Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 827: Break the crystal!

Before Qian Tong and Lin Zhen fought, they knew that Lin Zhen was difficult.

Before he played against Lin Zhen, he had always been his clone, and his body was always on the move.

It wasn't until Lin Zhen's spear penetrated his body that his body appeared, took over the Huayun sword that the clone had been carrying on his back, and shot with lightning!

Heavenly Desolation and Transformation contains two swords, and it is also an extremely good treasure in the endless star sea forbidden land. He is confident that Lin is really hard to resist.

But now the clone is holding Lin Zhen's spear. If he wants to save his life, he can only abandon the spear and lose the sword and the spear. He has already won half of this battle.

As expected, Lin Zhen resolutely abandoned the Lantis gun.

The body quickly withdrew, and moved a distance from Qian Tong's clone.

His main body only appeared for a while, and then disappeared again. This is Qian Tong's caution, and he definitely does not let his main body take risks easily.

Qian Tong’s clone is holding the Tianhuang sword in one hand and the Lantis gun in the other, with a grinning smile on his face: "Hey! Little Lin Zhen, when the tiger has no minions, it is just a paper tiger. You have lost it now. Gun sword, see what else you can fight against the old man!"

With that, Qian Tong drew out Lin Zhen's spear and directly entered the world in his body, brandishing the Heavenly Desolate Sword and swooping forward again!


Lin Zhen put his hands together and the Galaxy Realm opened!

After Lin Zhen's improvement, the galaxy realm is composed of real planets evolved from black hole neutrons and imaginary planets formed by the collection of star power in the body.

It can be a starburst, and can display a twisted gravitational pressure gravitational field.

Huge pressure came from all directions, Qian Tong brandished a long sword, flying all over his head, carrying the sword with both hands and down: "The domain is built on absolute power, Lin Zhen, how can your domain stand me!"

Planets shattered and burst in front of Qian Tong's eyes, and the realm collapsed!

Amid a rumbling explosion, a planet suddenly reached Qian Tong's head.

The previous planets were all illusory, and only this one was real. Qian Tong even remembered this planet, which was clearly his original planetary mountains.

"Ahhhhh~! Lin Zhen, a child, return the old man's baby!"

Qian Tong tried to swing his long sword again to knock down the mountains of the planet, but the weight of this star was so easy to knock down, Qian Tong was even suppressed in an instant.

This suppression time is very short, but it is enough for a master.

Lin Zhen's eyebrows were cold, and the sword of the heart came out!

Senhan~~~! ! !

A piece of invisible sword net buzzed through the air, and then disappeared.

Qian Tong's motion of swinging his sword stopped.

A layer of fishnet-like lines appeared on his eyebrows, cheeks, and body, densely everywhere!

The sword of Senhan, with tens of thousands of sword auras intertwined with one sword, is colorless and invisible, extremely difficult to stop.

It was too late when Qian Tong's clone was aware of it, and he was directly chopped into minced meat!

The pressure on the planet and mountains above your head fell from the sky, directly crushing Qian Tong's clone into fleshy flesh and blood!

Lin Zhen beckoned, and Tianhuang Sword and Lantis's Spear fell into his hands.

"Holy Master, your clone is dead, don't you come out to pay homage to it?"

Holding the Tianhuang sword, Lin Zhen turned around with a sword, and directly cut Qian Tong out of the invisibility!

Qian Tong's Huayun sword resisted Lin Zhen's sword, and he staggered back, his face pale as paper.

The tragic death of the clone did not cause small damage to the main body. Qian Tong never dreamed that Lin Zhen was so powerful that he could kill his clone with a single blow with an invisible sword.

Lin Zhen didn't give him a chance, holding the Tianhuang sword, stepping forward without shadow.

With Qian Tong's sword falling, Lin Zhen walked sideways easily, carrying a piece of flesh around his waist!

With a howl, Qian Tong turned around and cut again. Lin Zhen took a shadowless step again, pulled a sword flower, and Qian Tong landed with a little finger.

Qian Tong once again issued a series of fierce three swords, but only cut into the air, and there were two more transparent holes in his waist.

He drew back and retreated, Lin Zhen turned around, waved his hand, and a sword gang swept across, cutting off his hair and a piece of his scalp completely!

One move after another, Lin Zhen was expressionless and extremely cold!

Not only does Qian Tong want to die, Lin Zhen wants him to die tragically, he will not kill him with one move, but will torture him slowly!

Regardless of Qian Tong being the mid-stage of the Divine Mind Transformation, but Lin Zhen was not afraid of him at all. Apart from the fact that he started to play a trick with his body and had something to watch, he was useless in other aspects.

From the fact that Lin Zhen retreated with one move from his body, it was obvious that Qian Tong's actual combat experience was very poor!

There is no realm in the sky, no ability, such a warrior is not afraid, and it is too far behind the experienced Lin Zhen.

Qian Tong quickly realized this.

Continuing to fight like this, with a few more tricks, Qian Tong will hate him on the spot.

"Ahhhhhh~! Lin Zhenshi, ruin my clone, the old man fights with you!"

Since the skill difference is too far, then the absolute strength crushes it!

Qian Tong swallowed a pill in one mouthful, and his star power increased by 40%!

