Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 828: New memory

Qian Tong never dreamed that Lin Zhen could actually break the light of Shenjing's body!

In order to fight against Lin Zhen, he can be said to have various means.

Talking about Jin Nuo, threatening Lin Zhen, and seducing Dan Fang.

If none of these works, then Qian Tong is not afraid, because he has a crystal.

This treasure that he almost made up his wealth back then can save his life in times of crisis.

He thought very well, but he didn't count it. Lin Zhen actually had the ability to break the defense of the **** crystal. The body clone joined hands and continuously blasted the light of the **** crystal a bit, and actually broke the defense abruptly!

Moreover, the Shen Jing was also taken away by Lin Zhen, and Qian Tong's pill of weakness was also coming.

Even more terrible is the black hole hovering overhead!

Qian Tong didn't want to be swallowed by the black hole, he wanted to survive.

At the moment of life and death, Qian Tong knelt down!

With a puff, he knelt down, while resisting the black hole swallowing, Qian Tong quickly asked for mercy.

"Lin Zhen! The old man knows that I was wrong. I shouldn't be dissatisfied with you. The wrong things I have done are too numerous to write. Please read it for the sake of old man's usefulness and leave me a dog. Fate, I am willing to refine alchemy for you throughout my life and give you all my alchemy. I will definitely not have two hearts!"

The eyes of the people around him fell on Lin Zhen's face, wanting to see his final choice.

Lin Zhen snorted from his nostrils, "You still have to die. From the moment you act on my family, your destiny has been doomed. Qian Tong, you are free!"

With a thought, the swallowing power of the black hole increases!

Qian Tong screamed, his body rotated into the black hole!

It seems that Qian Tong still has the power to resist. After entering the black hole, he is still circling and struggling inside, and has not been completely turned into dust for a long time.

And Lin Zhen also had a trace of solemnity on his face, it seemed that it was not easy to swallow him.

The stalemate lasted for five full minutes!

It seemed to others to be stalemate, but only Lin Zhen knew that he was searching for his soul!

It has been a long time since it had swallowed the souls of other people, and now, ordinary people are not worth swallowing Lin Zhen once, because there is nothing to learn.

But Qiantong is different.

As the only saint-level alchemist known to Metaverse, Qian Tong is definitely a super genius in alchemy.

Lin Zhen didn't know if he was considered a genius in alchemy, but that didn't matter anymore, because he could devour genius.

Lin Zhen himself is an alchemist at the pinnacle of the seventh stage, devouring Qian Tong's soul, and absolutely advancing to the holy rank!

This person was actually part of Lin Zhen's devouring plan a long time ago.

Others seem to be fighting each other, but Lin Zhen has already made Qian Tong's brain unconscious.

Searching for the soul forcibly entered, and Qian Tong's memory came like a tide!

Because it was performed before everyone else, Lin Zhen was also worried about being seen by others, and he directly abandoned most of the useless memories about Qian Tong.

But despite this, Qian Tong's memory was still too large, making Lin Zhen somewhat unable to bear it.

In the end, it was like swallowing a date, forcibly absorbed Qian Tong's memory.

The black hole dissipated, and Lin Zhen was like a drunk person, his body wobbly a little unsteady.

He handed over to Jin Nuo and said: "Fifth brother, my current period of medicinal weakness has come, and I have consumed too much, so I can't talk with the fifth brother for the time being. Please give me a few days for me to cultivate."

Jin Nuo felt relieved to see that Qian Tong was dead, and nodded to Lin Zhen: "Okay, go back and take a good rest. You don't need to worry about other things."

Lin Zhen nodded, got up and walked towards his residence in the Holy Land.

"Oh, by the way, if you kill Qiantong, everything he has is your spoils. Others must not harass the coveted, otherwise, don't blame the Holy Land Law for being insensitive!"

Jin Nuo's last sentence was obviously to protect Lin Zhen and also announced the ownership of the **** crystal.

This caused many other people who coveted Shen Jing to lose their minds, and Jin Nuo had already spoken. If other people were still thinking about Shen Jing, they would be dead.

A battle at Falling Star Lake Holy Land made people realize Lin Zhen's strength again.

The ability to kill Qian Tong in the mid-stage of the Divine Mind Transformation may not be a very good record, but it is especially rare to do it when Qian Tong has the guardian body of the divine crystal.

But many people think that Lin Zhen's killing of Qian Tong will cause endless trouble.

After all, Qian Tong is a saint-level alchemist, and he is the only one. He has many regular clients who need him to provide saint-level pills.

Lin Zhen killed Qian Tong and cut off the source of the pills for many people. Those pills are very important to the masters.

If the expert loses the source of the pill, he will definitely anger Lin Zhen. This matter is actually very troublesome.

Although there is Jin Nuo, the fifth son of the Holy Land, Lin Zhen will not be in any danger for the time being, but what about in the future? Can Lin Zhen live under Jinnuo's wings all his life?

Therefore, many theoretical emperors believed that Lin Zhen's battle would do more harm than good, even if he had obtained an extremely precious crystal.

Because you get the crystal, you have to live until that day.

