Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 835: First acquaintance

The endless battlefield is a treasure in the universe, different from all the stars.

Here is the most complex environment and landforms. There is raging energy in the space storm. Any powered aircraft will lose its function and become scrap iron.

There are endless treasures here, producing all kinds of rare minerals, growing countless rare medicinal materials, and even many treasures were born here.

Ever since it has been documented, the endless battlefield has been like this. This is one of the few unexplored places in the universe. It was originally the most popular place for adventurers.

Later, the emperor clan and the metaworld ground race went to war, and after returning to the endless sea of ​​stars, this place became a controversial place.

Whether it is a ground race or an emperor, they are reluctant to abandon this treasure-rich place and fight repeatedly here.

Later, the number of treasures here has gradually decreased, but the fighting between the two sides can no longer be stopped. Between the two races, a steady stream of strong people has come, entering one after another, fighting repeatedly in an area of ​​millions of light years. This is how the endless battlefield is formed.

In Metaverse, the real masters disdain the battles above the ground. Only by being famous and respected in the endless battlefield is the standard for judging masters.


Lin Zhen carried the little fox in his arms, left the broken aircraft, and flew towards the endless battlefield.

Planet Teleport!

Lin Zhen's current teleportation can fly nearly 100,000 kilometers every time. After continuous teleportation, he finally entered the endless battlefield area.

As the distance deepens, the surrounding scenery also changes.

Pieces of land floating in the void are the characteristics of endless battlefields.

Legend has it that this place was a continent countless years ago, but then it broke for some reason and formed countless small pieces of land.

The small one has one or two square kilometers, and the large one has millions of square kilometers.

There is even air in this area, condensing in countless floating continents, and the warrior does not even need to use inner breath when he arrives here.

唰唰唰~! !

Lin Zhen flashed on a piece of land. When he got here, his vision was no longer clear in space.

After about an hour, Lin Zhen has gone deep into the endless battlefield.

There is a floating piece of land ahead.

From Lin Zhen's point of view, one can see the surface layer on the edge of the land. Layers of soil, rock, and core layers are still distinct. Even Lin Zhen can see the dry roots and branches of plants on the edge protruding out.

Lin really teleported, and when he first landed on this land, a sword light flew from right in front!

The sword is fierce, the angle is tricky, it should be from a master!

Lin Zhen waved the Heavenly Desolate Sword in his hand, greeted him with a sword, and scattered the flying sword energy.

The body shook, and Lin Zhen almost took a step back due to the impact of the sword energy. Just stepping on the land, he almost fell off the land.

looked forward and saw four people standing a few hundred meters away.

One of the middle-aged human races, holding a long sword in his hand, three flowers tumbling above his head, and a substantive divine mind swept across Lin Zhen's body. The sword aura he had just released.

"The mid-term change of mind!"

Lin Zhen's expression became more solemn. He once defeated Qian Tong. It was also a mid-stage mentality change, but Qian Tong was purely a realm reached by taking drugs, and his strength was very poor. He had only seen this mid-term, with heaven and earth. The general gap.

is indeed an endless sea of ​​stars. In such a wilderness, you can meet masters of divine mind change.

Next to the middle-aged human race, there are three warriors, all of which are the pinnacles of the three flowers. At first glance, they know that they are also experienced generations, and their strength should not be underestimated.

After the middle-aged human race made a sword, he slightly bowed his hand to Lin Zhen, "This little brother, I'm sorry, the spirit of the next is swept close to someone, in order to prevent those from the imperial clan from sneaking, I can only attack first. , I hope to understand one or two."

Seeing that Lin Zhen is not an endless star sea race, the few people on the opposite side obviously relaxed a little.

Lin Zhen was a little depressed, and just as soon as he landed on the land, he was given a sword, but the other party's actions were understandable, and Lin Zhen could not say much.

"It doesn't matter, this sword can't hurt me yet."

The simple answer not only shows that there is no hostility, but also maintains dignity.

The middle-aged human race across the board narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was a stormy sea in his heart.

Lin Zhen had a sturdy appearance and rough temperament. He seemed to be only a seventh-level longevity, but he was able to block his sword aura when he was not firmly established. This strength shocked him.

Maybe the person in front of him may be a realm of disguise. In the eyes of middle-aged people, Lin Zhen should also have the strength in the early stage of the change of mind.

can reach the stage of divine transformation, then in the endless star sea, the middle-aged man once again bowed his hand: "I don't know where this brother comes from? How do you call it?"

"Lin Xun, from the Great Qin Empire."

"Oh, my brother is from Beiqin, and he is still a fellow with Brother Lin, but he has been on the endless battlefield for four thousand years."

The middle-aged man said to a Sanhua warrior next to him: "Brother Li, have not been home for more than four thousand years, come and meet your fellow villagers."

The martial artist surnamed Li came over and greeted Lin Zhen kindly: "It's true that I haven't been home for a long time, but for such martial artists who are wandering outside, the term family can only be regarded as a luxury for thousands of years. In the past, I have forgotten what my family was like."