There was a slight look of contempt on Lin Zhen's face. His current star power was 130 million, and Qian Tong was about the same as him. Even if it increased by 40%, Lin Zhen was sure to win.

Of course Lin Zhen could also take medicine, but he didn't plan to do that, there was no need for it.

After Qian Tong took the medicine, he swung the Huayun sword fiercely to turn out some desperate swords to force Lin Zhen back a bit, and then took out another thing.

"Lin Zhen, this is all you forced the old man, you want to kill me, your next life!"

It was a light cyan spar, hanging this thing above the head, suddenly a layer of blue light was emitted.

As soon as this stone came out, everyone in the audience had an urge to kneel down and worship!


Someone yelled loudly, and the scene was suddenly full of noise!


This is the ultimate dream of a martial artist. With a **** crystal, you can become a god. As long as you can cultivate to the peak of the **** stone transformation, the **** crystal is the guarantee of becoming a god.

I didn't expect Qian Tong to have this kind of thing, but he was shocked.

Even if the **** crystal is not absorbed, as long as it is driven by the star power, it can release the body protection divine light, which is difficult to break in a leisurely time!

Many people's eyes light up, and some people even want to move forward uncontrollably and just take a shot.

In the distance, Jin Nuo coughed gently, awakening those who had been dazzled by Shenjing.

"No one is allowed to intervene in their battle, otherwise they will kill you!"

These people wake up from the drunkenness and dare not move rashly.

The azure light of the **** crystal is like a protective cover with excellent toughness. Lin Zhen waved the Tianhuang sword in his hand, but it could only be shaken and could not be broken.

With the protection of Shenjing, Qian Tong suddenly became brave, completely gave up his defense, urged the star power of 180 million to the limit, and began to attack Lin Zhen fiercely.

In an instant, the battlefield situation took a turn for the worse. When a warrior in the mid-stage of Divine Mind Change had no worries at all, even if his strength was scumbag, the power that erupted could not be ignored.

锵锵锵锵~~! !

A flash of blood flashed, and Lin Zhen lost his color.

Although Lin Zhen had an immortal spirit body, this was already a bad omen. Without breaking Qiantong's crystal guardian body, there would be no way to win this battle.

"Wow, haha~! Dumbfounded! Lin Zhen, Lin Zhen, this is called lack of greed, cocoon and self-binding, and obediently accepting the pill will not be fine. I have to fight to the death. I am the only holy alchemist in the Metaverse , The accumulation of countless years is not what you can imagine, this crystal is my guarantee, you will lose today!"

After a burst of weapons fought, Lin Zhen hit the sword again!

The people around shook their heads, and Lin was really hopeless in this battle.

Shenjing is not invincible, but it is impossible to break through the longevity period.

Lin Zhen's wrist shook, and he drew a few swords again, the light of the **** crystal burst slightly, and immediately closed again.

A smile appeared on Lin Zhen's face.

"I've seen this kind of stuff..."

When Lin Zhen remembered the Star of Divine Punishment, the protective layer outside the Star of Divine Punishment was clearly the same as the power of this Divine Crystal.

It's just that the protective layer of the God's Punishment Star is much stronger than the power of this God Crystal. Judging from this, the power of the God Crystal is also strong or weak.

The one obtained by Qian Tong is only average.

It's just that the **** crystal protects one star, and this one only protects Qian Tong alone, which is not easy to break.

Back then, Ning Qingxuan rushed to rescue from Nanliang and broke through the protection of the **** crystal with her own strength. At that time, Ning Qingxuan was only in the early stage of Sanhua.

Although Ning Qingxuan is very, there is no reason why she can do it during the three-flowering period.

Lin Zhen gave up the offense, dodged Qian Tong's frantic attack with a shadowless step, looking for an opportunity to swallow a magic pill.

When the supernatural power pill entered, Lin Zhen's star power also soared to 180 million!

"Qiantong! If you don't take out this thing, you may still have a chance to live, but everyone is innocent, and your thing belongs to me!"

"You dream!" Qian Tong continued to attack.

Lin Zhen's figure flashed, and the clone appeared!

Landis' spear was handed over to the clone, raising his hand to Qian Tong was a move to star down!

A roaring star descended from the sky, shaking the light of the gods!

Rumble~~! !

Qian Tong glided on the ground with his feet, leaped out of two deep trenches, and was knocked back dozens of meters by the falling stars.

Although not injured, it is difficult to attack.

Lin Zhen bullied himself and cut Tianhuang in his hand, God buried!

It was still where the star fell, a heavy blow with a sword, with a click, the divine light cracked!

Qian Tong backed away again in embarrassment, before he came back, the clone caught up again, the land of spring!

After a loud noise, Lin Zhen went up again, his heart sword was invisible, Sen Han!

Every blow is in the same position, and the body and the clone are like two hammers, blasting a discus in turn!

As soon as Sen Han came out, Shenguang finally had a sign of collapse.

Doppelganger, Xia Zhiliuhuo!

The light of the crystal shattered!

The clone took a volley, grabbed the crystal in his hand, and retreated!

Lin Zhen's body was armored in the back, his mouth opened, a black hole loomed, and the galaxy circled.

The black hole storm appeared on Qian Tong's head!

Devour~~~~~~! ! ! ! ! nt

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