Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 832: The beasts of the poacher team

"Sir, this is the identity you need. Your Majesty asked me to tell you that it must be kept secret."

After Lin Zhen got the news from the poachers, he did not go immediately, but first forged the identity of a dimensional universe.

It is not a simple matter to forge an identity. It needs the help of people inside the Dimension Universe Company.

Lin Zhen didn't bother the fifth brother, but passed the work done by the Emperor Zhu Ziheng of the Great Qin Empire.

Dimension Universe Company is in Daqin after all, Zhu Ziheng still has to give the face.

In the dimensional universe, a guard under Zhu Ziheng sent Lin Zhen a new ID number.

was named by Lin Zhen himself, called Lin Xun, an adventurer who belonged to the Great Qin Empire.

The fake identity is actually not much different from the new identity. There are two names under Lin Zhen's Dimensional Universe ID. He can use Lin Zhen's identity to add friends, and he can also use Lin Xun's identity to add friends.

added with Lin Xun's identity, the other party looked at his information, naturally it was Lin Xun.

It can be said that this is not forgery, but two identities in one.

"Thank your Majesty for my help."

The guard retreated silently, Lin Zhen closed the Dimensional Universe and went to the place the bartender said.

The starting point of this poacher team was in the suburbs of Qindu, and Lin Zhen reached the suburbs through the teleportation array.

It's just that the teleportation array will be charged this time. Without Lin Zhen's identity, no one knows that this is an honorary citizen of Qin.

The suburbs are different from the cities. There are not too many buildings, but small houses, spreading far away.

came to the front of a building with a large mask, Lin Zhen pressed the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Xiao Chen from the Adventurer's Guild introduced me."

"Push your hand on the access control and scan your identity."

The other party did an illegal act, and a carelessness would lead to the police station's chase. They acted very carefully. Lin Zhen was very glad that he had just renewed his identity.

put his hand on it, and soon the identity was collected.

The identities that Zhu Ziheng gave Lin Zhennong are very complete, all kinds of information are complete, it seems that there is no flaw in it, of course it is not a problem to hide from these people.

"Okay, go through, come in!"

The door opened a gap, and Lin Zhen walked in.

After entering, he turned several turns and came to the back door of the small building.

The man who opened the door was a man with a blindfold, in the early stage of Sanhua.

"Lin Xun?"


"There is an iron cage with a ghoul in it. Go inside the iron cage and kill the ghoul to pass the test. If you can't, we will try to save you."

The man stepped aside, and Lin Zhen saw a cage in a corner of the room.

There is a group of people around, they all look at Lin Zhen with gaze. These people have a fierce aura in them, and they are obviously people who often fight for their lives.

Lin Zhen showed a sneer on his face: "What is a ghoul, open the cage, I squeeze it to death!"

There was a trace of satisfaction in the man's eyes, and Lin Zhen walked to the front of the cage.

The cage has two layers to prevent the ghouls from rushing out. Lin Zhen walked into the first floor, then the first floor was closed, the second floor was opened, Lin Zhen walked in again, and the second floor was closed.

The ghoul in the corner raised his head, roared, opened his blood basin and pounced!

The strength of this ghoul is roughly equivalent to that of a master in the longevity period. It does not belong to a galaxy beast. It usually feeds on decay and sometimes devours living creatures.

Lin Shin shook his hand, and Guangsha pulled out from his waist, turned into a sword, and fought with the ghoul.

Guang Sha has undergone several transformations by Lin Zhen. Although it is not a Lingbao now, it is of quite good grade. It belongs to the treasure level, second only to Lingbao.

And Guang Sha can change shape at any time, which is also a good thing.

"Oh! This weapon is good!" The one-eyed man's eyes lit up.

Lin Zhen and the ghoul fought fiercely in the cage. About three minutes later, Lin Zhen raised his sword and fell, cutting off the big head of the ghoul!

After closing the light, Lin Zhen's chest rises and falls slightly, it can be seen that he is working hard, but he still has more energy.


The cage opened again, and the one-eyed man released Lin Zhen.

"Hahaha! Not bad! I am very satisfied with your strength. Welcome to join our team. You must know our mission and route. I won't be too nonsense. After arriving at the destination, you can get two thousand. Wan's reward!"

Lin Zhen's eyes showed excitement: "Okay! I came here because the commission here is high enough. As long as the money is available, it won't be a problem for me to kill anyone."

At this time, a woman wearing a black tights said: "Don’t say too much, your strength can only be regarded as upper-middle, and there is still a gap with those top longevity. The enemy we face is definitely beyond you. The imagination is powerful?"

