Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 825: Nobody's face is given!

This person Qian Tong tried to calculate himself again and again, and Lin Zhen had never had a chance to move him before. Moreover, Lin Zhen was very confident that Qian Tong's methods could not affect him.

Lin Zhen wanted to come, and when the ten-year competition was over, he would find a chance to clean up the money.

Unexpectedly, as a saint master, this person actually went to plot against his family, almost causing disaster.

This time, Lin Zhen couldn't tolerate him anymore.

After leaving with his family, Lin Zhen left Tianling and returned to the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake.

Jinnuo's Dimensional Universe has become a hotline these days.

As a sacred place staying behind and having lived for tens of millions of years, Jinnuo naturally knows countless masters.

In the past few days, many masters have interceded Qiantong through the Dimensional Universe.

"Mr. Jinnuo, I am the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Island Territory Flames, um...That's it. Although the sage Qin Master Qian Tong is not very good, his pill is indeed a must. This person cannot die. Ah! Yes, yes, please."

"The fifth son of Suixing Lake Jinnuo, right? I am Convection Jie Dongxuan. We used to have a fate. Today we are also cheeky to tell you. It is normal for the warriors to have contradictions, and the Holy Land warriors are not incapable of offending. As a sacred place to stay behind, the five sons should not forcibly interfere with the conflicts between the warriors."

"Brother Five! I'm Li Jing, a disciple of the former Tianban, yes, yes, yes, how are the fifth brothers? I'm on the endless battlefield now, when I have time to go back to visit your old man... Ha ha! Human trust, regarding Qiantong’s matter, let’s not hide from Brother Five, our team is in urgent need of some medicinal pills, especially a few holy-level medicinal pills. With the support of these medicinal pills, we can take away a stronghold of the demon clan. , Change the situation on our battlefield! Qian Tong can't die, Brother Five, please."

"Brother Five, I am..."

Jinnuo was troubled by the one after another.

What happened at Lin Zhen's house couldn't be concealed from Jin Nuo. He knew that Lin Zhen and Qian Tong would be broken sooner or later.

Jin Nuo was indeed very unhappy. Qian Tong, who was punished in the Holy Land, was still restless, and he knew that Lin was really the person he focused on training. He actually dared to do it, and he did it to his family regardless of the rules.

Such a person, even if he was a saint-level alchemist, Jin Nuo had a murderous heart.

But before he could make a decision, Qian Tong, the old boy, was planning ahead and looking for countless people to intercede.

Among these people, there are many old acquaintances of Jinnuo, some of them are simply warriors who came out of Starfall Lake before, some are old friends of Jinnuo, and there are some powerful men who have a huge reputation in the endless battlefield, the forbidden space of the universe and other dangerous areas.

There are even people who Jinnuo will leave the holy land in the future to go to Endless Xinghai and plan to contact them, but they don't know how Qiantong found so many people.

But Jinnuo is also a strong-willed person. Few people can change what he wants to do. Even with so many people interceding, he didn't intend to let Qiantong go.

But just now, in his chat group, Zhang Lang of Liberty City said to him: "Jin Nuo, since you have decided to train Lin Zhen and train him to be your successor, you can't do too much about him. In addition to providing him with the convenience of cultivation, his own grievances and grievances will be resolved by him. If you handle everything for him, how can he grow?"

Shuangshuyuan Fangfei said: "Yes, I know you are under pressure during this period, but these things are not something you should take care of. Are you responsible for everyone's affairs? I think this is putting the cart before the horse."

Soul Locking Platform Sealed the Knife also said: "That is, if Lin Zhen wants to deal with Qiantong, then he should know all the causes and consequences of these things. Of course, killing Qiantong will offend many people. If he can't handle the follow-up things. , He is not worthy to take over as Starfall Lake.

Jin Nuo knew that these people might be worried about holy grade pill, Qian Tong might have promised a lot of things just to survive.

In fact, Starfall Lake also needs a holy pill, but it is still lighter than Lin Zhen's future successor.

But what these people said also made sense. They couldn't help Lin Zhenbao fight the world. It was the best way to solve this kind of personal grievances by yourself.

Just when he didn't make up his mind, Lin Zhen came back.


Back to the Holy Land, Lin Zhen felt that the atmosphere of the Holy Land was a little different.

The gazes that people looked at him were slightly weird and meaningful.

Lin Zhen didn't go deep into the cause. After he returned, he went straight to the alchemy room.

Seeing Lin Zhen heading to the alchemy room, many warriors in the vicinity rushed to hear the news.

Everyone knows that Lin Zhen and Qian Tong are nasty. This time Qian Tong sent someone to arrest Lin Zhen’s family and lost Lin Zhen’s son. Lin Zhen would definitely not give up on this matter, but Qian Tong did. It is not a fuel-saving lamp. During this period of time, it has moved frequently. Now that Lin Zhen is back, everyone knows that there is a good show.

After passing ten to ten, Lin Zhen soon rooted a large number of people behind him, wanting to see how this matter can be resolved.

