Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 826: Fight money!

Qian Tong did not expect Lin Zhen to be so unkind.

That's right, he offended Lin Zhen, but in his opinion, disputes between warriors are very common. Lin Zhen is just two sons missing, and he is about to kill himself, which is really a fuss.

Although Qian Tong feels that he really does it, Lin Zhen may not be his opponent, but he is a holy alchemist. As long as he is alive, he has a lofty status and a steady stream of money. He can enjoy too many things, he will not Put yourself in danger easily.

So he feels that this matter can still be discussed, and he is still very confident.

Standing up from his seat, Qian Tong said solemnly: "Lin Zhen, I don't want to excuse my previous actions, but I hope you listen to my terms."

Before Lin Zhen said yes or no, Qian Tong took out a piece of parchment.

"This thing is the elixir that I developed when I was promoted to the holy alchemist. It is with the pill on this elixir that I entered the holy level."

"Lin Zhen, you are a wizard of alchemy. You are already a seventh-rank alchemist now. It is very likely that you will enter the Holy Rank in the future."

"But have you ever thought about it, there is a huge gap between the seventh-rank and the holy level. If no one mentions it, you may be in this realm for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, and you will never be able to advance. I am not alarmist. I have seen many talented people who are stuck at the breakthrough point and cannot make an inch. Such things are everywhere."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Zhen's mouth: "Then what do you mean?"

"I mean very clearly. If someone mentions you, you might cross that hurdle. In this world, the only person who can help you in alchemy is me. Let's turn the fighting into a jade silk. I will give you this holy grade pill. After studying this, Lin Zhen, you can also reach the holy grade!"

Qian Tong's move caused much discussion among the people present.

Qian Tong is really a big hand!

You know, the pill is the second life of an alchemist. Which alchemist is not hiding it for fear of being discovered, and Qian Tong can actually share the holy pill with Lin Zhen. How sincere is this?

If Lin Zhen succeeds, he will be the second holy alchemist in the Metaverse!

The saint-level alchemist, how much wealth and power it represents, is simply unimaginable!

"It's impossible for Lin Zhen not to agree this time, holy grade alchemist, that is simply the ultimate dream of the alchemist."

"Yes, isn't it just two sons? Becoming a saint-level alchemist, many people are willing to help you find your son's whereabouts, not to mention to the martial artist... sons are not rare."

"It's over, it's over, there's no scene to watch. Lin Zhen is a fool if he doesn't agree."

The chattering words around him passed into Lin Zhen's ears, and also into Jin Nuo's eyes who were watching from a distance.

Jin Nuo originally wanted to come over to disperse the onlookers so that the people like Tianban Ma Teng should not be nosy, but now that Qian Tong throws this bargaining chip, Jin Nuo does not move.

He wanted to see and see what choice Lin Zhen would make.

In his opinion, if Lin Zhen is sane enough, he would definitely win this pill first. After all, it is too important to be a holy alchemist. Qian Tong has a lot to do with his identity. He wants to clean him up. Concerns.

But if Lin Zhen really chose the pill and settled things down, he would feel a little disappointed again.


After the noise of people subsided, Lin Zhen looked at Qian Tong, "You are more than just this holy pill, right?"

Qian Tong was stunned for a moment: "So what? It's my greatest sincerity to be able to give you a pill."

"Then what if I don't accept it?"

Qian Tong sneered: "That's easy, just let me go, but I will store my Dan Fang in the internal world, and set a forbidden law, if I have any accident, Dan Fang will immediately self-immolate. Lin Zhen, you have to think clearly."

After that, Qian Tong put away the pill, he didn't believe that Lin Zhen would not care about the holy pill.

But he felt a trace of contempt in Lin Zhen's eyes, as if his actions were ridiculous.

"Is the performance finished? Can we start, Qian Tong, I am still anxious to send you on the road!"

" unexpectedly!" Qian Tong was irritated.

He has never seen such a person who refuses to enter. Didn't he support your move without seeing Jinnuo? There are so many Tianban students who plead for mercy, and I will give you the holy pill, but you still don't want to be forgiving. Do you really think that I am a paper-cut?

With a face difficult to look, Qian Tong said coldly, "What a brash boy who is so aggressive, do you think I am afraid of you? If you want to fight, then fight!"

Lin Zhen beckoned to Qian Tong: "It should have been like this long ago. What's the use of so much nonsense, come out!"

With that, Lin Zhen turned and walked to the open space in front of the alchemy room, waiting for Qian Tong.

Qian Tong cleaned up and followed Lin Zhen out.

The people who had originally wanted to retreat saw that they were about to start fighting, and they suddenly huffed around, opened a circle of the boss, and watched the show enthusiastically in the distance.

In the era of the dimensional universe, you never want to have any secrets, and someone immediately starts broadcasting.

Soon someone contacted Jinnuo and asked why Lin Zhen still started a fight with Qian Tong.

Jin Nuo simply closed the Dimensional Universe. At this time, he didn't want to be disturbed by foreign objects. He had decided to respect Lin Zhen's own choice. This kind of thing was really not suitable for other people to intervene.