Lin really disdainfully said: "What enemy can there be? I know that this team is taking the route of the endless star sea. Can the police and the races who have been caught hunting down it?"

"Stupid! Going to the endless star sea, it is possible to encounter the endless star sea race. During this period of time, the endless star sea has a major event. It seems that an important person in Qingqiu Mountain has disappeared. The buffer zone is full of rumors, even if it is ours. Team, do you think you can benefit from encountering those cruel races? It's really unbelievable!"

The black-clothed woman sneered and sneered, Lin Zhen was shocked, then a trace of worry appeared on her face: "Then I..."

"You are better than you, since you have entered this door, don't think about going back, if you want to go back, the gate of **** will open to you!"

The black-clothed woman's face turned cold, and the one-eyed man over there touched her back in an unkind manner. If Lin Zhen wanted to repent, the two men seemed to have to do it immediately.

The dozen or so immortal warriors over there also stared at Lin Zhen with an unkind look. They were doing a business of dancing on the tip of a knife, and they were absolutely not allowed to leak the wind. If Lin Zhen were to leave, these people would definitely do it.

Lin Zhen also seemed to be heartbroken: "Fall! If you come, you will be at ease. Isn't it just going to the endless sea of ​​stars? I ask for wealth and danger, and I did this vote!"

The black-clothed woman's face eased: "That's right, Aaron, take him around and tell him what should be the key protection."

"Come on, come with me."

Aaron greeted Lin Zhen and asked Lin Zhen to go with him.

Lin Zhen followed, and after opening a corner door, Lin Zhen knew that there was a cave in this small building.

Two rows of huge iron cages with special characteristics are arranged on both sides. Between the metal railings, there is a layer of faint silver stars floating, transparent, but they isolate the inside and outside of the cage into two worlds. The inside cannot come out and the outside cannot enter. go with.

In the first cage on the left, a colorful parrot was held.

"This is what we caught in the gathering place of the Tianling bird tribe. The colorful parrot can speak clearly, this little guy brought to Tianling, the price is this number!" Aaron stretched out one. hand.

"Five million!" Lin Zhen was taken aback.

"Five million farts! Fifty million! This colorful parrot can live for a million years and can sing and chat. The disadvantage is that it cannot be transformed, otherwise five hundred million can be sold."

Lin Zhen's eyes were surprised. He didn't expect this humble bird to be worth so much money.

Aaron pointed to the first cage on the right again: "Look at this, the suffocating cub, this belongs to the galaxy beast clan, but it's not yet the transformation period. Someone in our country has ordered one. Worth two hundred million!"

Lin Zhen's gaze fell on the 狻猊 like a little lion.

This is a cub of the galaxy beast and beast clan. When they grow up, they are also very ferocious. I did not expect to be caught here.

"Look at this again, a litter of young birds, a total of seven, for retail sales of 100 million, if someone asks for all of them, we will sell them for 500 million."

"There is also this, sacred tortoise, which is more suitable for domestication and has a good implication. After I go back, the market will be very good, but it is a bit smaller. There are more than 40 here, and I went back to deal with 10 million."

"These two are great. The girl from the Jade Rabbit tribe was brought in by us just as soon as it reached the transformation stage. It can become a cute little loli, or a bunny, can hold and play, and warm. Quilt, there is no one billion in this pair, don't want to take it away!"

Lin Zhen looked at the two shivering young girls in an iron cage. The two girls had white skin and no clothes on them. They curled up in the corner and did not dare to move. After seeing someone coming, they became even more nervous. She was covering the sensitive parts of her body and didn't dare to lift her head.

Lin really walked over without expression. The two girls are very pitiful, but he will not send any kindness, and he will not lose big because of small things.

I watched around all kinds of rare and exotic animals, even some of them have been killed, and the alive are very miserable, but fortunately there are no unicorn cubs, otherwise Lin Zhen doubts himself Can you resist not doing it?

When he reached the last corner, he was about to turn his head. Lin Zhen saw a little fox in a small iron cage in the corner.

It was a white fox, it looked only the size of a normal puppy cub, and it was dirty.

This fox has big eyes and they are wet. When Lin Zhen passed by, the little fox raised his head and glanced.

"We caught this in Tianling, and it has been injured. I thought that Tianling's beasts are rarely ordinary, but this one is really nothing strange. It is not a three-eyed spirit fox or a three-tailed monster fox. It’s not a flying fox. If it wasn’t for the good fur on this body, we wouldn’t have brought it back. We had to leave for the past two days and there were not enough manpower. It’s worth 1.8 million."

It can be seen that Aaron doesn't pay much attention to this intransformable little fox, but Lin Zhen looks at those big eyes, but seems to feel the pride and sadness that belongs to this little fox.

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