Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 831: Adventurer's Guild

Going to the endless sea of ​​stars is not simply a matter of getting up and going. X23US. COM update fastest

The so-called endless star sea generally refers to the inside of the metaworld. This entire endless starry sky is so large that it is unimaginable and impossible to calculate.

Just like in the New Territories, no one can measure the area and volume of the universe, nor can the endless sea of ​​stars in the Metaverse.

And the place Lin Zhen is going to is part of the endless battlefield.

The endless battlefield is the place where the endless star sea race and the metaworld ground race fight. There is a narrow strip of tens of millions of light years and a width of millions of light years, spanning the starry sky above tens of thousands of countries, but it is so huge The place is actually just a small part of the endless sea of ​​stars.

Pass through the starry sky near the ground, then through the starry sky buffer zone, and then pass through a no-man’s land, and pass a meteorite belt to enter the endless battlefield area. That is a long road.

After passing the buffer zone, few people know the location of the teleportation array in the starry sky. If you drive on your own feet, I am afraid that you will never reach the endless battlefield after tens of thousands of years, so you must walk the teleportation array.

If you walk through the teleportation array, you can’t find one, you can only follow some teams to the endless star sea, such as caravans, adventurers, etc.

Lin Zhen is now very famous in the Metaverse. He has been exposed again and again, and he has recently become a new holy alchemist. This face is almost unknown in the entire Metaverse.

Looking for the team to go to the endless star sea like this, it must be very easy to be exposed, and it is easy to cause a lot of unnecessary trouble, so Lin Zhen is ready to change his appearance.

Transformation can change the appearance, but it is a blind technique that is easy to be seen through.

But Lin Zhen has other ways.

There are too many medicines refined by Qian Tonghui. In addition to Yang Hua Wan, Nian Li Shen Pill and Jiu Zhuan Jin Pill, there is also a dissolving medicine that works very well.

Applying this medicine evenly can change a person's appearance and temperament. It will not be too different from the previous one, but it will never be seen through, and it will be another person.

made some changes to his face to cover up his temperament, and Lin Zhen became a man with dark skin and a sturdy appearance.

took off all the clothes related to the Holy Land, and put away all the things related to the alchemist. He wore a dragon scale waistcoat on his upper body and a necklace of magic wolf teeth on his neck.

Guangsha is used as a belt, so people can probably see it. The long black hair is gathered together with a silver headband.

black trousers, black leather boots, and a not very high-class space ring on his finger.

showed his muscular arms, and when he stood there, a sturdy and rugged breath came to his face.

His current image is an adventurer who has experienced many battles. He has a small net worth, but he will definitely not have too much money. He has some skills, but not too strong. He has a bit of taste, but he is definitely not outstanding.

gently touched the beard stubble on his chin, Lin Zhen nodded in satisfaction.

Like this, no one would think he was Lin Zhen.

"No problem, now I have to find a team to go to the endless battlefield, and then go with the team together."

Lin Zhen walked on the streets of Qindu and walked into the Adventurer's Guild.

The Adventurer's Guild is actually the largest organization in the Metaverse. The fate of warriors is to fight and explore. There are dangerous places in the Metaverse. Every day, countless adventurers go everywhere to practice, find resources, and earn money to support their families.

It can be said that there are adventurers' guilds in almost any place in Metaverse, even in a small city, a small town or even a village.

Compared with alchemists, the number of adventurers is tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of times as many as alchemists!

Because of the black hole swallowed by the black hole, Lin Zhen took the route of the alchemist after he came to the metaworld.

With this tool for making a fortune, Lin Zhen doesn't need to run around all the year round for experience, he will have a lot of money flow into his hands, and his life is better than anyone else.

From this point of view, Lin Zhen is a bit ignorant of the sufferings of the people. He doesn't know how much ordinary warriors have to suffer in order to make money, and their income is low.

Therefore, adventurers are the true portrayal of most warriors in the Metaverse. Lin Zhen belongs to the high-end route all the time, and he comes into contact with alchemists and holy land warriors.

This time, it was the first time that Lin Zhen really entered the world of these low-level warriors.


The Adventurer’s Guild is located in the West City of Qindu, a civilian area and a market place.

On the street to the guild, there were people roaring around.

Lin Zhen was walking on the street, and there was an endless stream of people coming and chatting around.

"Guy! Would you like a good one? Poppies from Feifeng County, taste it and make sure you will never forget it!"

"Oh! This little brother is really good, he looks like that kind of very capable, we Yihonglou girls like you the most, do you want to come and play?"