Looking at the wind and frost on the faces of the few people in front of him, the discomfort in Lin Zhen's heart also disappeared.

These talents are martial artists, and they struggle to survive and pursue the pinnacle of martial arts, like Lin Zhen. They have to pursue the pinnacle by themselves, and they have to take the family with them all the time. Among the martial artists, they are considered a strange kind.

"Come on, Brother Lin, we have come to the endless battlefield. We are all fellows. We are just having a simple meal. If Brother Lin doesn't dislike it, we can come and eat together."

The vitality of this land hasn't completely dissipated. There are still a few trees in the middle, and there is a stone table under the trees. Several people gather for a drink.

Lin is really not hypocritical, and he laughs: "Thank you a few, but I will also add some dishes to everyone."

Lin Zhen is quite particular about what he eats. The world inside the body has prepared countless delicious foods, and immediately made a few dishes and a jar of wine, and sat down with a few warriors.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Zhang Xuan, I used to be a citizen of the Liao Empire, um...that was hundreds of thousands of years ago."

The middle-aged people introduced themselves, and several others introduced themselves.

"Is this the first time Brother Lin has come to Endless Battlefield?"

"Yes, it's the first time." Lin Zhen said, trying to put the little fox in his arms down and let it play for a while, but the little fox seemed to be afraid of strangers and shivered in Lin Zhen's arms. Resolutely refused to come out, Lin Zhen also let it.

"Well, Brother Lin, those who can come to this endless battlefield are all heroes on the ground of our Metaverse. The people on their ground who want to live and work in peace and contentment are inseparable from the fighting of these people. You are worthy of your spirit. Admire, brother toast you a glass!"

Zhang Xuan raised the glass and clinked with Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen drank the wine in one fell swoop: "Brother Zhang was right, but in fact it's really not the case. I came here not for the country or the people. I don't have such a lofty sentiment. I am here. One is to find someone, the other is to experience, and the third is to find some treasures, it is best to make a fortune!"

Zhang Xuan was shocked, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! Brother Lin said well, in fact, everyone is like this, but some people say that they are for the country and the people. When they see the benefits, they are more happy than anyone else. The brother is not hypocritical. It's true temperament, come here, let's have another drink."

Several people raised their wine glasses and clinked them again, all in one mouthful.

After the continuous drinking of spirits, the atmosphere in the room also became warm.

"A few guys, Lin Xun is here for the first time and doesn't know much about the situation of the endless sea of ​​stars. Please give some advice on how to do it."

"It's easy to talk, Brother Li, please explain to your fellow Lin."

The martial artist surnamed Li said, "Brother Lin, in the endless sea of ​​stars, you must first have a new identity. Go to the dimensional universe in the city to make an activation, so that your dimension universe has the authority to be in the endless sea of ​​stars, which is convenient. You check the situation, accept tasks and communicate."

Lin Zhen nodded, and the dimensional universe had reached the endless sea of ​​stars and became a waste product. This made Lin Zhen a little uncomfortable and had to open a new communication method.

"Is there still a city here?"

"Yes, this broken continent is full of endless battlefields. Above some of the larger fragments, there are the settlements of our ground races. Although it is not as good as the capitals of the big countries on the Metaverse, it is still better than some small prefectures. Not bad, everything has everything."

"Then what is consumed here? Is it ground currency?"

"No, the currency of Metaverse Ground is not circulated here. The currency here is the currency of the endless star sea. This is it."

As he said, the warrior surnamed Li took out some currency to Lin Zhen to watch.

Lin Zhen took it over and took a look.

There are coins and banknotes. Most of the banknotes have the image of a mighty man.

"This is the strongest leader of the emperor in the endless sea of ​​stars, called Emperor Huangtian, is the spiritual leader of the endless sea of ​​stars."

Lin really nodded, and continued to look at the coins.

In addition to Huangtian's head, there are also Cangtian, Qingtian and so on.

The emperor leaders in the endless sea of ​​stars will be crowned with the word heaven.

But on a one-yuan bill, Lin Zhen saw the head of a woman.

If you want to use one word to describe the appearance of this woman, UU reading would be seductive!

Extremely seductive!

Although it is a static picture of a smile, the endless amorous feelings between the eyebrows and eyes seem to rush toward the face, making the man unable to help his heart wave.

"Who is this woman?"

"Oh, this is an emperor in Qingqiu Mountain, the wife of Emperor Huangtian, and his favorite woman."

"It turned out to be an imperial concubine, who grew up to look like this vixen, no wonder he was able to fascinate the emperor."

Lin Zhen smiled. He didn't pay much attention to it, but suddenly the little fox arched in his arms. Lin Zhen felt a little wet and soft in his chest and itchy.

The little fox is biting his chest with its little baby teeth!

The little teeth were soft, and there was even a feeling that a baby was about to breastfeed after biting it on, which made Lin Zhen's expression strange. )!!