Qian Tong asked a large circle of people, and received many replies, all of which made him feel at ease. In the end, Qian Tong and Lin Zhen had to resolve this matter.

There are still many people in his room, all old students in the day shift.

These people have all received the benefits of Qiantong, and there is no need for money or pill for martial arts cultivation. As a holy alchemist, Qiantong's popularity can be imagined.

A warrior named Ma Teng waved his hand: "Holy Master, you don’t have to worry about anything, what can Lin Zhen come back? Besides, isn’t his family dead? A trivial matter. When Lin Zhen comes back, I will tell you. To make peace, the most saint master set up a banquet to accompany Lin Zhen. Everyone can drink a cup of wine to relieve their grievances and small things."

"Yeah, although Lin Zhen recently got the blue eyes of Senior Brother Five, he hasn't taken over the Holy Land after all. Isn't he? Even if he really hopes to take over and stay behind, it will probably be a matter of millions of years. He always takes care of the guy's face."

"Since it didn't cause any consequences, let's deal with it simply. It's not good to be reluctant and narrow-minded."

The five or six warriors present all spoke, and each of them has entered a period of divine transformation, and they can be described as elite figures in the holy land.

Qian Tong made two-handed preparations, while looking for someone to intercede with Jinnuo, and at the same time looking for someone to come here to stand up for himself, all of which were putting pressure on Lin Zhen.

Qian Tong smiled and said, "Then everyone, I have already got the news that Lin Zhen will be back in a while, and I would like to ask everyone to help me out."

These warriors fully agreed, and Qian Tong asked them for nothing in vain. Everyone got the benefits, otherwise they wouldn't work so hard.

While talking, Qian Tong's door seemed to be hit by a car, shattered with a bang!

In the smoke and dust, Lin Zhen appeared at the door.

And behind Lin Zhen, a large group of people followed far away, all coming to watch the excitement.

Just now Ma Teng praised Haikou here, and Lin Zhen broke into the door directly, which immediately made him feel lost.

Relying on his identity as an old student in Tianban, Ma Teng slapped the table: "Lin Zhen! What are you doing? Didn't you see that there are a lot of seniors here? Is there any way to be a junior!"

Lin Zhen looked around and snorted coldly, "Brother? The only real senior brother in the Holy Land is Jinnuo, the fifth senior brother. What are you qualified to call yourself my senior brother?"

Those who were supposed to take the elder brother's airs shut up.

In the Holy Land, only Jinnuo is qualified to be called Senior Brother. The other people's titles of Senior Brother and Senior Brother are actually just that kind of title. Everyone is just the same, and there is no distinction between them.

What's more, even if you are a Tianban student, Lin Zhen is also a Tianban. It is the progress of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Pagoda that really determines the order, not the time of entry.

However, for the few people present, the progress of the Thirty-Three Sky Tower is above Lin Zhen. Lin Zhen has not passed the twelfth floor at present. For a few of them, Ma Teng has passed the twelfth floor, while the others are twelve. The level of completion is also above Lin Zhen.

Ma Teng was hit by a concussion, his face flushed, and his face gloomy said: "Lin Zhen, let's talk about the holy land without talking about the brother's problem. Everyone knows about your affairs. The holy master did something wrong. However, after all, it did not cause any major consequences, and the Holy Land still needs the elixir of the holy master. I hope you can put the overall situation first and don't be arrogant."

The corner of Lin Zhen's mouth twitched: "Important? Qian Tong sent someone to arrest my If I didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid that the family will be killed. Can you still say there is no consequence?"

"But isn't your family okay?" Another martial artist said.

"My two sons have disappeared and entered the endless battlefield." Lin Zhendao.

Ma Teng sneered: "What's the big deal for me? Isn't it just that the two sons are gone? Life and death are still unclear. You are so young, Lin Zhen, how many children you want? But you know, holy alchemist There is only Qiantong. This is our precious wealth. You can't tell which is more important, right?"

"Of course I can tell."

Lin Zhen looked at Qian Tong: "In my eyes, this person is just like a mouse. Even if he is broken to pieces, he can't compare to a hair of my son. The matter between me and him must be broken today!"

Ma Teng saw that Lin Zhen didn't give any face, and his heart rose with anger: "Lin Zhen, everyone is in the Tianban to comprehend the stele. You don't want someone to stand in front of you every time you go to comprehend, do you? If you sink down, it may affect your future."

Lin Zhen's face was expressionless: "My future is always in my own hands. How can you be able to decide by a stubborn person like you."

"What! I'm a stubborn guy.....Good good! Lin Zhen, I don't care about this matter. Do you know how many people need holy-level pill now? If you kill the holy master, this will be your own bear!"

After speaking, Ma Teng and the other Tianban students gave up angrily.

After all, Lin Zhen was a person Jinnuo valued. They didn't dare to do anything with Lin Zhen and could only threaten them by all means.

But Lin Zhensi didn't take it, and looked at Qian Tong with piercing eyes: "Qian Tong, have you run out of tricks? When you run out, you are ready to die!"

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