's settled. By that time, you will take two million less. You can't repent, and repentance is useless!"

"Okay, I'll store it in this iron cage during this time. It's okay."

"No problem, no problem. It's nothing more than a handful of food. Besides, this little thing doesn't eat at all. You'd better take care of it yourself. I'm worried that it will starve to death before it gets there."

Lin Zhen nodded, as he bought this little fox.

Luo Huan and the others on the side looked annoyed: "What do you mean, Lin Xun? Sincere and Laozi can't get through, right?"

Lin Zhen sneered: "I am rich, happy! If you have the ability, you can pay more than two million yuan, and this little fox will do whatever you want!"

Luo Huan had been angry for a long time, but after all he was reluctant to spend more money on this little fox, which was obviously meatless.

Spending 20,000 and spending 2 million are completely two concepts.

"Good boy! You'd better pray that you don't touch the endless star sea race, otherwise you won't know how to die by then!"

Luo Huan pressed down a ruthless word, trying to find a bit of face.

Unexpectedly, just after he finished speaking, the alarm in the aircraft sounded sadly!