"Is the young man looking for a job? Go to Tianling to catch a barbarian woman and catch a 3,000 yuan. You are in the realm of longevity. Just listen to me and you will make tens of thousands of yuan a day!"

Lin really hummed and walked forward, without talking to anyone, he knew that there were basically no good birds outside the Adventurer’s Guild.

Either they got some prohibited things, or some slave traders, they were all murdering and transgressing. I am afraid that at least one third of the people he saw were wanted criminals.

Although Lin Zhen himself was once the most wanted criminal, he really didn't like these people.

When those people looked at Lin Zhen's expression, they knew that there was no show. Moreover, Lin Zhen seemed to be an old fried dough stick. They would not be fooled by these people, so they gradually dispersed.

walked into the gate of the Adventurer's Guild, the environment inside was not much better than the outside, and there was a strong smell of inferior tobacco and alcohol.

Lin Zhen frowned slightly. He was used to drinking good wine, and suddenly he was a little uncomfortable to smell the taste.

But he adjusted quickly and came to the front desk of the guild.

"Sir, what would you like to drink?" a bartender asked.

Lin Zhen didn’t ask for that kind of good wine, but pointed to the huge barrel and said, "Bring me ten catties of yellow beer!"


The bartender suddenly smiled, took a huge glass, and took Lin Zhen a full glass of wine.

Holding the glass of wine with one hand, Lin Zhen took a sip, and some of the spilled liquid slipped across the firm muscles.

"Sir, is this going to travel far?"

"Yes, I want to see a long way out, and I want to see if there are any teams that drop by?"

"There is a public announcement wall over there, there are many teams recruiting and posting tasks, sir, you can go and have a look."

Lin Zhen had already seen the distant wall. With his eyesight, he could clearly see the tasks on the wall, but he didn't see one heading to the endless battlefield, so he simply didn't pass.

"The mission here does not go where I am going, so I want to ask if there are other teams?"

"Where are you going, sir?" the bartender asked.

Lin Zhen took another sip of beer, which was a full five catties: "Endless Battlefield."

The bartender seemed to be stunned, and then gently shook his head: "Sir, your requirements are too high, what a dangerous place is the endless battlefield, I am afraid there are not many warriors in the longevity period, let alone endless battlefield. Now, even the missions of the endless sea of ​​stars rarely appear. There is the territory of the emperor clan, and our ground races should not pass."

"I know what you said, but I have to go there, so..."

Lin Shinichi raised his hand, and several gold coins spread out in his palm.

One gold coin is one hundred yuan, and five gold coins here are five hundred yuan, which is not a small number.

The bartender took a look, and said with some embarrassment: "Mr..."

Lin Zhen raised his hand again, and the gold coins had become ten: "I know that many teams are not visible, so their tasks will not be posted on the wall. You introduce one to me, and these are all yours. "

The bartender glanced left and right, and quickly took the gold coin in Lin Zhen's hand.

"Sir, there are some things that I do not help, but the team to the endless battlefield has really not recently. The reason is that on the endless star sea, the emperors are looking for someone like crazy, as if there is some important person on their side. They have disappeared, and they seem to have disappeared near the surface of the Metaverse. They have already found the buffer zone, so recently many teams dare not go there."

"Don't you have one?" Lin Zhen frowned.

"Not all of them. A few days ago, a team from the northern prairie of Tianling recruited martial arts bodyguards. The requirement was at least a longevity. You also know that Tianling is very far away. This team wants to pass through a buffer zone, from endless Pass the edge of the battlefield, and then you can go directly to the other side of Tianling. If your husband wants to apply for a job, I can introduce it to you."

Lin Zhen knows that if you want to cross the Tianling Mountains, there is a better way besides climbing the mountains, which is to go through the stars, because the inside of the Metaverse is actually in the shape of an has a curvature. , Taking the stars is often a shortcut.

"You can try, what does this team do?"

The bartender whispered: "This team is a poaching team, which specializes in catching some rare beasts and bringing them to the other side of Tianling for the enjoyment of the dignitaries."

Lin really nodded, this kind of thing is not uncommon in Metaverse.

Once caught beasts, their fate is often very miserable. Some beasts are actually girls who are taken away to play with, while others are killed and used as medicinal materials to make clothes.

This kind of poaching is forbidden, and no country is allowed. Poaching teams cannot pass through towns.

Therefore, this kind of team has to recruit some bodyguards every time, and they take a very hidden route, just to ensure that they are not caught.

Lin Zhen himself is also a galaxy beast, and of course he doesn't like this kind of poacher, but right now he doesn't have so much time and energy to deal with these things. Since this team is heading to the edge of the endless battlefield, then he should try it. ) Download the free reader!!