On the day Lin Zhen killed Qian Tong, many experts spoke out, and it was troublesome to find Lin Zhen, which proved people's guess.

Although many people who hate Lin Zhen didn't dare to say it on the surface, they were waiting for a good show.


Lin Zhen has indeed entered the weakening period of the Shenli Pill, but this is not important.

As the mid-stage of the divine consciousness change, Qian Tong's memories are too much.

His life was an extremely glorious one, and he had enjoyed too many things.

But the martial artist is like this, if your absolute strength is not strong enough, whether it is longevity, or God change, there may be a day of defeat in the end.

It is precisely because Lin Zhen has seen too many such things that he keeps making progress.

Qian Tong's martial arts is nothing commendable, but he has too many memories of alchemy.

Since childhood, Qian Tong began to dabble in alchemy, and he is definitely a genius in alchemy, and the epiphany in alchemy is normal for him.

In Daqin's Alchemy Association, three holy alchemists were born.

Dan Shenshui Wuhen, Dan Saint Hillman, and Dan King Qiantong.

Shui Wuhen and Hillman are both old figures and have not appeared for a long time.

But in Qian Tong's memory, these two people shouldn't have died yet. They just went to the endless Xinghai a long time ago. I don't know if they are still there now.

And Qian Tong was the only holy alchemist who remained on the ground of the Metaverse.

Being able to obtain the title of King Pill, Qian Tong's ability is self-evident.

Qian Tong is proficient in three kinds of medicines only at the holy level.

The first kind of pill is called the Nine Turns Golden Pill, which is also Qiantong’s signature pill for the promotion of the Saint Master. Even if the person is dead, as long as it is not dead for too long or is not cut into pieces, the Nine Turns Golden Pill can People pulled back from the ghost gate.

This kind of pill is also the most dangerous, and it is also very difficult to refine.

The second kind of pill sounds ordinary, but it is also very important, called Yanghuawan.

The flower pill is to strengthen the martial artist to top the three flowers. This kind of medicine is important, but it is not that important.

When the martial artist is on top of the three flowers, he wants to reflect the strength of the star power, in fact, it mainly depends on the degree of the three flowers in full bloom. The more brilliant the three flowers open, the stronger the strength.

This process requires the martial artist to constantly use star power to nourish the top three flowers, which is an extremely long process.

And even if you have enough patience, you may not be able to make Sanhua truly open, because everyone's aptitude is different.

Even if Qian Tong had the ability to refine Yanghuawan, his talent was too poor. He was a realm built up entirely on drugs, and his strength was poor. Therefore, with Yanghuawan, he could not fully open up Sanhua.

His top three flowers were just a little bigger than the flower bones, so they forcibly broke through and changed their minds.

Because the refining of Yanghua pills is not easy, and the absorption of medicines by martial artists has side effects. If you want to rely on growing flowers, talent, perseverance and wealth are indispensable. Qian Tong is not qualified except for money.

The last kind of medicine is Nianli Shendan.

Nianli Shendan is the last one on top of the three flowers. After the flower of the divine consciousness reaches the maximum level that the martial artist can reach, it is an important item that impacts the divine consciousness.

The top three flowers are the flower of energy, the flower of vitality, and the flower of mind.

The final mutation of the flower of divine consciousness is the change of divine consciousness.

With Qiantong’s qualifications, if it were not for Yanghuawan and Nianli Shendan, he would not be able to achieve spiritual change in eight These three medicines can be said to be more one kind than one, no wonder Qiantong Able to accumulate massive wealth.

After Qian Tong was swallowed by the black hole, the corpse was not actually turned into dust, but was collected by Lin Zhen into the internal world, and Qian Tong's collection was also emptied by Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen originally thought that Qiantong would still have a lot of money here, but only after he really got his collection did Lin Zhen know that Qiantong almost ran out of wealth in order to deal with Lin Zhen.

Recently, Qiantong has been making alchemy in Zhuoxing Lake, and most of the medicines he produced were given to Zhuoxing Lake. There was no source of income. He sat in the mountains and the sky. In order to deal with Lin Zhen, he repeatedly hired people, paid remuneration, bought wormhole eggs, etc. Only more than 10 billion was spent.

Fortunately, Lin Zhen is not short of money now, and Qian Tong's internal world still leaves a lot of medicinal materials, which is directly served by Lin Zhen.

Dark Star has now become a veritable medicinal star, and an entire continent is planted with medicinal materials.

It was already seven days after Lin Zhen accepted Qian Tong's memory.

After that, Lin Zhen spent another three days to familiarize himself with the refining of several holy-level pills.

Lin Zhen himself was the pinnacle of the seventh rank, and with Qian Tong's memory, Lin Zhen's alchemy skills were far more powerful than Qian Tong's.

If the holy alchemist has a pinnacle, then Lin Zhen is the holy pinnacle alchemist!

"It's almost there. I can't stay any longer. I must find out where my son is."

Lin Zhen ended the retreat and was about to go out to talk to Jin Nuo, to find out where his son was.

By the way, after watching Metaverse, Lin Zhen discovered that there had been a lot of noise outside about Qian Tong's death.

Supporters of Qiantong came to the door,

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