When he arrived on the clearing ground, Qian Tong shook his hand, and the alchemist's robe was thrown away by him, revealing the dark black outfit inside.

A faint starlight began to float on his body surface, the three flowers above his head were already in full bloom, and the invisible spiritual thoughts spread, proving his realm.

Spiritual change!

"Wow! Divine Sense is in the middle stage!"

"When did Qian Tong break through? Why don't I know? I still thought he was the pinnacle of Sanhua?"

"With such a strong state, it's okay to fight Lin Zhen directly, so why bother to make a mistake and be humiliated?"

"It should be low-key. Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy. Lin is really in trouble now. Maybe he thought that the saint master was in the Sanhua realm to dare to be so arrogant. If he knew this, he would definitely accept the pill."

Qian Tong was only able to reach the mid-stage of his spiritual change yesterday, because Lin Zhen might come to find trouble to make preparations. He took a lot of pills to do it.

Today, the realm was released to deter Lin Zhen, but he was disappointed.

In Lin Zhen's eyes, he didn't see Lin Zhen's shocked look at all. It seemed that his spirit change was no different from that of Realm Kings and so on.

"Lin Zhen, don't think that you can do whatever you want by opening up the thirty-three sky tower on the eleventh floor. Let you know today, what an unwise choice to offend me!"

Qian Tong clapped his hands, and two flying swords flew out of his body.

As soon as the two swords were released, the cold spirit filled the audience!

"My two swords are called Tianhuang and Huayun. They are super treasures from the convection realm of the endless star sea forbidden land. They were exchanged for half of my net worth that year. Speaking of which, these two swords are in my hand. I haven't been bloodied yet, so I will use your Lin Zhen to sacrifice the sword today!"

As soon as these two swords came out, Lin Zhen felt that the momentum of his Sword Sword was a little declining.

The quality of these two swords is definitely above Zhan Kong!

With the two swords in his hands, Qian Tong assumed a weird posture, holding the Tianhuang Sword in his right hand and the Huayun Sword in his left hand, but he carried the Huayun Sword behind his back and pointed at Lin Zhen with his right sword.

"Lin Zhen child, one sword is enough to deal with you!"

Before the words fell, a mental shock had already struck!

How could Lin Zhen Diamond's Consummated Spiritual Power care about his mental impact, and immediately sent out an impact, a hedge against Qian Tong!


The two mental shocks met in the air, and the hitting air rippled, and the ripples expanded outward.

Lin Zhen's body shook in the impact, but Qian Tong on the opposite side seemed to be okay, holding a long sword in front of Lin Zhen's eyes.

"Lin Zhen child, go see your son!"

Without any fancy, Qian Tong's sword is so clever and clumsy, there is a taste of returning to the basics, straight and straight, but there is no way to avoid it!

This kind of swordsmanship is the most difficult to stop.

Lin Zhen also pulled out Zhan Kong and blocked it with a horizontal sword!

Cang~~~! ! !

The ear-piercing symphony of gold and iron sounded, extremely unpleasant and ear-piercing, and the goose bumps that made people all over Two swords fought, Lin Zhen Zhan Kong was cut off by the opponent's Tianhuang sword!

Lin Zhen didn't expect Qian Tong's sword to be so powerful, Zhan Kong was destroyed, his body retreated, but he left a blood mark on his shoulder.

Qian Tong succeeded with a sword, and did not give Lin Zhen the slightest chance to breathe. With one hand, he opened and closed the sword and slashed left and right. The lightning flashed the rainbow, simple and fast!

This kind of thunderbolt-like sword technique, as long as it is supported by a peerless magic weapon, is a powerful killer move. Every sword must be avoided with all its strength. If it is cut, it will definitely be two swords!

Lin Zhen dodged several times, suddenly beckoning, the Lantis gun appeared in his hand.

Facing the peerless magic weapon, there must be peerless magic weapon and its counterattack.

An electric light struck again, Lin Zhenyi ran a spear in his hand: "Shoo it for me!"

There was a loud noise again, and a thunderbolt dazzled Huaren's eyes. This time, Lin Zhen completely fended off Qian Tong's sword. He snapped his spear and opened thousands of peach blossoms!

"The Land of Spring~!"

A piece of earth elements rushed out, ground thorns roared out, amidst the splendid spring light, a shot flew straight to Qian Tong's chest~!

Qian Tong's horizontal sword blocked, but Lin Zhen, who had already deployed his marksmanship, would give him a chance. The earth elemental ground thorns harassed him from all directions. Defense, hit the front of the chest!


In the blood splashing, the spear penetrated through the body, straight through the heart!

The distance between the two quickly narrowed, and Qian Tong suddenly grabbed Lin Zhen's spear, preventing Lin Zhen from breaking free.

In Qian Tong's eyes, Lin Zhen saw a trace of conspiracy success.

A figure appeared from behind him like a lightning, holding the Hua Yun sword to Lin Zhen's neck, that was the second Qian Tong!

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